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Rosco was awesome. It was also awesome meeting Hazzardnet members for the first time. Thanks to TimDuke, Daney and DaisyMaeDuke for making this such a great experience. Hazzardnet folks really are a big happy family. I'll post more about this later tonight. I have some things to do this evening first. Hopefully Tim, Daney and Daisy will post their experience here too.


Thanks to whoever it was for reminding us that today (Jan 26) was the birthday of the first Dukes show on television. That was a very well written piece on the homepage. My compliments to the author.

I had a very special Dukes birthday. I got to meet Rosco and 3 other Hazzardnet residents. TimDuke, Daney and DaisyMaeDuke are great. Those 3 are what Hazzard County is all about and I'm proud to call them my friends. Thanks for sharing in a great Hazzard adventure with me you three!!

I wish I could have talked to Rosco longer but I wanted to be respectful of the long line of people behind me. I joked about being worried that he would catch me in a speed trap. I was pleased that my wife got a picture of him laughing at that.

While he was signing an autograph for me, I mostly just the spent the next few seconds complimenting him on his amazing acting skills and I mentioned some examples of particular scenes I loved. I told him that the most emotional thing I've ever seen on television (not including major tragedies like 911) was the tribute he gave to Boss on the Reunion Movie. I don't really like thinking about it because to me Boss and Jesse will never die but for some reason I felt compelled to mention that to him. His response was "Yes, I really miss my little fat buddy." Those were his exact words and he wasn't acting when he said them.

I'm not so sure that I did the right thing by mentioning something sad but to me it's proof that everybody who has been involved in the show in any way (including all of us Hazzardnet folks) really are in this thing together. We really are a family united by a love of a show and a love of each other. You're awesome Rosco. Nobody on this planet would have made a better Sheriff Coltrane...Khee Khee!!! I love it. I love it!!!


I'll second that compliment to the homepage article writer. You're welcome and thank you Roger, his wife, Tim & his wife. DaisyMae, sorry we didn't get to talk much. Hope you had a great time too!


I'm not so sure that I did the right thing by mentioning something sad but to me it's proof that everybody who has been involved in the show in any way (including all of us Hazzardnet folks) really are in this thing together. We really are a family united by a love of a show and a love of each other. You're awesome Rosco. Nobody on this planet would have made a better Sheriff Coltrane...Khee Khee!!! I love it. I love it!!!

Jimmie's a consummate professional and usually gets things on the first take. I seem to recall him telling me it took 3 takes to get that scene. It was very emotional for him. Sorrell's daughter was on the set that day too.

I'll second that compliment to the homepage article writer. You're welcome and thank you Roger, his wife, Tim & his wife. DaisyMae, sorry we didn't get to talk much. Hope you had a great time too!

Brian wrote it. But don't compliment him too much or he'll get a swelled head. We all know he doesn't need that. LOL.


Hey Y'all!

First off, I didn't read the homepage, so I can't compliment anyone yet (and I won't mention it again to help out Meadowmufn!)

It sounded like y'all had fun. I am sure it was exciting, not only to see Rosco, but also to be able to meet the people behind the writing here on Hazzardnet! I am so glad you all got the chance to go, see Rosco, and meet eachother. It sounds like a great day. I was thinkin' 'bout y'all the entire day. It really sounds like you had an exceptional day.

Roger, I am sure that James was thrilled that you were talking to him, and complimenting him. I am sure when you mentioned Sorrell, he was honored. I really think that the actors know that we are all a family, and none of them would be where they are without the fans, and each other. Without any of them the show would never have made it this far. I never did see the reunion movie. I saw the first one, but that was way before I was really taken in to the Dukes. So, unfortunately, I don't know what scene you are in referance to. I am sure when we see that, (if we do) my family will cry, who knows, I might even get a little teary eyed!

If y'all have any pictures, I'd love to see them. I hope you got all your autographes!

Was the line for Rosco really that long? I know the Dukes is a great show, but it seems to me that after X number of years, people would forget. But, that's not to say they should! I am sure James Best was honored if that line was long!

Until the next post, then, I guess I will be daydreamin' bout if I got to go...

Oh, well, maybe nextime. :)

General Grant


Well, I have to agree. It was a great time for me as well. I think that is definately what I like best about Dukes. Everyone feels like family. Granted I didn't get a chance to talk to Tim and Daney much, but it was great putting faces with the names. And it's funny to start talking about other people and discover that there really is a few degrees of separation with people- knowing Cousin Don from the CGLFC for example. Daney, Tim, Roger: You all are awesome- it was a pleasure talking to you all and well worth the snowstorms I had to go through to get there!

My Rosco experience: I didn't really expect to be able to talk to him too much. Not only were they moving people along, but I am horribly shy and get nervous easy... so after buying a picture for my 14 year old daughter Lisa and getting my hat out of my Dukes backpack, we waited to go up there. When we finally did, he had the widest grin on his face. It really was contageous. He looked at the picture and said "Oh there's Velvet Ears" and he started telling us all about Flash, and how he rescued her. that he went to the producers saying he wanted Rosco to have a dog and they didn't want to do it at first. He said that Flash lived to be 14 years old and turned out to be as big a star as any of them:) We talked about how we are both dog lovers. Then he looked at my hat and complimented me on how many signatures I have thus far, saying he didn't know where to sign because John's signature takes up so much room. Haha. He is so easy to talk to...a lot like Sonny and John in that respect- very personable. When we went to leave, he made a point to shake our hands warmly and made my daughter's day by saying "Goodbye Pretty" to her. Definately well worth the trip!


Really fun time.Great to put faces with names on here.I really didn't get to talk to Jimmy just enough to say hey. I've met him numerous times before along with doing that show with him 5 years ago.Yes the line was long I left about 3:30pm and it was just starting to go down and he was going on break at 4 so I hope what was left in line got through, it was a solid line from 1pm. So they promoted it well apparently. I do have some pics.I'll post em when I get a chance.


In addition, I also met Hazzardnet member CNH320. He doesn't post a lot but he sure has a nice General Lee and Hazzard Sheriff's car. I got my picture taken with the General while sitting on the drivers side door. I also met another Hazzard County resident.....Sherry Tolliver from "the Rustlers". Most of you probably know that she is Mrs James Best. That's a great story about Flash, DaisyMae. Thanks for that information about that touching scene Meadowmuffin. I'm still walking on a cloud from Saturday. It's going to be a long time before I come down.


Hey Roger!

I never picked up on that before! When I looked real close, I saw her hotwiring it! Shame Shame, everybody knows yer name! Khee! Khee! I love it!

DaisyMae... I know that Rosco and Enos keep a pretty close look out for orange Chargers with big 01's on the door. Better hope he didn't set up a speed trap, or worse.... he'll probably try to frame you for somethin' thinkin' you're "Da Duke boys!"

Anyway, it is a very nice picture. I wish I had a General Lee. I guess in my mind I do, already! As do most of the other Hazzard citizens here!

Anyway, I hope that I can see some more pictures, I just love looking at the pictrues of anything Dukes related, excluding the latest movies, that is!

General Grant


Hi Everyone,

Oh, now I'm kind of jealous! That sounded like such a great time! Thanks for sharing it, it makes me feel like I was there! Wonderful picture, TimDuke!

DaisyMae, what is the story behind how James Best rescued Velvet Ears?

Hopefully one of these days I will be able to go to a Dukes of Hazzard related event-and be able to meet some of you wonderful Hazzardites!

Laura Duke


I had a great time...well up until Roger asked Rosco to cuff and stuff me fortrying to take the General Lee...some guys just don't know how to have any fun...

The story behind Flash is that James was a dog lover even back then and he wanted his character Rosco to have a dog. The producers said no, not in the budget, etc. So James said fine, went and rescued a dog of his own out of a shelter, and she became part of the show. Jiames was really her owner but he ended up letting her live with her trainer all the time. James said she lived to be 14...so that's what in dog years? 98? A ripe old age... there's nothing sweeter than hearing James say velvet ears in person...

  • 2 weeks later...
I had a great time...well up until Roger asked Rosco to cuff and stuff me fortrying to take the General Lee...some guys just don't know how to have any fun...

The story behind Flash is that James was a dog lover even back then and he wanted his character Rosco to have a dog. The producers said no, not in the budget, etc. So James said fine, went and rescued a dog of his own out of a shelter, and she became part of the show. Jiames was really her owner but he ended up letting her live with her trainer all the time. James said she lived to be 14...so that's what in dog years? 98? A ripe old age... there's nothing sweeter than hearing James say velvet ears in person...

I think that's wonderful.

  • 2 weeks later...
I think that's wonderful.

Four things that happened to me on Friday February 15, 2008 at work

One I got paid. two I accidently rand into the cupboard door, but really my arm is fine and it not even that dark of a bruise right now.

Third I was on the middle cashier register at work and it's the middle of the lunch rush and this guy is in line and he says "This order is for Mr. Best" well i got his order and didn't think nothing of it because there is alot people with the name "Best" out there somewhere. Well about and hour later I hear my boss Dave telling somebody the James Best from The Dukes of Hazzard was at our McDonald's or something like that.

Fourth the McFlurry I was making blew up on my fairly new and clean uniform and on the wall, and the floor oh it was a mess.

Anything intersecting happen to any of you's.

Four things that happened to me on Friday February 15, 2008 at work

One I got paid. two I accidently rand into the cupboard door, but really my arm is fine and it not even that dark of a bruise right now.

Third I was on the middle cashier register at work and it's the middle of the lunch rush and this guy is in line and he says "This order is for Mr. Best" well i got his order and didn't think nothing of it because there is alot people with the name "Best" out there somewhere. Well about and hour later I hear my boss Dave telling somebody the James Best from The Dukes of Hazzard was at our McDonald's or something like that.

Fourth the McFlurry I was making blew up on my fairly new and clean uniform and on the wall, and the floor oh it was a mess.

Anything intersecting happen to any of you's.

Did I happen to mention that I work in Parma, Ohio. What is going on in Parma, Ohio that James Best would be in the area?

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