CDoherty95 Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 Countrygirl you're right and wrong.Firstly yes the junkyard owner say "beat up,black 68 coupe".But if you look at front quarter panel in this picture you can see the round hole where the 68 turning signal used to be.Therefore its possible that the wrecked black charger we see is indeed a 68. But why the director (Tom Wopat) didn't pick up on this bloopers is a mystery to me. Quote
HossC Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I went back to look at the scene and the subtitles definitely say '68 (see below). I've never spotted the circular side marker hole before, and that would suggest a '68, but if you look at the inset picture as the car is towed away it has '69 tail lights. I'm guessing that it was a '69 that had its front fenders repaired with ones from a '68. It was probably a damaged General that they painted black - if you look at the scene when Bo and Luke first see the car there are three spots of what looks like orange paint on the trunk lid near the fuel filler cap. Quote
Jake01 Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I noticed a couple of things, one was the camera on the side of Rosco's Patrol Car on Double Sting at the time when Choctaw County Sheriff Hammerhand flipped his patrol car. Second was Sweetwater had one black rim on the right back wheel when he crashed into Rosco, don't have screens though but I saw the clips of those. Quote
HossC Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 ... the camera on the side of Rosco's Patrol Car on Double Sting at the time when Choctaw County Sheriff Hammerhand flipped his patrol car.I watched that scene several times when I was getting screengrabs for The Patrol Cars In Pictures thread - how did I miss the camera?. Quote
Jake01 Posted March 24, 2012 Posted March 24, 2012 There was another mistake I found on Cool Hands Bo And Luke, Sheriff Droopy didn't wear his hat when he was letting Bo and Luke get out of his patrol car, but when he appears when they confront Claybourne, his hat is on. Quote
CDoherty95 Posted April 4, 2012 Posted April 4, 2012 I just noticed this in the clip Brian uploaded to YouTube. The clip was taken from Carnival of Thrills Part 1 and is when Bo gets conned by Diane into doing the jump. Take a look at Diane's butt, is it just me or is that a mic box clipped onto her jeans? Quote
HossC Posted April 4, 2012 Posted April 4, 2012 Take a look at Diane's butt, is it just me or is that a mic box clipped onto her jeans?After watching the clip on YouTube I went back to my DVDs for a better quality look. The DVDs also help to give context in a longer version of the scene. Watch carefully just after Diane kisses Bo before the race - she reaches to her back pocket to pull the object out. She does this because the object is the gun used to start the race:The other reason I'm sure it's not a mic is that the boom mic they used is visible in the center at the bottom of the screen. You can see it moving from side to side depending on who's talking.If anyone else has a suspected blooper involving female guest stars butts, let me know . Quote
K-Duke15 Posted April 4, 2012 Posted April 4, 2012 That's some interesting stuff. I think its good to have these mistakes because it gives us a reason to watch them more. And it gives us a little game. Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 4, 2012 Posted April 4, 2012 If anyone else has a suspected blooper involving female guest stars butts, let me know .ROFL. I was thinkin' you probably enjoyed checking that one out. Heh! Quote
CNH-320 Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I'm watching 'Hazzard Connection' & I just noticed that just after Luke drove the slammer car off the back of the transporter (right near the end of the episode) that it shows a close up of Luke in The General then cuts back to the red slammer car. Cheers Brad Quote
HossC Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I'm watching 'Hazzard Connection' & I just noticed that just after Luke drove the slammer car off the back of the transporter (right near the end of the episode) that it shows a close up of Luke in The General then cuts back to the red slammer car. Cheers BradWell spotted Brad. The 'slammer' car is a red '61 Mercury:The car Luke is driving in the close-ups is clearly an orange '69 Charger (sounds familiar ): Skipper Duke 1 Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 I don't know how I missed most of the bloopers mentioned in this thread. They're so obvious when pointed out! I guess I have a problem with zoning out when I watch television lol. Quote
CDoherty95 Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 The car Luke is driving in the close-ups is clearly an orange '69 Charger (sounds familiar ):'69 charger? Hoss the soundstage Lee was actually a '68 charger. You can see the point in the middle of the dash in some shots, indicating that it's a '68.I'm not sure if the soundstage Lee was the same throughout the series, but I wonder why it wasn't swapped out with a '69 during the Veluzat / WB switchover. Quote
HossC Posted April 10, 2012 Posted April 10, 2012 '69 charger? Hoss the soundstage Lee was actually a '68 charger. You can see the point in the middle of the dash in some shots, indicating that it's a '68.I didn't know that the soundstage car was a '68 - be fair, there aren't a lot of '68 styling cues in the image I had to work with .Here's a couple from 'Daisy's Song'. In the first picture Bo is in the Road Runner while Luke is driving Ms. Mabel's RV. Two patrols are seen racing towards their location, yet when Bo crashes through this gate the patrol cars are visible in the background. One is moving slightly, the other is completely stationary. The front of the blue Chevy Chevette is just visible above the windshield of the Road Runner - it is also stationary. Immediately after this the patrol cars are hot on their heels.Towards the end of the episode Ms. Mabel and her girls arrive in their RV to distract the music pirates. When the RV enters the field it has a large hand-made banner on the side.When it comes to rest, and for the remainder of the scene, the banner has been changed. It still seems to have the same misspelled message ("WELCOME SINDICATE PIRATS TO HAZZARD COUNTY"), but the writing is different. In the version below the lettering is heavier and more rounded. It looks like this later scene was filmed with artificial lighting (see reflection to the right of the RV's door), and may even have been a different day. Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted April 10, 2012 Posted April 10, 2012 Looks to me like someone on the crew, or perhaps a few of them, couldn't spell. I've heard there is another misspelling to be found, I believe in one armed bandits. Quote
HossC Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 Looks to me like someone on the crew, or perhaps a few of them, couldn't spell. I've heard there is another misspelling to be found, I believe in one armed bandits.The well known one in 'One Armed Bandits' is the banner at the end where they spell Rosco as "Roscoe":In the close-ups there is a balloon in the way so you can't see the mistake:You may be right about bad spellers on the crew. If you check out The Patrol Cars in Pictures thread you'll see that US Marshal was often spelled "US Marshall". Also, in the Bad Spell of Jesse! thread you'll see that Jesse's name was spelled "Jessie" at least twice. Quote
CNH-320 Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 I noticed the other day but forgot which episode (somewhere in series 3) & the post that was just added on Facebook has a screen grab of Luke sitting on the bonnet of the General & the bottom of the nudge bars aren't attached to the car. It's just welded on at the bumperbar. Cheers Brad Quote
CDoherty95 Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 You mean this picture?It looks like it's from "My Son, Bo Hogg". The pushbar also bolted to the bumper on some cars. Bear in mind that the small pushbars were stock, and were designed for pickup trucks. And there wasn't anything to weld the pushbar to under the car. That's another reason why they switched to the wider pushbar, so they could weld them to the frame. Quote
HossC Posted April 28, 2012 Posted April 28, 2012 I spotted a couple of errors in 'Farewell, Hazzard' the other day. The first is when Bo goes to check out the field where they saw the helicopter. As he arrives the General is missing its license plate, yet moments later it's back (see inset) even though Bo just walked around the front of the car:Later on the helicopter tries to run them off the road again. The fake helicopter skids in the studio shots have larger black areas on them. Also, that's definitely not Bo driving in the first picture. Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted April 29, 2012 Posted April 29, 2012 Speakin' of the back end of the General Lee, if you pay attention in the reunion movie, the first one, the black area surrounding the tail lights is painted orange, but, if you look at the clips they stole from the show to avoid stunt driving, shows it as black. It's the tail light panel.Sorry, they just make it oh so obvious! Quote
HossC Posted April 29, 2012 Posted April 29, 2012 Speakin' of the back end of the General Lee, if you pay attention in the reunion movie, the first one, the black area surrounding the tail lights is painted orange, but, if you look at the clips they stole from the show to avoid stunt driving, shows it as black. It's the tail light panel.Sorry, they just make it oh so obvious!It is very obvious. I've had this screengrab lying around for a while. Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted April 29, 2012 Posted April 29, 2012 Hoss, zoom in and clean that back left panel up. It looks like you can see the director's chair and behind the scenes people over there. Quote
HossC Posted May 7, 2012 Posted May 7, 2012 I've just been flicking through 'Find Loretta Lynn' and given the number of bloopers I spotted, I think 'Find the Continuity Person' would've been a better title.I'll start with the scene at the Boar's Nest where Rosco and Enos's cars are chained together. In the close-ups the chains are clearly tied around the bumpers of each car, but in the long shot the chain seems to go around the front axle of Enos's car without touching the bumper.Then when the cars pull apart the chain is back on the bumpers, pulling the back off of Rosco's car and the front off of Enos's. That's how they appear for most of the rest of the episode, except for a couple of scenes when someone forgot. The lower left picture is when Rosco and Enos are following Jesse and Daisy (who's dressed as Loretta), while the lower right shows the cars when they hit the back of Jesse's truck. Both show that the two cars are complete, even though they were shown with their panels missing between these two shots.When Rosco and Enos descend the tree from where they've been spying on the Duke Farm, Rosco gets his belt caught on the way down (see inset). As Enos tries to help, Rosco swings about two feet to the left on a suspending cable (arrowed) - it's easier to see when moving.Finally there are continuity errors at the beginning and end of the concluding chase. As Bo and Luke leave the stockyards they are on a light dusty surface, but the close-up of the General's wheel spinning shows grass and leaves on the ground. Then at the end Luke gets Bubba to pull off to the side of a two-lane road, which changes to a dirt track in a grassy area when Bubba makes a run for it. Quote
HossC Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 This one may be something that only an ex-signmaker would spot. In 'The Rustlers' the bad guys try to disguise the pale blue van by removing the signs from the sides. The signs come off really easily as if they are made of the static cling material usually used for window signs. Whatever they're made of, they come off cleanly.A bit later Cooter spots adhesive residue on the van. There is no way this could happen when the sign had a solid rectangular backing. If any glue had been left behind it would not be in the shape of letters.Moving on to 'Undercover Dukes', here's the close-up of JJ Carver's map of crime bosses and their regions:Yet, when Luke removes the picture that hides it, and when JJ Carver looks at it earlier, the names of the crime bosses have disappeared. Quote
Cooperman Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 There's a blooper that I only just spotted a few weeks ago - I can't believe I've been watching the Dukes for so long and missed the same goof in almost every episode. Look at the photo below and see if you can spot it! Sorry it's a little blurry, but the General was movin', ya see! Quote
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