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Lori sighed heavily, like the weight of the world was on her shoulders.

"Ya know, dealin with a teen is hard work..."

She admitted, more so to herself than anything. Cooter raised a brow at her, smirking to himself.

"Ya think cousin? Think about how I felt... tryin' t' keep up with you was a hassle..."


It wasn't long before they where pulling up to the ice cream place.

"So what are you in the mood for?" asked Matt as turned off the motor.

"I was thinking made a chocolate shake." replied JJ as she open the door to

get out of the car.


Luke laughed "Cooter you ain't much older them me. You where in just as much trouble as Lori and I was in." Luke told him.


Matt nodded and smiled at JJ, walking around the car slipping an arm around her, pulling her to his side.

Cooter sighed a little, nodding.

"I'm aware of that fact Lucas, but when my daddy moved away from Hazzard when I was 18.. Lori was only 16, I had to step up and be a man...take responsibility for her's and my own actions."


Coter pointed a finger at Lori, his eyes diverted towards her as well.

"Little sneak snuck it in the back... I didn't know bout it til the race ya'll had after wards at the race that took place at the pond. I took the blame for that, one it was my truck and two I didn't think you'd like another big long lecture from Jesse when he woulda had to have bailed ya out of the pokey."


'Bail who out?" asked Uncle Jesse as walked through the door.

"No one Jesse. We was just talking about when we were younger and the first time you had to bail Luke and Lori out of jail." Cooter explained.

How's you feeling, Luke?" asked Jesse as he sat down by the bed.


Luke looked up at Lori, smirking a little at her, it was his turn to aggravate her.

"I gotta headache now Uncle Jesse."

Lori looked down at him, playflly smacking his arm lghtly.

"You ARE a headache Luke..."

Luke blinked a couple of times at her, swatting her behind.

"I resent that remark Ms. Davenport." Chuckling lightly, Luke nodded.

"I'm fine Uncle Jesse.."


Then Luke replies " I know I can be a headache but I love you darlin ",.

Jesse then tells Lori " Lori maybe we should let Luke get some sleep honey ",

to which Lori replies " okay Jesse that sounds like a good idea it'll be nice to

sleep once again in a bed instead of a chair then Luke says " goodbye to Lori.


"I'll place our orders why don't you find some place for us to sit." said Matt as head towards the counter.

"O.k." said JJ as she looked around the room finding one towards the back.

Matt smiled at JJ as he walked towards her with there order. "Here go baby."

he said as sat down next to her.

"Thanks Matt." said JJ as she took a sip of her milkshake.


Giving Luke a kiss goodbye, Lori hopped off the bed energetically, stretching out her arms. Cooter watched her, shaking his head a bit knowing she'd want to go home and get some rest instead of go back and do what she was suppose to be doing in the beginning, working. Rising up from the seat himself, Cooter draped a lazy arm around Lori's shoulders as each person walked out of the room.

"Cooter? Will ya do me a big ol' favor cousin?"

Lori asked walking around the front of Jesse's truck. Cooter having already been about to climb inside of his, raised a brow at her.

"What is it now?"

Getting in the passenger side of the truck, Lori peered around through Jesse's window at Cooter.

"Tow Midnight Rider home for me."

Cooter stared blankly at her, blinking his eyes a couple times before replying.

"And What's wrong with YOU doing it?"

Lori sighed, exhaling an exasperating breath of air.

"Cause YOU got the tow truck and my hand hurts..."

Rolling his eyes, Cooter shook his head in a mock sympathetic way.

"Oh poor baby..."

He retorted sarcastically. Lori glared at him from her seat until Jesse climbed in, making a scowling face at the two of them.


Lori picked up a small pebble that had been caught in the bottom of her boot and threw it out the window at Cooter.

"We women that you talk about are the superior race in life cousin. We're more intelligent than men, we cook your meals, do your laundry, clean your house..."

Jesse sighed, rolling his eyes heavenwards, those two was starting to get on his nerves with their bickering and fussing.

"And they're also full of hot air Loren now hush!"

Jesse intercepted, scolding her. Grumbling, he put the truck in reverse and backed out.


As Jesse and Lori both drove through town at a moderate speed, Lori looked over to the ice cream palor, more or less just thinking to herself, til she saw that boy who was with JJ in the palor window.

"Jesse, did JJ tell ya bout her boyfriend?"


Lori nodded a little. Letting out a breath of air she propped her feet on the window seal and relaxed back in the seat, her hands propped behind her head for a pillow, she whistled a little tune watching the scenery go by.

"Just wonderin' sir.."


"Yeah? Well, she sure don't show it the way she spouts off at Luke tellin' him that she's old enough to make her own decisions and such...I know she is, and she knows she is, and Luke probably does, but it's hard for him..."

She held her hand up, dropping her head.

"I know you know Uncle Jesse...I's just saying it.."


"She a teenager and Luke has hard time seeing it. To him him JJ always going to be this little girl who always wanted to do what her brother did. He doesn't like it that JJ growing up." said Jesse as he looked a out the window.

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