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Well I wish spring would hurry up and come along instead of stalling and taking it's sweet time of getting here. LOL. Looks like we are in for another bad storm after midnight tonight and through tomorrow. My dad called and said he heard someone say we're in a storm for about ten inches and fifty mph wind! BRRRRRRRRR...I think I'm gonna go move to Hazzard, you think Uncle Jesse would have room in the barn for me and my dog? LOL!

Oh well, spring has to be somewhere...don't it? Or maybe it will just forget us and we'll be stuck in winter! EEEHK!!!!!!


Don't Worry Garrett Duke and Lori! Spring will be here before we know it!

yesterday morning the birds were chirping and singing quite nicely... that always makes me think of Spring. But, then today we got a big snow/ice storm. (Okay, maybe that was the wrong time to say about the snow/ice storm... sorry)

Spring will come, you can count on that, just as sure as Boss Hogg is going to try an' swindle the Dukes out of their farm, and Rosco is going to try and frame them for somethin' they didn't do!

Just think WARM!

General Grant


Though it has snowed pretty much all day today and everything is even more so covered in snow than it already was...you must be right, spring should be coming. Afterall my boys were back to racing today at Daytona and spring training for my Cubs should be starting within another couple of weeks. Those are sure signs (for me) that spring is about to come...just wish the spring like weather would come a little faster than what it is.

OK I spose that should be about it for my complaining...sorry to bother with it. I just can't stand all this snow and cold any longer! LOL


Hey Garrett, that isn't complaining, and it is certainly not a bother!

Well, here I go now... yesterday we had rain, and then it froze, and now MORE SNOW!!! I guess we can go sledding for quite awhile with all the snow we have!

I am sure that any day now, we will have Spring like weather. Sooner or later spring has to come...

Anyway, until then, keep warm, y'all!

General Grant


I hear ya Lukas_KD!!

I am sure that by now Garrett is doing so, too! Poor Garrett is so sick of the snow, I hope that it melts soon so y'all can see that spring is coming... I hope!

Keep warm, y'all! Don't worry, that snow will melt soon. One day you'll wake up and it will all be gone. That is usually how it works here. One day there won't be any snow on the ground, and the next morning you'll have over a foot. But when it melts, it goes in a day! You can wake up with two feet of snow on the ground, and when that snow decides to leave, by supper time, you are down to the grass with a huge yard full of mud. Don't worry, I am sure you'll experience that real soon. Oh, the joys of spring!!

General Grant


Thanks General Grant;) I hope that your weather does turn spring like tomorrow or the day after. :) And yeah, I have been praying for better and warmer weather!

Well as I said, it snowed all day Sunday and all the mushy stuff that we once had, froze. Woke up Monday morning for work, went out to start my car, and my doors were frozen shut! Good thing I was able to borrow my mom's car...even with that, I was late for work and I open! LOL, luckily they were all understanding and no one was there waiting for me to open - I was twelve minutes off, but I still feel bad. My doors wouldn't open until this afternoon when I got home and worked with it! Dang weather anyway...ice and snow everywhere! That and freezing cold weather...brrrrr. At least it wasn't windy today like it was Sunday night through last night, that helps... alitttle.

By the sounds of it, from people at work, we are suppose to get another storm just like that one Sunday and Monday again!

As I said before...does it ever stop? LOL.

But you are right...sooner or later, all this snow and ice will be gone and left a big ol' mud puddle. I am hoping for the sooner part though. ;)


No problem, Garrett! I tell you one thing, though... It is getting real hard to go out twice a day and do the chores. I don't know if it is just the cold, or the attitude I get from the animals, or maybe a combonation of both.

Yuck! That weather sounds awful!! I hope it clears up soon! Well, your feeling bad about being 12 minutes late is a good thing. That shows you have a great sense of responsibility and wonderful work ethnic. Keep that up, it is real hard to find now a days!

I know what you mean, the cold is bad enough, but when you factor wind in on top of that, it almost feels razor sharp,and hurts your face if you are walking into the wind. Brrrrr.... sums it up best! It is so bad, I have to have a blanket when I am typing on the computer! We live in an ol' farm house. I love it, but it isn't without its drafty floor... Price you have to pay for living out in the country, I guess. Oh well, I love the place!

Hey, on the news I heard that people in the cold places tend to be happier than people who live in warm places. Do you think that is true? I am not sure because I don't know anyone who lives in warmer weather. I just thought maybe y'all would know if it was true or not. I guess it makes sense... when it is so cold you stay indoors more and you are around people (and your family) a lot more. Plus, everyone laughs at everyone else because of the way they handle the cold!

Anyway, keep warm, y'all and bundle up, it is cold out...

General Grant

  • 4 weeks later...

Well, here it is almost a month later and the snow is almost gone! YAY...what do you know, spring may actually come afterall! Am very happy for the sun to be making it's appearance once more outside and to feel the warmer chilly air when I step outside. Not only that, we can actually bring the kids outside in the mornings now to run off all that energy! (I work at a daycare) Gotta love spring - well I do. Warmer weather, green ground, baseball and NASCAR...now that's more like it! :)

Thank-you General Grant and to all else out there that had put up with my complaining about the snow and cold weather...it may not have made spring come any faster, but it felt a little better to be able to talk about it. :)


Gee... Winter... what winter? In Delaware, we didn't really have a winter! (that's comparable to the 1800's during the miniiceage where the north missed a summer).

Pansies (an annual that doesn't last past autumn in this USDA Zone) are still in bloom from last spring.

Trees are already getting their leaves.

Daffodils are already blooming and folks that isn't supposed to happen until mid next month! We had Daffodils coming up on Valentine's Day!

Did it snow here? A few times. What was the main temperature for our winter this year? 50-60 Degrees! Heck it hit 75! We BROKE record highs! I think once or twice we may have hit 80!

Average Temperature for a Delaware winter: 30 to 45!

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