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Happy Easter Y'all!

Hope it was special, and you all had fun. Unfortunatly, I don't think there is a very Easter-like Dukes episode. Oh, well!

Anyway, I just wanted to wish my fellow Hazzardite citizens a Happy Easter.

Oh, and if you all have any stories about things that happened this Easter, or on past Easters, it would be great to hear them! Or if you and your family have any traditions you like, I always enjoy reading about them. I am always amazed at how one holiday is celebrated in so many unique ways. A lot of people have such neat customs, I just love hearing about!!

Anyway, Happy Easter! May you and your family have a truly marvelous day!

General Grant


Thank-you General Grant and Emy-Rae! The chocolate was very yummy Emy-Rae ;)...and you are right General Grant - it is amazing at how many different ways one could celebrate a holiday or how many traditions there is. It is always interesting to hear about them...The only traditions that I can think of is that we usually go to mass Saturday night (at least lately) and then on Easter or around Easter (whatever works best for everyone) we get together as a family to celebrate it. Lately not a big family gathering, but with my sister and her husband and my parents...and now my neice. ;)

I hope everyone is having a great Easter and that the Easter bunny was very nice to you all. ;)


Thanks, Emy-Rae!! That was nice of you to give us all a bag of chocolates!! YUM!

Anyway, that was cool that you got a little get-together. We just did it with the immediate family. We didn't go all out this year. That was nice just to spend the time with the family! Thanks for sharing, Garrett!!

Hopefully you all had a nice time!

General Grant


Thank you to everyone who posted a reply to this thread! I really appreciate it!! And I am so glad to hear that everyone had a nice Easter!!

Now, Roger, You know I wouldn't take your chocolates... right? :lol: You probably hid them chocolates out in the barn so no one else could have any, and Maudine stole them! Serves you right for hiding them on all of us!!

Sorry Uncle Jesse... I shouldn't go sayin' you'd hide them chocolates on us-- you wouldn't think of it, now would you?! :) I don't know why when there's trouble 'round here I am always the one to get the suspicious looks?? :)

Anyway, it was nice to hear about your Easter, y'all! I enjoyed reading the posts!

General Grant

(smirks at Roger and pops a coconut filled chocolate in mouth) Mmmm! This is the best chocolate I've ever had!! :D


Hey Everyone!

Happy Late Easter! It sounds like everyone had a wonderful Sunday! I think this is such a neat post, so share your stories on how your family celebrates Easter!

Our family always makes it really special. While the most important thing is family, the second is the: FOOD!!!!! ;) And, the food is always really great! This year, since I was no help in making dinner, I decided to take some napkins and make lilies out of them, and then put them inside a wine glass. Although, I didn't quite understand how to fold the napkins correctly, so they looked more like little fans! :lol: But, it still looked neat.

Roger, I'm glad you caught the little grubby-handed coconut/chocolate snatcher! She's always eating everone's food. Then, she thinks she's so clever to say that she wouldn't do such a thing, and then she says she puts one in her mouth! What do you think of us as General Grant-do you think that we are that slow! :) Watch out, and hold on closely to your bag of chocolate that Emy-Rae gave us (which, thanks for the thought, but I didn't get mine. I think I need another bag-General Grants in the corner like a trapped possum eating all of mine up!):D

Talk to all of you soon!

Laura Duke


Happy Easter back at you, Julie, and everyone else here at HazzardNet!!

Oh, and Laura (and Roger) I feel like the Dukes bein' framed by Boss an' Rosco... so I have one question for y'all and that is this: Which one of you is Boss and which one of you is Rosco??!!

Oh, Laura, can't you just be happy with one bag of candy instead of trying to get poor sweet Emy-Rae to give you two bags! Don't fall for Laura's act, Emy-Rae!! :)

General Grant


Well, General. Perhaps you are Boss Hogg. You are stealing things from us (my bag of chocolate that Emy-Rae gave to us and the chocolate coconuts that Roger had-that you ate!) Plus, you are pouting just like Boss Hogg and blaming us when you are the one causing the problems! :p

Roger and I must be part of the Duke family, always defending our honor. Right, Roger?

Emy-Rae, as I said before-General ate my bag of chocolate. Can't you see chocolate smear all over General's face?

Laura Duke


Oh, Laura, I do not think that if I looked in the mirror I'd see Boss Hogg. But, if I held a mirror up to you.... then maybe! Or would you be Rosco??

I aint stole nothing from you... you little marshmallow! I aint blamin' you and I certainly aint causin' problems! I think you, Laura, are the Boss Hogg by trying to snooker Emy-Rae into giving you another bag of candies!

You, a Duke... :rofl: That is just too funny!! :rofl: Ha! Ha! Ha!....

I can see Roger as a Duke, but you... :rofl: Okay, sorry, I'll stop now.

That aint no chocolate smear on my face you see... I fell face first in the mud trying to run away from you before you took away my bag of candy!

Someone Help, PLEASE! I fear that Laura and Roger are going to take away my candy!

Bye Rosco... I mean Laura! :deputy:

General Grant

Thanks, Roger for gettin' Laura started on this... Khee! That really was a good one, though!

Oh, Laura, I do not think that if I looked in the mirror I'd see Boss Hogg. But, if I held a mirror up to you.... then maybe! Or would you be Rosco??

I aint stole nothing from you... you little marshmallow! I aint blamin' you and I certainly aint causin' problems! I think you, Laura, are the Boss Hogg by trying to snooker Emy-Rae into giving you another bag of candies!

You, a Duke... :rofl: That is just too funny!! :rofl: Ha! Ha! Ha!....

I can see Roger as a Duke, but you... :rofl: Okay, sorry, I'll stop now.

That aint no chocolate smear on my face you see... I fell face first in the mud trying to run away from you before you took away my bag of candy!

Someone Help, PLEASE! I fear that Laura and Roger are going to take away my candy!

Bye Rosco... I mean Laura! :deputy:

General Grant

Thanks, Roger for gettin' Laura started on this... Khee! That really was a good one, though!

Hey folks what happened to the bag of Jellybeans I bought as well.


Wow! Awesome egg, TomBo! I wish I thought of something that clever! How did you think of that? Thanks for sharing!

I can tell you exactly where the jelly beans went to JulieDuke, they were eaten by General. You know, the person with the CHOCOLATE covered face (don't believe for one second that General fell into the mud!)

Isn't that like a typical Hogg-blaming me, a Duke. If Roger is a Duke, than so am I! I didn't even start this argument.

By the way, thanks to everyone who popped in to say happy Easter to me. I also hope that everyone had a fabulous Easter. I wish all of you that.

Laura Duke:D

Wow! Awesome egg, TomBo! I wish I thought of something that clever! How did you think of that? Thanks for sharing!

. Laura Duke:D

I was away on vaca in sunny Florida & my wife & son (3yrs old) called me in to make the eggs and I took one look at the colors & saw that orange & was like DING! and the rest is history, LOL. . .

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