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I went to dukesfest 08 and didnt have time to look at all of the filming locations well just got to drive through conyers. Since gas alot cheaper I talked to my wife and my cousin and I are gonna drive down here in a month or two. Really excited, just wanted to share the news.

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Sweet dukefan1!!

Do you know how to post pictures on the HazzardNet? It would be awesome to see updated photos of some of those locations. Maybe you could attend church at the old Boar's Nest!!


my dads gf's family live right on the other side of the the ohio penns. border right up by lake erie. I will have to find out what the name of the town is. WOW what a small world it really is.


Yea, a group I know went recently & checked locals & saw it just a few wks ago. Its progress and all but I still think it kinda sucks a lil ya know?


I was pretty sad to see how different the Boar's Nest looked when Ben Jones and Sonny Shroyer visited it on the special features on one of the series DVDs (I'm not sure which season that was, does anybody know?)

Well, I guess it could be worse. Imagine how terrible it would have been if it would have been torn down to build a housing development or something like that.

I'm wondering if Dukes tourists go to church services there just for the opportunity to step inside the building.


yeah it did look alot different that was in season 6 where enos and cooter went back to the boars nest. I cant wait to see it, I wish I was rich I could buy it and turn it back into the boars nest, like it should be.


Yeah the Boar's Nest was turned into a chapel but its not used for that anymore....rumor has it our favourite, tender hearted Duke boy seen above is planning on buying it and restoring it to former glory...just rumour of course...what really saddened me is the state of the Duke Farm now...its so unbelievably sad.

Yeah the Boar's Nest was turned into a chapel but its not used for that anymore....rumor has it our favourite, tender hearted Duke boy seen above is planning on buying it and restoring it to former glory...just rumour of course...what really saddened me is the state of the Duke Farm now...its so unbelievably sad.

BoJames LOL I actually pulled the pic back & cropped the crud out of it LOL.....For those in the know you can imagine who it was!

I seriously doubt he got it because the steeple was JUST added recently but from waht I have heard I wouldnt put it past him.

Yes the farmhouse is barely standing, rumors floated round it too was going to be restored but that turned out to be false. It is in sad sad shape for sure!


It was at Dukesfest 08 we found out that its no longer a chapel and that its for sale...land developers want it apparently but they cant build there for some legal reasons...the land is protected or something....thats why John was interested in it, he was going to buy it, restore it and then...well he didnt get that far lol


The original buildings were just a soundstage I think John said at some point....I doubt that that buildings from California are still there but if you go to Gerogia all the buildings that the set was based on are there.

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