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Okay so this mornin' I was reading some signs on the net and a lot gave me a laugh so I thought.. "Heck why not?" and made this thread. Post some funny ones you can find and AHEM keep it clean.



In Parma we have Hollywood Ave. It's just a side street and nobody famous goes there only by mistake now.


Great idear fer a thread Sheriff...I love funny signs...I've seen a good many...Hmm I will have to go look some up! Well I dunno if you would consider these signs but we was drivin past a housin development place called Blue Grass Village...n well nothin funny bout that but when we drove past the G and the R of grass had fallen off...It was quite funny...

Then a sign for the GOlden Corral The Gol and the ral letters fell off n it was the Den Cor....

Then in the hospital the sign for the Cafeteria was normal then one day is was the Cafeteri, then a couple more days it was the C feteri, n then a week or so later is was the C fe ri...the letters kept fallin off to eventually there was no more letters...lol...

Oh n then another sign they have at the county fair is: "If it is tourist season, why can't we shoot them?"

Well again a great idear can't wait to see what signs people have seen!

Great idear fer a thread Sheriff...I love funny signs...I've seen a good many...Hmm I will have to go look some up! Well I dunno if you would consider these signs but we was drivin past a housin development place called Blue Grass Village...n well nothin funny bout that but when we drove past the G and the R of grass had fallen off...It was quite funny...

Then a sign for the GOlden Corral The Gol and the ral letters fell off n it was the Den Cor....

Then in the hospital the sign for the Cafeteria was normal then one day is was the Cafeteri, then a couple more days it was the C feteri, n then a week or so later is was the C fe ri...the letters kept fallin off to eventually there was no more letters...lol...

Oh n then another sign they have at the county fair is: "If it is tourist season, why can't we shoot them?"

Well again a great idear can't wait to see what signs people have seen!

omg i saw one yesterday when my dad was driving us to go out to eat and my dad shined his headlights on the sighn and it said "You cant go Up,Down, Right,Left, or sideways" i thought it was funny, like some drunk posted it, it turned out that it was

LOL that is freaking funny

I got one for everybody now over ten years a co-worker was asked to put a sign on the road sign for the Wendy's I worked as well. They told him to put up "Now Hiring All Shifts" but instead what got up was "Now Hiring All ****s" I think that got taken down and changed later.lol.

I got one for everybody now over ten years a co-worker was asked to put a sign on the road sign for the Wendy's I worked as well. They told him to put up "Now Hiring All Shifts" but instead what got up was "Now Hiring All ****s" I think that got taken down and changed later.lol.

man im sure that sighn made every one laugh


On University BLVD in Jacksonville, they were putting up a Dunkin' Donuts and overnight someone put up a plywood sign........

"Future home of Jacksonville Sheriff's Office."

It was taken down before I could ever get a picture.


lol...those are funny..I love the donut one. lol....here are two of mine that I saw just drivin round after I saw this thread...I thought they were funny I hope you do too!


Haha note the sign beside the liquor store...haha...


I just thought this one was cute n funny

lol...those are funny..I love the donut one. lol....here are two of mine that I saw just drivin round after I saw this thread...I thought they were funny I hope you do too!


Haha note the sign beside the liquor store...haha...


I just thought this one was cute n funny

lol i like the second one, im about to post two that my dad saw on one of our vacations that i missed and he just found the pics



Standing in the wrong place at the wrong time:


This is kind of morbid. It's here in Belgium.

The upper sigh reads "waste recycling park"

The lower sign reads "cemetary"


This one is in France. The top sign, OK, I get that, watch out for trains.

But what is the lower sign for? "Do not fly behind your bicycle"?? :-D



  • 4 months later...
On University BLVD in Jacksonville, they were putting up a Dunkin' Donuts and overnight someone put up a plywood sign........

"Future home of Jacksonville Sheriff's Office."

It was taken down before I could ever get a picture.

Heres one. Its not the one i wanted to post but its close enough


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