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When we were little...


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Lavinia nodded, taking Bo from Luke and hugging him.

"Your such a good boy arn;t ya huh...you clever boy..."

Bo looked a bit startled at the sudden attention, blinking a little before grinning and burbling again. Lavinia smiled and handed Bo back to Luke before rushing to the door, calling out.

"Jesse! Jesse come quick!!"

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Jesse came bustling in. "What in tarnation..." he exclaimed as he came inside quickly surveying te room expecting to find broken cookie jars, peanut butter smeared on the wall, or worse still, Bo in yet another asthma attack. He found none of this however and looked from Lavinia to Luke holding Bo on his lap. "What's goin' on?"

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Lavinia grabbed his hand and pulled him into the living room, sitting next to Luke on the couch and getting Bo's attention again, him having been once more more interested in playing with Luke's shirt buttons, asked him softly.

"Bo...Bo whose this..."

At this she pointed to Luke. Bo looked to Luke then looked back to Lavinia and Jesse, smiling before pointing to Luke himself and saying.


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Lavinia shook her head, smiling a little as she rubbed Bo's back softly. The little boy was now just sniffling as he rested his head on his Auntie's shoulder, sucking on his thumb.

"It was probably more likely the shock of actually doin' it...you gotta remember Luke, that Bo aint never stood up before so he ain't been so high on his own...and I's guessin' he fell as well which he ain't done so its another shock...that's all. It probably wasn't really yer fault at all.."

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