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Levena's 16th Birthday

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Luke smiled and said yES i REALATED TO her, I;m Luke Duke and I have 5 children. and 3 granchildren.

Ray looks and says "Well according this my Grandmother was Natalia Duke and she had a twin and she was twin A. And I just got a little girl named Magaret and she's need a Bone Marrow but none of the family on my father's side is a match Luke."

Cue dukesrule2000

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Yup, that's the right info. why don't you flow us back to the farm. and we can discuss this more and My wife is a Doctor.

Ray smiles and says "I'll try to catch up with you cousin and one more question here Mom always talked about a Uncle Jesse where can I talk to him at."

Cue dukesrule2000

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Luke smiled and said That's Ok. and they headed for the farm.


Luke interduced him to everyone. and the family welcomed him and his daughter with open arms.

Reba is there and she says "Jeez, I guess Uncle Ray hasn't told his connection to the Ewing's yet Jesse. That's going to difficult you know I never told my father this one but he's the one that taught he how to drive and most importantly how to ride a horse as well. I guess I just a cowgirl at heart, and the thing that I want is a bigger stable at my places and some more horses as well."

Cue dukesrule2000

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At the farm..

Everyone was talking to him and Kathy said Ya I can do the tests and see if any of us is a match for your daughter.

Ray says "Thank You very much but there something the man that I thought who was my father isn't and I know the who my father was but maybe it would be better in private Kathy."

Meanwhile Reba is looking at Jesse and says "Oh Jesse, I wanting telling you anymore besides if Ray wants to tell the family he will but please leave it at where he left okay. I know that look, you want to know more and more."

Clark says "Well, Ray it seems that your family and Magaret sure is pretty she sure does look like a Duke doesn't she everybody? From Family books your dad was Amos Krebb right that's what the records say at least!

Cue dukesrule2000

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Kathy looked at Ray and said Ok we can go in the living room and talk. and they did. and Ray told her everything. and Kathy said you haven't had all the Ewing checked. My son Adam is a Ewing. His father is Bobby Ewing. So we can check him first. and You need to tell the rest of the family about this. and Ray agreed.

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Kathy looked at Ray and said Ok we can go in the living room and talk. and they did. and Ray told her everything. and Kathy said you haven't had all the Ewing checked. My son Adam is a Ewing. His father is Bobby Ewing. So we can check him first. and You need to tell the rest of the family about this. and Ray agreed.

Reba walked in the living room and says "Uncle Ray, what my husband Jason is Gary Ewing's grandson and I don't know how much that will help. Well Jason, ain't exactly too pround of the Ewing name and well my little Jason Jr. and I got expecting another baby and it will be number seven for me."

Ray says "Thank you Kathy, I know that it will get work by the way where exactly is Magaret at right now. Reba wow, your having number seven you sure have come a long way since that day that you confronted J.R. and Billy Bob and told them that you knew you came to me first about it. But I was laughing I wasn't mad about the Cowbell you flatten oh heck it was the wrong size for the cow it was intened for."

Reba says "Oh you mean, it was for Billy Bob Cowbell then Uncle Ray?"

Cue dukesrule2000

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Reba walked in the living room and says "Uncle Ray, what my husband Jason is Gary Ewing's grandson and I don't know how much that will help. Well Jason, ain't exactly too pround of the Ewing name and well my little Jason Jr. and I got expecting another baby and it will be number seven for me."

Ray says "Thank you Kathy, I know that it will get work by the way where exactly is Magaret at right now. Reba wow, your having number seven you sure have come a long way since that day that you confronted J.R. and Billy Bob and told them that you knew you came to me first about it. But I was laughing I wasn't mad about the Cowbell you flatten oh heck it was the wrong size for the cow it was intened for."

Reba says "Oh you mean, it was for Billy Bob Cowbell then Uncle Ray?"

Cue dukesrule2000

Ray says "Oh yeah, but not I meant J.R. himself the way him and Billy Bob treat was disgraceful no wonder you left. According to me your now Ewing brat Reba, you figured out that Bo Duke was your father and you went to Cliff Barnes for help and you left. Billy Bob might've kept your son but your father and his buddy got your son back for my with help from Micheal. Oh by the what happened to you and Micheal I heard he was some other girl lately."

Reba says "Well, our marriage didn't work out Uncle Ray just like you said about he was no good I had to find out after his mistress to my Uncle's farm and they made a big scene as well. It was embrassing know that was your husband that did that, I used to watch about things like that on "Jerry Springer" and thought that would never happened to me but it did happen. He doesn't even bother with out five kids and the three older ones don't even want to people to know he's there father."

Cue dukesrule2000

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Marget was outside with Jacob.Jacob was showing her around. Marget said Jake what is it like to have a mother? Jake Just looked at her and said well my mom has always been there for me. dad said he almost lost mom when she had me.

Margaret says "Well, mine is still alive but she's busy with poltics and ever since my parents divorced I never see her anymore but there is something I know. And Jacob your father and my father look like their related even like they could be brothers as well."

cue dukesrule2000

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Ya they do look alot alike.Jack said. MARGET Started to feel sick/ and Jack caled his mother and Kathy and the others came running out.

Ray came running as well and he looks and says "Oh she knows she's a little weaker right now I guess she just want to be like the rest of the other kids. You my little girl has a little stubborn streak in her, well it's due to her being a Ewing now, but I can't figure out where it comes from."

Reba is very concerned and she looks at Ray and says "Listen she's a Duke and were all a little stubborn even you as well."

cue dukesrule2000

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Kathy said Jake she just needs some rest(looking at Ray) Kathy said I have hung around the Ewings and they are NoT STRUBING tHEY ARE ruthless. Now the Dukes are Strubran. and I married the worst. and then LUKE STARTES TO LAUGH.

Reba says "No way, dad is more stubborn you ought to see and Ray please don't tell him you was the one that taught me how to drive he wouldn't like that very well, I told him I learned through school but you know after I borrowed the instructor's car he kicked me out of the class."

Ray says "Well Kathy you are a docter and you should know this right here that there is one brother that nobody has ever met mostly because of what J.R. and the rest of the family thinks of him as well. Well it's Gary, and he lives in California and he still married to Valene and they got twins a boy and a girl they should be teenagers by now. They missed that period with Lucy, oh she was fun I should know first hand about that girl now. And Luke, you aren't mad at me because my father is really Jock Ewing but he was a nice guy well just as long it didn't concern business then you probaly didn't want to deal with him."

Cue dukesrule2000

Edited by Julieduke
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Luke said I don't mind I know how Jock is cause I have met him before/ and I know abouthim and he is a nice guy. Kathy said Ya I know abour Gary I have met him once he came to south fork while I was dating Bobby and he interduced himself and he said to watch my back when it comes to JR. AND i SAID I would. and that was the last time i SAW HIM. gARY WAS MORE LIKE Miss Elly.

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Luke said I don't mind I know how Jock is cause I have met him before/ and I know abouthim and he is a nice guy. Kathy said Ya I know abour Gary I have met him once he came to south fork while I was dating Bobby and he interduced himself and he said to watch my back when it comes to JR. AND i SAID I would. and that was the last time i SAW HIM. gARY WAS MORE LIKE Miss Elly.

Mz. Ellie told me once that I was alot like Gary, and she said that was compliment but do you know why him and Valene didn't raise Lucy. The real story behind he ever tell you what happened.

Cue dukesrule2000

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No he never did. Kathy said


Bobby was at the Louther Manshion. and he was thinking about calling Kathy. But JR said Bobby if you are thinking about calling her stop. She is in Love with her husband. Bobby looked at him and said Ya and she would have stayed with me if you stayed out of our relationship. and we could have raised Adam together and who knows those others could have been mine too. Jr started to laugh and said Bobby you are dreaming Kathleen would have never stayed at southfork and you know it. So stop blaming me and move on. Like tring to get Adam to be on our side the side where he belongs. Lex walks in and said I have met Adam and there is no way he will come over to the dark side as he put it to me. Adam can't be bought. Jr smiled and said He can't be bought but what about his children.

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No he never did. Kathy said


Bobby was at the Louther Manshion. and he was thinking about calling Kathy. But JR said Bobby if you are thinking about calling her stop. She is in Love with her husband. Bobby looked at him and said Ya and she would have stayed with me if you stayed out of our relationship. and we could have raised Adam together and who knows those others could have been mine too. Jr started to laugh and said Bobby you are dreaming Kathleen would have never stayed at southfork and you know it. So stop blaming me and move on. Like tring to get Adam to be on our side the side where he belongs. Lex walks in and said I have met Adam and there is no way he will come over to the dark side as he put it to me. Adam can't be bought. Jr smiled and said He can't be bought but what about his children.

Ray says "Well J.R. broke Gary, and Valene left with Lucy who just a baby and she got all the way to Tennessee and she ran to her mother's house and it seems that her mother didn't want somebody knowing she was a grandmother. Valene tried to outrun J.R. and his boys but it seems that she got knocked down and they stole Lucy right out of her arms. Well she tried to get her back but nothing worked and it seems she was met with less than friendly reception from the Braddock cops now."

Reba says "Lucy, never told me about that oh my goodness she was stolen just like I was Uncle Ray. Well this has to stop with the Ewing's they stole my son Little Bo as well. Well Billy Bob snatched him right out of arms and told me that if I was to stay at Southfork well I could have him back. He knew, well by that time I knew that truth and I couldn't even find Micheal to help me out Uncle Ray. My ex-husband was a wuss from the very beginning I couldn't even see he should've been there and stood up to Billy Bob and J.R. it took me a long time but I don't think I ever get over that the man that supposed to have love didn't help me out. Oh I cried for a while, but then I stopped crying and I got help I went straight to Cliff Barnes he was upset when I told him what Billy Bob and J.R. did to me as well."

Ray says "Well Reba, any man you doesn't try to get their own child back well it's not natural and that's definitly a sign. And from what I understand about your dad him and Luke had chased Billy Bob and J.R. well J.R, way have got the best from what I understand you was driving Luke so it seems he switched cars and the only that your cousin had left from his little girl was a booty left behind."

Cue dukesrule2000

Edited by Julieduke
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Luke said yup. and then we found out that he had Taken Adam. He had the Nurses tell Kathy that he was dead. and Kathy beleived that Until he took Brittney from Us. We was told that she was dead But Kathy didn't beleave her. and I though that she was hurting. But she told me she hurd Brittney Cry. and I knew we had to find her so we wnet to Dallas and talked to Jock and we came real close to finding Adam That time But JR got wind of it and had who ever had him to move and all we found at the Appartment was a picture and the name Adam 5 on the back. and Kath never let that picture go along with the Ultasound picture of Brittney. but now we have all our children close by. and noone is going to hurt them again.

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Bobby said JR you leave my grandkids alone. they are staying with Adam and Kaitlynn I will not have you do what you did to Me and Kathy. I will not alow you to do it to him. We have suffered enough. Jr looked at Bobby and said the only one suffering right now is you Bobby. Not being able to see your grand kids. and not hav eyour blood son call you dad. insteat he's calling another man Dad. I know how I would feel if my only son was calling another man Dad.

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