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Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?  

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  1. 1. Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?

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"Oh." Cooter answers before going to change Jamie's diaper as she starts getting fussy.

Cue Julieduke.

Uncle Jesse says "Hey Cooter let me know if Jamie is getting a fever allright you can tell with babies easier than girls the age of Lizzy and Julie they fake that there not sick yet."

cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Uncle Jesse says "Hey Cooter let me know if Jamie is getting a fever allright you can tell with babies easier than girls the age of Lizzy and Julie they fake that there not sick yet."

cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"Will do, Uncle Jesse." Cooter answers. After changing the diaper Cooter stops in Julie's room to check on her before walking back to the living room.

Cue anyone.

"Will do, Uncle Jesse." Cooter answers. After changing the diaper Cooter stops in Julie's room to check on her before walking back to the living room.

Cue anyone.

In her sleep Julie says "No, this can't happen why oh shoot I got to duck there aiming for me now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"Julie are you alright?" Cooter asks touching her shoulder.

Cue Julieduke.

Julie wakes up and says "Oh I'm not in my car trying to get away and witnessing what happened I had a dream where it keeps happening and happening."

Julie wakes up and says "Oh I'm not in my car trying to get away and witnessing what happened I had a dream where it keeps happening and happening."

"It's alright, don't worry, you're safe and your cousins are out there and they'll get James and Emy back don't worry." Cooter says.

Cue Julieduke.

"It's alright, don't worry, you're safe and your cousins are out there and they'll get James and Emy back don't worry." Cooter says.

Cue Julieduke.

Julie says "Can you get a bucket or something I feel like I going to throw-up right now Cooter."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport


Emy tried to escae that night. she managed to get herself untied.She went over to the phone to dial the Duke farm but was stopped.

Hughie who had just arrived, took the phone from her. "You two can't handle a little eight year old?"He said. "As he tied her back to the chair.

Bo walked into the farm house and sat on the couch. " We didnt get enough money to pay the ransom for James and emy." He said.

" When I find out who's behind this hes gonna be six feet under." Luke said.

" My Uncle Jesses gonna be so mad at you Hughie!"Emy said as she kicked and squirmed.

Julie says "Can you get a bucket or something I feel like I going to throw-up right now Cooter."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Cooter nodded and got a bucket from the bathroom and brought it back to Julie. "I have to leave ya now Julie, I'll be out in the living room if you need anything I just don't want Jamie to get sick." Cooter said.

out in the living room.

"Why is this couch so lumpy?" Bo said.

"Cause you're sitting on someone." Luke says.

"Bo get up or you'll squish Lizzy." Jesse says.

Cue Julieduke.

Emy tried to escae that night. she managed to get herself untied.She went over to the phone to dial the Duke farm but was stopped.

Hughie who had just arrived, took the phone from her. "You two can't handle a little eight year old?"He said. "As he tied her back to the chair.

Bo walked into the farm house and sat on the couch. " We didnt get enough money to pay the ransom for James and emy." He said.

" When I find out who's behind this hes gonna be six feet under." Luke said.

" My Uncle Jesses gonna be so mad at you Hughie!"Emy said as she kicked and squirmed.

Uncle Jesse says "Well don't disturb you sister Bo I know your mad and you miss your twin but I just got your niece asleep and Lizzy is asleep as well. They both got flu and yeah you might've notice as well that Cooter never went home as well."

Cooter nodded and got a bucket from the bathroom and brought it back to Julie. "I have to leave ya now Julie, I'll be out in the living room if you need anything I just don't want Jamie to get sick." Cooter said.

Cue Julieduke.

Julie says "Okay, I understand Cooter can you come back for the bucket I know I'm being a pain in the but I will be get better thow sooner or later."

Cooter nodded and got a bucket from the bathroom and brought it back to Julie. "I have to leave ya now Julie, I'll be out in the living room if you need anything I just don't want Jamie to get sick." Cooter said.

out in the living room.

"Why is this couch so lumpy?" Bo said.

"Cause you're sitting on someone." Luke says.

"Bo get up or you'll squish Lizzy." Jesse says.

Cue Julieduke.

Julie says "Oh come on Bo, quit that I'm trying to sleep I miss Emy and James where are they and Luke have you met Jamie yet."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Julie says "Oh come on Bo, quit that I'm trying to sleep I miss Emy and James where are they and Luke have you met Jamie yet."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Lizzy rolls over again and gets more comfortable. Cooter hands Jamie to Daisy who has just come in and then goes back to help Julie out.

Cue anyone.

Lizzy rolls over again and gets more comfortable. Cooter hands Jamie to Daisy who has just come in and then goes back to help Julie out.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "But, I don't want to go to asleep Cooter my stomach hurts it's hard and it's too hot here as well. I don't want to that's all."

Julie says "But, I don't want to go to asleep Cooter my stomach hurts it's hard and it's too hot here as well. I don't want to that's all."

"I know you don't want to sweetie but it's for the best." Cooter says opening the window and then going to empty the bucket.

Cue anyone.


Julie falls asleep and it seems she is quiet again.

Balladeer: No matter, Bo and Luke left again they know what Julie like when she's sick a royal pain in the but at times. All the sweetness goes out the window with her.

Julie falls asleep and it seems she is quiet again.

Balladeer: No matter, Bo and Luke left again they know what Julie like when she's sick a royal pain in the but at times. All the sweetness goes out the window with her.

Cooter drops the bucket back into Julie's room next to the bed and then goes out to check on his daughter who is tossing and turning. "Lizzy?" Cooter asks touching her side. Lizzy stills and falls back asleep.

"I've never seen anyone that sick sleep so much." Daisy says.

Cue anyone.


Uncle Jesse comes over and says " I don't know how to explain, Julie just keeps waking up and everytime she gets crabby and crabby why do you think your cousin left just now Daisy. Doc Appleby is coming out in the moring and checking on the two of them and see that Jamie isn't sick as well that's just what we need right now."

Uncle Jesse comes over and says " I don't know how to explain, Julie just keeps waking up and everytime she gets crabby and crabby why do you think your cousin left just now Daisy. Doc Appleby is coming out in the moring and checking on the two of them and see that Jamie isn't sick as well that's just what we need right now."

Lizzy was feeling very uncomfortable so she kicks out to kick off her covers but she wasn't covered in the first place so it doesn't help anyway. "So hot and uncomfortable." Lizzy mutters.

"Cooter bring me a bowl of lukewarm water would ya?" Jesse says. Cooter nods and brings a bowl and soft cloth to Jesse who wets the cloth and wipes down Lizzy's forehead. Lizzy whines a bit but settles for the most part.

Cue anyone.


Luke sat shotgun beside bow and had put the bow and arrows in the back seat. The ride was going to be long enough that he didn't need to hold them.

"You know Bo, we Dukes have been down before because of crooks, but this is the lowest. James and Emy are gone, Julie and Lizzy are sick, and now we've got a baby to tend to that ain't got her Daddy around."

He sighed out of frustration or simply from the impact of the whole situation. "They can take care of the girls at home. There's nothing I hate more than a bunch of sick women with too much time on their hands." Cracking a smile, he chuckled.

"Now, listen we're the only ones that's going to be able to face these guys and get James and Emy back. There ain't no room for mistakes. We've got to be careful, but I am just about to the point where I could just use these guys as stress relievers."

Pausing, he glanced over at Bo, "I ain't felt this pumped up since the Marines."


Bo just looks over at his cousin and agrees with him and continues driving along.

Meanwhile at The Cabin

Frank says "Listen, don't neither one of you try anything else I mean it now."

Jesse says "Frank, we can't do that now that's just plain old mean and isn't there cousin Sgt. Luke Duke I think I knew him when I was in the Marines."

Lizzy sat up and looked around. "Baby must calm baby." Lizzy says in a slight panic. "Baby hand me baby." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Uncle Jesse says "Lizzy, what if the baby gets the flu as well then James has to deal with as well."


Julie started shivering and she sure did get everybody attention now, and she had seen it to but she couldn't help she was cold and she just wanted another blanket right now.

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