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Ok I have an episode in my head and I cant remember all of it or even enough of it to figure out which one it is.

Hopefully someone can help though. here are the clues.

Bo is for the most part not in it. if he is at all its at the begining and is leaving to go some where.

at one point Daisy and Luke are running to catch up with cooters tow truck which is the yellow one with the pitch fork(im pretty sure) on the back if I remember correctly daisy has on a black and white striped shirt but that is iffy.

I have seen them all at least twice but I cant get it straight in my head which one that one is. any help is greatly appreciated



Welcome to the Hazzardnet Darkrin. We hope you stay awhile.

I know Bo was off for a weekend at the USMC Reserves in "Baa Baa White Sheep" from season three. Check that one out if you have it....if not, I'll check it out later for you. In the meantime, maybe somebody will remember what episodes he was gone on the NASCAR circuit (without Luke) and post it.

If you have any more of these. please post them...these are fun challenges....even though I didn't do so good at this one. I'm gone.


thank you for the quick reply I just watched that episode and that wasn't it.

is there another without bo and with luke?

if not I have a chore adhead of me of watching the whole series again. minus season 5 of course.

wow im getting old cause I used could remember just about anythng esp when it comes to the dukes of hazzard

thanks for any help



well I just watched baa baa white sheep to and while that was the correct tow truck the correct shirt in the later half of the show its not the one im thinking of evidently im mixing two episodes in my head.

I do think its in the last 2 seasons so that narrows it down some if im right about that. thanks again for your help Roger & Lori . if you think of anything let me know and I will get to watching and let you know if I figured it out.

Btw I have all of the dukes so I will find it...it just may take a while



Hey Darkrin, I'm going to send BoJamesDuke a PM. I'm almost certain Bo will know. Hopefully the answer will be posted here soon. Maybe I'll send a PM to MinDuke also. One of them will definitely solve this fun mystery. .


Okay, I can help you out on this one based on the episodes Bo was not in. The three he were not in were Baa Baa White Sheep, The Fortune Tellers and How to Suceed in Hazzard. The episodes I think your talking about is the third - How to Succeed in Hazzard but check all three and make sure i'm not wrong :) Bo does appear in the last two episodes but only at the end making a phone call that was pre recorded because good ol' John went to a Nascar rally instead of work...tsk tsk lol.

And glad to know you have such faith in me Roger, you know one day your gonna ask me a question I dont know the answer too lol


It looks like Darkrin is getting really close to finding the answer to this problem.

I really like this thread. Any problem that can be solved by watching episodes of the Dukes of Hazzard is my kind of problem.

Sorry to put so much pressure on you by having that much faith in your knowledge Bo. It's not my fault though....it's yours for being so intelligent. Your reputation is justly deserved.


lol too true...he may be my alter ego but me as a person...there are people out there with more knowledge than me, on Hazzardnet even. I know a fair amount but if other people had known about this thread, i'm sure others would have answered it. I dont even know if the answer I gave is right yet lol


its not any 3 of those so it must be one with bo and that only leaves those 3 and most of season 5 out, unless there are some without luke and the one without daisy. quite a bit of watching to do

sorry for the delay in reply but life got in the way for a while ill post an answer soon as I find it but it may be a while



Hey, the only other one I can think of where Bo is leaving for somewhere in the beginning on his own if the much loved on hnet My Son, Bo Hogg. He's leaving to go hunting in the beginning. I know Daisy and Luke work together a lot in that one, I dont know that they chase Cooter's tow truck but I know they chase the sherriff's car and I think Daisy's wearing a stripy top of some kind...red and white it might have been...check it out. Its the closest one I can think of off the top of my head that fits your description.


Well Darkrin, the good news is that you now have an excuse to watch a lot of episodes. Here's what I recommend:

1) watch episode number one of season one

2) watch episode number two of season one

3) watch every episode after that, in order, until the end of season 7

4) If you haven't found the episode you're looking for, repeat steps 1-3.

(even if you have found it repeat steps 1-3)

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