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*interrupting with alarm*

Now jist hold it there one second you two. Boss is neck deep with this horse racing thing and horse racin' usually means a whole mess of trouble and a whole mess of bad folks who want ta git their greedy little paws in that gamblin' bucket. Now maybe you boys should just hold up a little while 'till we see who's involved with this. *hesitates a little* Maybe I can see if Emma can do a little more for us....


*sounding enthused*

Now, of course Emma ain't gonna go against regulations but I got a little known secret that I bet she doesn't know about. A few years back when I took over as postmaster fer a day 'cause Emma was Fire Chief fer Sadie Hogg Day, I stumbled across a little known law that's been on the books since 1871 that says that every letter that comes in addressed to the County Commissioner has to be recorded in a special ledger.

*smiles and opens one eye a little more than the other*

And besides that, the ledger must be available to any resident of Hazzard County that wants ta see it....providin', of course, that they take a number.

Now maybe we can put all the places on them postmarks together and see if we can come up with some sorta connection 'er somethin'


That's the beauty of it Luke, Boss ain't the one that keeps the ledger, Emma does. It's in the post office, not the county building. Besides, it wouldn't matter where it was, it's public property...even if nobody but me and Emma know about it.

When I said "I bet she doesn't know", what I meant was....she doesn't know that I know" (since I stumbled on it when she wasn't there)


*sighs, running a hand through his hair*

I don't know Uncle Jesse...we's tryin' to keep Miz Tizdale outta this as much as possible ain't we? If Boss found out that she's helpin' us by lettin' us see that book, you know he ain't gonna care if its legal or not fer us to do so, he'll fire Miz Tizdale an' you know the post office is the only job she's ever cared about...she's like Enos' with his job...


Yer fergitting somethin' boys.

*looks as if he knows something they don't*

Who's the one who taught Daisy how to pull the wool over Enos and Cletus's eyes? Who's the one who taught you boys how to shuck and jive old Boss and Rosco?

I wouldn't do anything ta put Emma in danger. It's a simple plan and it will probably work better than what you boys got cookin' by going through the roof of the Boar's Nest. *hesitates* That's is what yer plannin' ain't it?

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