Julieduke Posted January 16, 2008 Author Posted January 16, 2008 Meanwhile ' date=' a young girl named Shannon enters Hazzard but gets lost and rosco catches her and let's hope someone comes to her rescue. Enos comes up"hey arthur watcha doing?" Arthur says" Oh nothing, enos I was just getting some fresh air."Balladeer: hopes Enos sees that Arthur lied and realizes something is up?cue Juileduke or i1976or Lori Daveport[/quote']Julie says "You know since Arthur is outside Uncle Jesse he don't have no accent have you noticed that yet."Cue I1976 or LoriDavenport or Bo's Crush
i1976 Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Ucle Jesse looks at his young niece "He has no accent 'cause he talks not much and very slowly, with a neutral accent. Of course he hasn't our south accent. But why are you so interested in that man?"Outside Arthur is finally smoking his beloved cigarette. Enos looks at him "Do you know that smoking damages your lungs and not only your lungs?"Arthur looks at him "And what 'bout drinking alcohol? Do you know anything 'bout it?"Enos nods "Yeah. Also drinking alcohol is not a good thing 'cause... " Arthur stops him "Oh shut up, please, Enos. It was a nipping question", then he stops smoking "OK. Sorry. I'm a bit tired. Well, what about those felons? Did you find out something?"
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Arthur says " yes, Enos, I did now leave me alone." Enos "well ok, Im a stop by the dukes and let them know that a young girl got arrested on really no bad charges. bye." Balladeer: well, maybe enos will find out to maybe arthur may not be a good cop.cue Juileduke i1976 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Ucle Jesse looks at his young niece "He has no accent 'cause he talks not much and very slowly, with a neutral accent. Of course he hasn't our south accent. But why are you so interested in that man?"Outside Arthur is finally smoking his beloved cigarette. Enos looks at him "Do you know that smoking damages your lungs and not only your lungs?"Arthur looks at him "And what 'bout drinking alcohol? Do you know anything 'bout it?"Enos nods "Yeah. Also drinking alcohol is not a good thing 'cause... " Arthur stops him "Oh shut up, please, Enos. It was a nipping question", then he stops smoking "OK. Sorry. I'm a bit tired. Well, what about those felons? Did you find out something?"Julie says "Uncle Jesse, we haven't heard from Daney is quite a long time now I wonder where she could be at right now."cue i1976 or Bo's Crush or LoriDavenport or anybody
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Julie says "Uncle Jesse, we haven't heard from Daney is quite a long time now I wonder where she could be at right now."cue i1976 or Bo's Crush or LoriDavenport or anybodyBalladeer: It seems that escaped felons planned was working better than anybody could expect I wonder what they are up to and if Arthur Bandini is a part of it.
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Balladeer: Shannon was pacing in her cell, knowing she's on false charges and asks if she could get one phone call.Meanwhile Enos comes up and tells the dukes of Shannon being in jail under charges he thought werent right and asked if the dukes were goning to do anything about it.cue anybody
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Balladeer: Shannon was pacing in her cell' date=' knowing she's on false charges and asks if she could get one phone call.Meanwhile Enos comes up and tells the dukes of Shannon being in jail under charges he thought werent right and asked if the dukes were goning to do anything about it.cue anybody[/quote']Julie says "Uncle Jesse, we got to do something about it I'm going to tell my brother right now I sure we could find to bail her out it's not right Bo not knowing about all the charges Shannon could be facing right now."Cue Bo's Crush or anybody
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Julie tells Bo the story and all that Enos told her so bo and julie and luke drive up to see Shannon at the jail house asks Rosco what exactly what was she in jail for and he says for speeding. bo walks in and sees Shannon sitting in the corner of the cell and falls in love with her as soon as he saw her he told her that he and his cousins were going to get him out.cue Julieduke or anyone else
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Julie tells Bo the story and all that Enos told her so bo and julie and luke drive up to see Shannon at the jail house asks Rosco what exactly what was she in jail for and he says for speeding. bo walks in and sees Shannon sitting in the corner of the cell and falls in love with her as soon as he saw her he told her that he and his cousins were going to get him out.cue Julieduke or anyone elseJulie says "Listen Shannon we sort of got a houseguest when you come over it's this Italian Cop named Arthur Bandini he is so cute and good looking too bad he's 30 years old."Cue Bo's Crush or Anybody
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Shannon says yall are gonna help me out aint ya and Bo says with a smile on his face sure darling you know youre the most prettist girl ive ever seen. She smiles and hopes the d ukes can get her outt.cueJulieduke or anybody else
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Shannon says yall are gonna help me out aint ya and Bo says with a smile on his face sure darling you know youre the most prettist girl ive ever seen. She smiles and hopes the d ukes can get her outt.cueJulieduke or anybody elseJulie says "I'm so excited about OSU, I was supposed to leave today but something came up you know I am thinking about what if something would've came up like when felons took my family hostage and I just found today."cue Bo's Crush or Anybody
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Bo so youre not honna leave julie says of course not I wanna help Shannon out and take care of uncle jesse, you, luke and Daisy.Shannon says you know i wasnt speeding when rosco caught me.Balladeer: Uh oh looks like boss has a setup plan.cue julieduke or anybody
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Bo so youre not honna leave julie says of course not I wanna help Shannon out and take care of uncle jesse' date=' you, luke and Daisy.Shannon says you know i wasnt speeding when rosco caught me.Balladeer: Uh oh looks like boss has a setup plan.cue julieduke or anybody[/quote']Julie says "That doesn't sound good why don't we talk about this later and besides he might get curious. You know I got to pay some parking tickets and speeding tickets before I leave for Ohio."Cue Bo's Crush or anybody
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Shannon says well how are yall gonna get me out and luke says we'll think of some way besides if rosco catches us will be right with you. Bo says Hey julie how about i drop you off at the farm and then me and luke can come here and comfort Shannon.cue Julieduke or anybody
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Shannon says well how are yall gonna get me out and luke says we'll think of some way besides if rosco catches us will be right with you. Bo says Hey julie how about i drop you off at the farm and then me and luke can come here and comfort Shannon.cue Julieduke or anybodyJulie says "Okay, but why can't I be a part of the plan Luke for once you always treat me like a kids I'm eighteen years old you know."Cue Bo's Crush or Anybody
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Luke says its because youre the yougest thats why. bo says come on luke i think she can help us bust out Shannon. Luke says besides she like daisy when she was little and bo you were a baby along with julie i know what right.cue julieduke or anybody
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Luke says its because youre the yougest thats why. bo says come on luke i think she can help us bust out Shannon. Luke says besides she like daisy when she was little and bo you were a baby along with julie i know what right.cue julieduke or anybodyJulie says "Thanks Bo, but I was thinking I got and idea what if ask Rosco about how much it would take to pay off my speeding and parking tickets. I don't why he don't like my parking I passed the driving test and the parking part of it."Cue Bo's Crush or Anybody
Bo's Crush Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Bo says good luck julie you a great little sis and Shannon me, luke uncle jesse and daisy is gonna help you. Shannon says thanks bo you know youre really cute.Balladeer: oh lord are we feeling a love connection here?cuejulieduke or anybody
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Bo says good luck julie you a great little sis and Shannon me' date=' luke uncle jesse and daisy is gonna help you. Shannon says thanks bo you know youre really cute.Balladeer: oh lord are we feeling a love connection here?cuejulieduke or anybody[/quote']Julie says "Thanks Shannon, but Bo what does Moonshine taste Uncle Jesse says that it's something I don't need to know what it taste according to him."cue Bo's Crush or anybody
Julieduke Posted January 17, 2008 Author Posted January 17, 2008 Julie says "Thanks Shannon, but Bo what does Moonshine taste Uncle Jesse says that it's something I don't need to know what it taste according to him."cue Bo's Crush or anybodyJulie walks over to the desk where Rosco is and says "Excuse Sheriff hi it's Julie Duke and I want to clear the air about some unpaid parking tickets and speeding tickets not that they was on purpose or nothing before I leave for Columbus and O.S. U so I can take Criminal Justice and later the C.S.I course in Tenn."cue anybody
i1976 Posted January 18, 2008 Posted January 18, 2008 Meanwhile Arthur is outside the Dukes farm, smoking another cigarette and looking at all those people coming in and leaving. He feels they don't trust him completly, and he wonders why, 'cause he's really a cop.He's wondering about everything and how to help Dukes and to arrest those felons, when uncle Jesse calls him.Arthur comes in the farm, where there are only uncle Jesse and Daisy (others Dukes and friends are in Hazzard helping Shannon) and uncle Jesse hands him the phone, "There's a call for you, officer"
LoriDavenport Posted January 18, 2008 Posted January 18, 2008 Lori who had been behind Luke all this time spoke up,"Hey ya'll I got a plan to get her outta here...." She smiled,"What if you two,"She pointed at Bo and Luke,"Run up to the sheriff's office and get him down here...say somethings wrong with Shannon....then when Rosco gets the keys out and opens the door we let him walk in and we get shannon outta there...she can ride in Midnight with me where thered be room.."
Bo's Crush Posted January 19, 2008 Posted January 19, 2008 Bo says "that's sounds like a great idea, Lori. Let's do it." Shannon says " But who's gonna get Rosco?" Everyone looks at Bo and then bo says "oh no not me." Then Lori says "Come on bo youre helping Shannon out and you might get lucky." Bo says Ok only for her sake." Luke: " that great bo."Meanwhile at the farm... Arthur takes the phone call and decides to meet his friends at an old moonshine still.Balladeer: Uh oh, I told y'all that Arthur was bad didnt I?cue julieduke, LoriDavenport or i1976
Julieduke Posted January 19, 2008 Author Posted January 19, 2008 Bo says "that's sounds like a great idea' date=' Lori. Let's do it." Shannon says " But who's gonna get Rosco?" Everyone looks at Bo and then bo says "oh no not me." Then Lori says "Come on bo youre helping Shannon out and you might get lucky." Bo says Ok only for her sake." Luke: " that great bo."Meanwhile at the farm... Arthur takes the phone call and decides to meet his friends at an old moonshine still.Balladeer: Uh oh, I told y'all that Arthur was bad didnt I?cue julieduke, LoriDavenport or i1976[/quote']Julie says "Hey Lori, what do you want me to do by the way I didn't owe for alot just one unpaid parking ticket it was when I parked in his spot he was pretty steamed at that time when I did that right there."Cue Bo's Crush or LoriDavenport or i1976
i1976 Posted January 19, 2008 Posted January 19, 2008 While everyone is trying to help Shannon, Arthur Bandini is meeting his "friends". "Hey guys" he says."Hey Arthur, do Dukes really think you are a cop?" someone says, laughing "A #### like you a cop?"Arthur smiles back "Oh yeah, they trust me like puppets their puppeteer" then he thinks "And you're so stupid you don't realize that I'm really a cop, the same cop who arrested you years ago. And you aren't able either to remember me. Stupid guys"Ballader: I'm a bit confused. Arthur is a good guy or a bad guy? Is it a double cross? Is he trying to help Dukes or to help felons? Or is he playing a game only for his purposes or for someone's else purposes?
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