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"He's at home sleepin'...he wont be awake till tomorrow at least...I gave him some sleepin pills that are strong enough t'knock out a horse..."

He admitted quietly, looking down at the floor. He knew his Uncle was worried now and hated how much more pale his Uncle had gone.


Jesse shook his head slightly closing his eyes in thought. Luke had always been sensative, though in ways different from Bo. He held everything inside, until it exposed itself volatily. And this time he was being volatile against himself.


Bo sighed and nodded.

"I know Uncle Jesse...but he wont come near here voulentarily...i've tried getting him to come along with us before but all he did was yell at me and tell me to keep out his way..."


Bo swallowed hard, hearing his Uncle's voice waver and then Daisy's choked sob next to him. The one thing he had been praying someone else had a solution for...and no one else did besides his. He wanted to be the one to be able to bring Luke out of this...he wanted to be able to help his cousin...but this time...this time it just wasn't possible...not when Luke had sunk so low that he had pushed everyone else away and refused to let them closer.


Bo shook his head quickly and cleared his throat.

"No, ain't your fault and it aint really Luke's either...we just...gotta get him any help that we can...its okay Uncle Jesse, things'll work out....dont you worry about it..."


"I know...we all know Uncle Jesse...I promise i'll look after everything...i'll do everything I can to help Luke...please dont worry so much...please Uncle Jesse..."

Bo near begged, not being able to stand having to try and ease Jesse's mind too. It was bad enough that Luke was already hurting their uncle like this, he didn't want Jesse to pass anything but peacefully...


Jesse nodded slightly, his deep blue eyes seeming sunken. The wrinkles that formed in the corners when he smiled, once having made him look happy, now just made him look his age.

Daisy hugged her uncle's hand close to her heart. She couldn't imagine life without her uncle, and she didn't really want to try. Instead she wanted to hang on to him, for as long as God would allow.


With teary blue eyes of his own, Bo gently rested a tender hand on his Uncle's head as he held Jesse's other hand with his own. Things were guarenteed to be different now, and with their Uncle nearly gone, things were already falling apart...Bo didn't know how things were ever going to be okay, he was taking each objective at a time as they arose...he had no plan, no foresight as to what could happen. All he could think of was being with his Uncle as long as he could, getting Luke the help that even Jesse could see he needed....and talking to him tomorrow one last time to see if Luke would at least come in and say goodbye.

"Just hang on one more day Uncle Jesse...i'll talk to Luke when he wakes up and try and get him in tomorrow....please...please dont leave before I get back here..."


Jesse's answer was to give a small weary nod, though in his heart he knew that the decision wasn't his to make. Closing his eyes, he soon fell back into a worried and fretful sleep.

Daisy's lip quivered as she watched her uncle close his eyes, so scared that each time he did he wouldn't reopen them.

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