HossC Posted August 15, 2011 Posted August 15, 2011 Maybe someone can post a screen cap or two of each? Happy to oblige CD.I just finished watching Enos's Last Chance. Just after Scanlon (or Scallion as Rosco called him) escaped from jail you can see his green Chevy parked in the background as he shoots at the tires.I think you're right, that does look like Scanlon's car in the background, although it's not there when the Dukes get back to town. Here's the scene with a later shot of his car inset.There's a couple of other continuity mistakes in that episode. As Scanlon is driving the patrol car it briefly changes from a Plymouth Fury to an AMC Matador just before it comes up behind the orange truck. After he dumps the patrol car, Scanlon makes off in his green car which clearly has a dent over the rear door handle. The dent has gone next time we see the car.Also in Opening Night at the Boars Nest,as everybody pulls up outside the Boars Nest for the last time, you can see that Sonny isn't playing Enos,somebody else is. Watch carefully as boss turns away from the door,and "Enos" turns around.Not too sure about this one. Whoever is playing Enos seems to be reluctant to turn around. This is the best shot I could get, and Cooter's hat blends into his face, making his top lip look bigger. I think you're right, but I'll leave it up to others to decide. Quote
CDoherty95 Posted August 18, 2011 Posted August 18, 2011 Thanks Hoss.Im almost 100% sure that Enos isnt played by Sonny,and Cooter probably isnt played by Ben.I noticed that his hat is very low on his head and he seems a bit stockier than he does in the Boars Nest.I wonder why Sonny and Ben weren't in the final scene? Because Enos's and Daisy's Wedding and Opening Night at the Boars Nest were probably filmed at Valencia at the same time. Quote
HossC Posted September 6, 2011 Posted September 6, 2011 Here's a couple more from season 1.In 'Limo One is Missing' the brief scene when the General pulls over (just before the motorcyle cops jump into the lake) has been mirrored.Near the start of 'Deputy Dukes', Cindy Lou and Maybelle steal all of Bo and Luke's clothes. The girls can be seen carrying their pants, and the boys clearly have bare legs when they climb into the General. However, when we see them a couple of minutes later, just before they run into Rosco, they (or at least the two guys in the car) are both wearing jeans. Quote
HossC Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 In the first part of 'Carnival of Thrills', Diane Benson asks Bo "You don't care much about expenses, do you?" when he takes her "best show car" for his first trial practice. She was right, because he uses three different cars to make the jump!. Bo climbs into a 1972 Plymouth Fury, puts on his seatbelt and moves off. He then accelerates and takes off in a 1972 Plymouth Satellite. The car that lands and turns after the jump is a 1973 Ford Torino. Finally Bo returns in the 1972 Plymouth Fury he started with. If only they hadn't picked cars with such different grilles, they may have got away with it. Quote
MaryAnne Posted October 6, 2011 Posted October 6, 2011 Holy crap! I don't think I ever picked up on that before! ROFL I can understand the jump car being different from the "close up" car but why the extra third car for the accelerating footage..?? Quote
CDoherty95 Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I just spotted this one in Opening Night at the Boars Nest. As Bubba and Flyod try to run Boss down in the square they supposedly escape in a dark blue chevy nova. However as Bo and Luke back away from the camera to do a j-turn look in the top lefthand side of the screen. It appears that the Malone brothers ditched the car in Hazzard square!! Quote
HossC Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 I just spotted this one in Opening Night at the Boars Nest. As Bubba and Flyod try to run Boss down in the square they supposedly escape in a dark blue chevy nova. However as Bo and Luke back away from the camera to do a j-turn look in the top lefthand side of the screen. It appears that the Malone brothers ditched the car in Hazzard square!! Here's a couple of screengrabs to illustrate CD's point.Firstly, this is Floyd and Bubba's Blue Nova:And here's the parked car (on the left), looking suspiciously similar, and seen just a few seconds after they were meant to have driven off.Just to add another blooper from the same scene, the back projection used as Bo and Luke pull up to protect Boss clearly shows 'Seth M. Berley & Co.', which got replaced in season 5. Quote
HossC Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 These three bloopers all fall into the category of visible equipment, ie. equipment that should be out of sight.In 'Gold Fever' this car flips during the chase scene with Dr. Homer Willis's RV. The explosion blows away the foliage that was covering the pipe ramp, leaving it exposed.In 'Duke vs. Duke' Flash raises her ears when Rosco tries to jump to victory at the end of the race. It doesn't come out too well in this screengrab, but if you watch the scene you can clearly see that there's a thin black wire pulling the ears up (I've arrowed the visible one on the left ear).In 'Ding, Dong, the Boss Is Dead' the Dukes have to stop Boss's runaway coffin. The coffin then sails through the air and ends up in a tree/bush. In the long shot there is no tree/bush anywhere near the spot where the General blocks the coffin's path. Additionally, the coffin follows an arced trajectory due to the fact that it's swinging on a very obvious cable. Quote
HossC Posted October 26, 2011 Posted October 26, 2011 I know I'm being pedantic here - I hold my hands up . This sign is seen in the Boar's Nest in season 1."I'd like to complain about the inappropriate use of an apostrophe in this sign. May I return it?." Quote
CDoherty95 Posted November 23, 2011 Posted November 23, 2011 Don't know if anyone noticed this one,but in Comrade Duke one of the russians cars changes from a Ford Galexie to a Chevy Impala Quote
Alex-Dukes Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 The television series The Dukes of Hazzard happens many mistakes and bloopers are funny too, because they are the errors produced by the cast or the team and can be heard or seen in the episodes.But it's fun. Quote
BoandLuke Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 There is an episode where the boys drive up into the back of a moving truck...when thy entered Luke was driving and then you hear Luke say "Come on Bo, lets get out of here" and when the General back out Bo is driving. Quote
K-Duke15 Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 Okay, so i already started a thread on this in the 'Dukes of Hazzard Episodes' in this catagory. I read through this whole thread to make sure no one else has mentioned it but no one has. And I noticed this and its my first time watching the episode. Any of you notice this? Quote
K-Duke15 Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8516Here is a link to the forum I started on the goof. Quote
HossC Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 I think that this one comes under the category of visible crew and/or equipment. When Jesse approaches the scene of the first car-stripping in 'Arrest Jesse Duke' the area is meant to be deserted, but there is clearly a large vehicle parked at the side of the road (see the door mirror sticking out on the far left). Judging by the shadows there may also be a smaller vehicle behind it. Quote
CNH-320 Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 I've just finished watching series 1-5 since early January & found a few mistakes that haven't been mentioned yet, but I've forgotten them so I have to rewatch to see them. But somewhere in the 3rd series there is a long shot of the general driving (in the country) towards the camera & becomes a close up & you can see the film crews shadows on the ground.Also somewhere in the 5th season, in a couple of long shots there are a couple of interesting buildings in some driving scenes out at the ranch. I'm going to rematch them again to confirm which episodes they are. Brad Quote
HossC Posted March 2, 2012 Posted March 2, 2012 Here's a couple of continuity errors I spotted in 'Happy Birthday, General Lee'. The first is the lights on the Capitol City patrol car. When it first chases the black Charger the blue light is above the driver, but a few seconds later, and in every other appearance, the red light is on the driver's side:The second is the black Charger itself. When it's nudged off the road by the Capitol City patrol car it takes a hard knock to the driver's door that leaves a big dent. It comes to rest after a hard impact to the front passenger corner. It also has a very glossy paint finish.When Bo and Luke pick up the car from the scrapyard the driver's door has miraculously been repaired. The front end damage is worse on the driver's side and the car now has a distinctly matt finish that cannot be put down to dust. Quote
HossC Posted March 7, 2012 Posted March 7, 2012 I was making my way through season 4 looking for patrol cars when I spotted this one in 'Pin the Tail on the Dukes'. About ten minutes into the show Hector takes Mr. Rhuebottom's van and Bo and Luke return it so he doesn't get into trouble. Here's the van as Bo and Luke park up opposite Cooter's:When Rosco follows them into the Square and pulls up in front of the van all the signage on the side has disappeared. The signage on the other side is present when Rosco confronts the Duke boys, and the signage reappears on this side when they drive off with Cooter. Quote
TheDukesOfHazzardfan01 Posted March 11, 2012 Posted March 11, 2012 I was watching "The Return of Hughie Hogg" and noticed this mistake. When Bo, Luke, and Rosco break out of jail they run to Cooter's to hide. Cletus is also at Cooter's. In the next scene they arrive at the farm and Uncle Jesse says "Where in the world have you boy's been ? Daisy and Cletus have been combing the hills for you". Why would Cletus be combing the hills for them when they're all at Cooter's ? Quote
HossC Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I finally got hold of 'The Dukes' cartoon series on DVD and I didn't think it should be excluded from this thread. I appreciate that cartoons have different rules to live-action so I've let some things slide, but these I couldn't. First are the seats/seatbelts in The General. About half of the time no one is wearing a seatbelt, as shown in the first picture. In the second picture the front seat occupants have conventional over-the-shoulder seatbelts, although the belts disappear behind their backs - not much use in an accident!. In the third picture Vance's seatbelt is across his left shoulder. The fourth picture shows all three occupants wearing seatbelts although the front seats have mysteriously disappeared. By the fifth picture it's only those in the front with belts again, but the belts are now attached to the roof. Finally the last picture shows the top of seatbelts attched to the top of the A-pillars by the windshield. I guess they added the belts because of the target audience (in the live-action show The General hardly ever seems to have seatbelts), but they could've at least been consistent. Both the pictures below show views in rear-view mirrors. In the one on the left they forgot to reverse the image. During a river crossing (I think from 'The Dukes in Urbekistan') we get a close-up of The General's rear. The license plate clearly shows "CHN 920" instead of "CNH 320". It's correct in other shots that I've checked. Incidentally, with all the countries in the world to choose from, why did they have to make up Urbekistan?. Were they worried that the people of Uzbekistan would take offence?. Likewise, in 'The Dukes in Switzerland' the secret police are from Slavonia which sounds suspiciously like the European country Slovenia (although it was still part of Yugoslavia when the cartoon was made). If anything, the secret police sound more like the Stasi that operated in East Germany until reunification in 1990. The final one here may not be a blooper, but I bet no one at Hanna-Barbera considered it. In 'Dukes in Scotland' the story revolves around a money counterfeiting operation, but they are counterfeiting Bank of England (English/Welsh) bank notes. Scotland has it's own bank notes that are issued by retail banks, not central banks and don't have the Queen's head on them. I accept that they could've been making English/Welsh notes because they are easier to dispose of (Scottish notes can be refused in England and Wales and are not accepted by banks and exchange bureaus outside of the United Kingdom). I also wonder why they would bother counterfeiting the lowest denomination note. Most forgers go for £20 notes. The £50 note had entered circulation in 1981, but even today they are scrutinized a lot more than other notes due to their higher value. Quote
CNH-320 Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 I finially had some time to watch series 3 again. In 'The legacy' right after Cletus drives his car through J.D Hoggs's sawmill (which looks a lot like the Boars Nest, with a different facia) is where in the scene after you see the crew members shadows on the ground. Brad Quote
HossC Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 I've never noticed that one before, Brad. I think this is the scene you're talking about: Quote
HossC Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 Another couple here from the cartoon series, both from 'Boss O' Hogg and the Little People'.I haven't checked all of Uncle Jesse's correspondence, but in this episode the name and address on his postcard are strange and varied. The first picture clearly shows a postcard addressed to "JESSIE WILLIAMS". The second has shortened his name to "JESSI", while the third calls him "JESSIE WILLIAS" and the word "HUNGRY" mysteriously appears in the address. In the last shot his name looks more like "JESSIE SASSUSS". Is "DUKE" such a hard name to spell?.When the race visits England ('The Dukes of London') the police cars are correctly badged "POLICE". When the race reaches France ('The Dukes do Paris') the police cars are correctly badged "POLICE". When the race goes through Austria ('Tales of the Vienna Hoods') the police cars are correctly badged "POLIZEI". When the race takes place in Ireland the police cars seem to have been recycled from 'The Dukes of London' because they are still badged "POLICE" instead of the correct "GARDA". Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 I could be mistaken, but I think last time I watched happy birthday general lee, there was a blooper when the man was selling the charger to the boys. Pay very close attention to the year he mentions the car being. If I am not mistaken, he calls it s 68. Like I said, I could be wrong, it has been a while and I vaguely remember this. Quote
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