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*whistles, chirpier now that he was actually awake, dressed as usual in his jeans and yellow shirt, the blue one not underneath this time as it felt too hot outside to wear it, towelling his curly hair dry that had curled more - if that was even possible - now that it was wet. It wouldn't get brushed, it would just dry and then be as it normally was. Tossing the towel into the wash as he walked past, he smiled at Jesse and Luke as he came into the kitchen, grabbing himself a cup of coffee.*

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*chuckles a little*

"Why would anyone think a fool thing like that...other than you wakin' me up callin' me birthday boy over and over and over...I blame you for my hyperactivity on days like this when you wake me up like that..."

*replies with a smirk before taking a sip of coffee*


Jesse *takes deep sigh* Well Bo, ya have to have something planned today don't ya? I'm serious now, I really can git along today without ya. I'm not plannin' on doing too much outside today anyway. Elton Loggins said on the radio this mornin' that it's supposed to rain in the afternoon.


Jesse *tilts head* Now Bo, I don't think yer a hearin' me right. I really want you and Luke to go out and have some fun. I let the other two young-uns take it easy on their birthday *tilts head again* unless it's a real emergency, and I want you to do the same.

Jesse *tilts head* Now Bo, I don't think yer a hearin' me right. I really want you and Luke to go out and have some fun. I let the other two young-uns take it easy on their birthday *tilts head again* unless it's a real emergency, and I want you to do the same.

Boss was at his office and he says "Now Lulu, what is all the fuzz I'll get your car fixed soon enough by why in the world do you want one of those Brand New Buick Grandnational. They ain't that special it's the samething as a Buick Regal just a little bit faster."


(Julie...cant you see how we're rp'ing here? actions go in ** and speech is written normally, plus Boss hasn't been tagged into the rp yet. So please dont post!)

*sighs softly, nodding a little and looking to his feet*

I know Uncle Jesse s'just...my birthday always kinda reminds me bout how much ya done fer me...how many years you's put inta raisin' me an' all...I just...wanna give something back you know.."


Luke: *hears the response and sighed once more well knowing the response Jesse would give him but understanding at the same time how Bo felt- Luke felt the same way, though he never could voice things as well as Bo could; the way Jesse took them in was something neither of them could ever forget*


Jesse *lovingly* Well Bo if ya wanna give somethin' back like ya say ya do, you can start by making an old man happy.....and the way to do that is go out there and have some good clean fun. Every time you and Luke ride the roads of Hazzard County, I'm there with ya boys. Ya might not see me but I'm there. 'Sides, I relive my youth every time you boys come home with another story of how you shucked and jived old Rosco and Boss.


*nods softly, looking back to Jesse with a small smile before walking over an wrapping his arms around his Uncle's shoulders, giving him a gentle hug before heading out. Instead of talking to Luke however, he walked straight past him and jogged to the barn*


*bites his lip, looking around before going to the back of the barn and moving a few floorboards. Reaching in, he pulled out an old wooden but very daintly carved box. Replacing the floorboards, goes to a corner and sits down quietly, opening it and taking out the few pictures that were inside*


*Just sits looking at them for a moment, before shaking his head a little and wiping the tears that had formed in his eyes away. He soon replaced the pictures and put the lid back down, replacing the box and heading to the barn doors*

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