LoriDavenport Posted September 26, 2008 Posted September 26, 2008 "Of course he will!" Jesse replied instantly. Everyone of his nephews and his nieces would pitch in and help if he needed it the most. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted September 26, 2008 Posted September 26, 2008 Jesse went back to try lower Luke's temper. Taking the towel he went back to wipe Luke's face again. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 Letting out a long deep snore, Lori wiggled around in her seat a little, pulling the warm blanket up over her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, as she looked around the room seeing Jesse and JJ standing before her."When'd ya'll get here?" Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 "We got here little while ago. Go back to sleep." Jesse told her. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 Lori yawned a little stretching. "Is he ok?" She mumbled her question, dozing off again. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 "He's a little cooler" said Jesse. "Uncle Jesse, you want to take over." asked JJ. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 It was then that the nurse came back in. "Excuse me." said the nurse as she came to check on Luke.JJ watched as the nurse did her job. "Is he going to ok?" she asked when the nurse was done. "He's tempature is down. So that's good. Know we just have to wait for him to wake up." said the nurse before she walked out.JJ walked back over to her brother. "Please Luke wake up." she whispered. Quote
Julieduke Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 It was then that the nurse came back in. "Excuse me." said the nurse as she came to check on Luke.JJ watched as the nurse did her job. "Is he going to ok?" she asked when the nurse was done. "He's tempature is down. So that's good. Know we just have to wait for him to wake up." said the nurse before she walked out.JJ walked back over to her brother. "Please Luke wake up." she whispered.Julie walks in and says "Hey JJ, Luke looks so peaceful right I kind of heard what the nurse said and I hope he wakes up pretty soon as well." Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted November 20, 2008 Author Posted November 20, 2008 Then suddenly Luke began to moan so JJ walked over to his bed and said " Luke you okay?. then Luke's eyelids began to flutter and JJ got this look on her face that he will wake up" Luke c'mon brother wake up please ", then Luke's eyes halfway opened he looked around the room then he looked beside his bed and saw JJ he smiled for the first time in awhile.Then JJ said " I'll be right back I'm gonna get the doctor " she spotted Luke's doctor by the nurses station she said " Dr. Sanders Luke woke up his fever broke isn't that great.Then his doctor made his way over to Luke's room and he said " well welcome back Luke", Luke who was still very sleepy said " i'm happy to be awake ", then his doctor took the pen light and began to test Luke's reflexs and then he said everything looks good," But Luke when you go home you are gonna have to take it easy and rest". Then doctor said " you also have a concussion so your gonna feel dizzy , sleepy,i don't want you on your feet until I say you can fuction properly okay young man.Then JJ said " doc when can Luke go home ? then the doctor said " I liked to keep Luke here for one more night but if everything checks out he can leave tomorrow.Before his doctor left the room he turned to Luke and said " Luke I'm serious about not moving around until i say so because if you do you'll be right back a square one.Cue Lori or Jessi Quote
Julieduke Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 Then suddenly Luke began to moan so JJ walked over to his bed and said " Luke you okay?. then Luke's eyelids began to flutter and JJ got this look on her face that he will wake up" Luke c'mon brother wake up please ", then Luke's eyes halfway opened he looked around the room then he looked beside his bed and saw JJ he smiled for the first time in awhile.Then JJ said " I'll be right back I'm gonna get the doctor " she spotted Luke's doctor by the nurses station she said " Dr. Sanders Luke woke up his fever broke isn't that great.Then his doctor made his way over to Luke's room and he said " well welcome back Luke", Luke who was still very sleepy said " i'm happy to be awake ", then his doctor took the pen light and began to test Luke's reflexs and then he said everything looks good," But Luke when you go home you are gonna have to take it easy and rest". Then doctor said " you also have a concussion so your gonna feel dizzy , sleepy,i don't want you on your feet until I say you can fuction properly okay young man.Then JJ said " doc when can Luke go home ? then the doctor said " I liked to keep Luke here for one more night but if everything checks out he can leave tomorrow.Before his doctor left the room he turned to Luke and said " Luke I'm serious about not moving around until i say so because if you do you'll be right back a square one.Cue Lori or JessiJulie looked at everybody and says "I hope Luke is better pretty soon it's quiet without at home right now."Cue Anybody Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted November 25, 2008 Author Posted November 25, 2008 Meanwhile back at the hospital Luke was still asleep from the morphine drug last night.So whle Luke was sleeping JJ was out in the hallway talking to Luke's docter about takinghim home this afternoon the doctor said " I don't see any reason why not but he does have a concussion so he will have to rest in bed and take it easy okay?", JJ said ''okay.So when JJ went back into Luke's room he was still asleep as she watched him she said quietly to herself " he looks so peaceful almost like an little angel ". Then about 30 mins.later Luke wakes up and he says " i feel like i've been sleeping forever what time is it".And JJ said " well Luke it's almost 11:30 you slept through most of the morning ",don't worry the doctor said that you could maybe go home today ain't that great.Then Luke who was fighting his eyes from closing again said " that is good news sis ".A couple minutes later JJ went to get Luke's doctor and told him that Luke was awake.So he made his way into the room and got out his penlight and shined it in Luke's eyes ,then he asked him if he still felt dizzy and Luke said " I still feel dizzy but not too much.Then Luke's doctor told JJ that he can leave the hospital today she got so happy",So she called the others at the farm Bo was the one who answered and she told him that Luke can go home today and he gave a big ''YEE HAW" and then Bo replied " I'll pick Luke up from the hospital and that way you can go back to the Boars Nest to work.Then JJ replied " yeah I better go back or else Boss Hogg fire me and maybe Daisy too.Cue Julie Duke Lori Davenport , Jessi Duke Quote
Julieduke Posted January 7, 2009 Posted January 7, 2009 Meanwhile back at the hospital Luke was still asleep from the morphine drug last night.So whle Luke was sleeping JJ was out in the hallway talking to Luke's docter about takinghim home this afternoon the doctor said " I don't see any reason why not but he does have a concussion so he will have to rest in bed and take it easy okay?", JJ said ''okay.So when JJ went back into Luke's room he was still asleep as she watched him she said quietly to herself " he looks so peaceful almost like an little angel ". Then about 30 mins.later Luke wakes up and he says " i feel like i've been sleeping forever what time is it".And JJ said " well Luke it's almost 11:30 you slept through most of the morning ",don't worry the doctor said that you could maybe go home today ain't that great.Then Luke who was fighting his eyes from closing again said " that is good news sis ".A couple minutes later JJ went to get Luke's doctor and told him that Luke was awake.So he made his way into the room and got out his penlight and shined it in Luke's eyes ,then he asked him if he still felt dizzy and Luke said " I still feel dizzy but not too much.Then Luke's doctor told JJ that he can leave the hospital today she got so happy",So she called the others at the farm Bo was the one who answered and she told him that Luke can go home today and he gave a big ''YEE HAW" and then Bo replied " I'll pick Luke up from the hospital and that way you can go back to the Boars Nest to work.Then JJ replied " yeah I better go back or else Boss Hogg fire me and maybe Daisy too.Cue Julie Duke Lori Davenport , Jessi DukeJulie had heard the good news and she wasn't going into work she wanted to stay here she didn't care if her boss got mad at her right now.Cue Anybody Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted January 16, 2009 Author Posted January 16, 2009 Later on that day Luke was sitting outside on the hospitals curb waiting for Bo ",about 30 minutes later Bo pulls up and he gaves Luke a hug and says " I've missed you.Luke said " I missed you two cuz and I'm be so happy to get back in my own bed and it'llbe so nice to see Daisy and Jesse again too so then Bo said " well come on Luke let's go.So Bo helped Luke into the General then they were off to the farm Jesse and Daisy was busy getting Luke's bed ready for him since he's gonna be spending alot of time in it.Daisy couldn't wait to see Luke " I can't wait to see that beautiful smile again",Then Jesse said " yeah I know I've missed him too and I know Bo will be really happy tohave Luke back because he missed him more then anyone we better get this done .Half hour later the boys pulled in and Luke was really anxious to get out and so Bo hurried to get is chair and Bo said " well c'mon Luke let's get inside" Bo shouted"." Hey Y'all we is back !!! " , Daisy and Jesse came rusing out and Luke couldn't believe it. " LUKE" your back oh honey then Daisy lays a big kiss on him a hug and Uncle Jesse", was so happy he had happy tears running down his face and he gave Luke a big hug, then he said " welcome home boy I got your bed all made up for you i love you Luke. Luke laughed and said " boy i'm so glad to be home only i hate being in this chair ", Jesse said " well Luke you won't be forever in it you will have to have theraphy for your spine fracture but in due time it will heal and then you'll shine like a new penny. Cue JulieDuke Quote
Julieduke Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 Later on that day Luke was sitting outside on the hospitals curb waiting for Bo ",about 30 minutes later Bo pulls up and he gaves Luke a hug and says " I've missed you.Luke said " I missed you two cuz and I'm be so happy to get back in my own bed and it'llbe so nice to see Daisy and Jesse again too so then Bo said " well come on Luke let's go.So Bo helped Luke into the General then they were off to the farm Jesse and Daisy was busy getting Luke's bed ready for him since he's gonna be spending alot of time in it.Daisy couldn't wait to see Luke " I can't wait to see that beautiful smile again",Then Jesse said " yeah I know I've missed him too and I know Bo will be really happy tohave Luke back because he missed him more then anyone we better get this done .Half hour later the boys pulled in and Luke was really anxious to get out and so Bo hurried to get is chair and Bo said " well c'mon Luke let's get inside" Bo shouted"." Hey Y'all we is back !!! " , Daisy and Jesse came rusing out and Luke couldn't believe it. " LUKE" your back oh honey then Daisy lays a big kiss on him a hug and Uncle Jesse", was so happy he had happy tears running down his face and he gave Luke a big hug, then he said " welcome home boy I got your bed all made up for you i love you Luke. Luke laughed and said " boy i'm so glad to be home only i hate being in this chair ", Jesse said " well Luke you won't be forever in it you will have to have theraphy for your spine fracture but in due time it will heal and then you'll shine like a new penny. Cue JulieDukeJulie races up and gives Coy and Vance a great big hug and she says "Hey there cousins so what brings the two of you to Hazzard now can't be the beer at the Boars Nest is it me now."Cue Kay Darleen Duke or anybody Quote
DaisymaeDuke22 Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 " Well uh we came to give Uncle Jesse a hand since Luke is off his feet". said Vance" Were gonna be here till he's back on his feet". said CoyMeanwhile outside Bo was havin' a little trouble pushing Luke up the ramp that Cooter built for Luke when he came home." C'mon Luke can't you help out here some you ... gotta push the wheels". said BoSo Luke pushed the wheels some and Bo started to push the chair some more and then they made it into the farmhouse.Cue Countrygirl" it's so good to be home I hated being in that hospital". said Luke" Well cousin I made your favorite supper Barbacue ribs, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, and bisquits. said Daisy" Sure sounds good Daisy I can't wait to sink my teeth into it". said LukeAS the boys was waiting for dinner to be ready they hung out on the frontporch and caught up some." Luke I can't get used to seeing you in a wheelchair cuz it sure won't be the same in the General with out ya". said Bo" You and Coy can still give Rosco and Boss a run for there money". said Luke" You got that right cuz were gonna be here till you is back on your toes". said Coy" This is so humilating I can't this how am I supposed to function if I can't even walk !!". said Luke" It ain't gonna be forever Luke you know that you is gonna be back on your feet in time". said Vance" But I can't take this I don't think I"ll be able to wait till I'm back on my feet. " Well sorry Luke it look's like you ain't got much choice said Bo. Uncle Jesse couldn't help but overhear Luke's complaining and he figured Luke was in need of a peptalk." Oh Luke I know you must be frustrated but this ain't gonna last forever boy you just give it time". said Jesse" I know that Uncle Jesse but I don't think I'll be able to wait till I'm back on on my feet". said Luke" Look at this a way you'll be starting your theraphy tomorrow then before you know it you'll be back on your feet". said Jesse Quote
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