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*after a series of yells, minutes later Jesse arrives (carrying tired little Daisy)*

There ya are!!!! There ya are!!! My boys!!

*sets down Daisy and drops to his knees in tears hugging both his nephews together thinking this was the happiest he'd ever felt in his life*

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*hands his flashlight to Daisy so she has one in each hand*

And I have something else for you boys......

*reaches in back pockets and pulls out two ponchos, still folded up tightly in their original plastic packages*

*puts them on boys while Daisy shines both flashlights on them*

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Now listen kids, we'll figure this whole thing out when we git back ta the farm but fer now, y'all have ta be strong and do what I say.

*pulls Bo away from Luke and lifts him up then takes a flashlight from Daisy and tucks it under his arm, aiming it in front of him*

Now Luke, I want you ta follow me.......and Daisy, I want you behind Luke shining the flashlight on the ground so as ya don't trip on anything.

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*Walks through the dark woods feeling like the weight of the world had just been lifted from him...but also feeling a bit guilty since the kids were his responsibilty now. He was wondering to himself if he and Lavinia had taken on more than they could handle. The thought only crossed his mind for a second though. The love he had for the 3 kids soon took over, erasing any doubt about the decision he and Lavinia had made to accept Luke, Daisy and Bo.*

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*squirms uneasily as he sees the fearful look on his aunt's face, having had to let go of Bo's small hand as he was taken from Jesse.

Daisy: *had practically fallen asleep after the long walk and now, instead of holding Luke's hand, sat wornout beside him clutching to his leg and using it as a make shift pillow, closing her sleepy eyes*

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