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Knight Rider returns back to tv on Febr 17, 2008

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Hey Julieduke!

When you say that Knight Rider will return, do you mean that they are making a new series or movie? If they are and are switching vehicles.... That is an outrage! I saw what they did in the last Knight Rider movie. They killed Devon and KITT!!!!!! KITTs personality and look made the show. And Devon was great. I don't know, I am probably going to stand alone on this one, but my opinion is that the series ended, and they will never be able to duplicate it, so they shouldn't try, they should just give us the series and let us have happy thoughts on that!

What's your opinion, y'all?

General Grant


Well, General Grant and Julieduke, I'm kind of torn.....

First of all, I think that it is SO exciting that they are going to have Knight Rider back on. I've watched that show, and it was really a fun show to watch, so I'm happy to hear that it's on.

But, having a new series of Knight Rider means that it will have different people and cars, which takes out half the fun right there. Plus, Knight Rider was a pretty clean, family-friendly show. But, now it will be up to the "standards" of today, taking away the other half of the fun. I personally don't like listening to swearing and all the other garbage that they have on nowadays.

So, it kind of seems to me that I have more reasons not to watch it than to watch it!:) Has David Hasselhoff said if he was excited about the new re-make of the show or not? It would be interesting to see how he felt about someone trying to fill his shoes, and KITT's!

Laura Duke


Yep KITT is a Rustang now.Not the original voice for KITT either and William Daniels is still alive to do it. I heard the Hoff is taking Devons place and be in charge.From what I've read and heard this is NOT a remake it is a continuation pass the torch deal. Still with a different car and no original voice,I smell LOSER.


Hey y'all!

Why can't the TV producers ever say anything that is good news, so people can stop calling me "Stormin' Norman!" Thank you TimDuke! I also smell LOSER, and I am really upset about this! It is an outrage! I say that William Daniels should be the one and only voice for KITT, and that is it! I also don't think that David Hasslehoff should be the head of the Foundation for Law and Government. I mean, if they were going to kill Devon off, they should just leave it at that, instead of insisting upon ruining it more! I still can't believe that they are going to ruin a great series!! I wish I were ol' Rosco right now, so I could cuff 'em and stuff 'em and then tell them to hush! Khee! Khee! I'm gone~

Catch y'all later!

General Grant


I know some are outraged about this new show. i will hold off on judgement until I see it. I've read that Will Arnett will be the voice of KITT and Hasselhoff will be Michael Knight, how big of a role his character will be is still in negotiations. Anyway I figured I'd post what the new KITT will look like in case some of you are interested in seeing it.

The Knight Industries Three Thousand is a Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR in the upcoming new Knight Rider TV movie coming out in February 2008.


And the guy driving the new KITT...


Also since I'm on a roll with this stuff, a video of the new KITT in action (actually there are 3 versions of KITT)


I know some are outraged about this new show. i will hold off on judgement until I see it.

That is exactly what should be done. Wait until it is actually here and judge for yourselves. You never know . it might be good or irt might not be. There is no need to rip something apart based on speculation or internet heresay likes others have done so far.

Remember what opinions are like, every one has one and that includes me.

I'm gone




Why can't Hollywood producers leave our great TV shows alone? Don't they have any creativity. In my opinion, they have minds and should put them to good use. How dare they change KITT's name to the Knight Industries Three Thousand. In the words of Daisy, I am mad enough to spit.

Thank you bwgath for the pictures, and for being so considerate about the whole issue. But, still, how dare they! That doesn't even look like KITT! Ooooooooooo! I could just spit, I am so upset! My blood pressure is on the rise, and would not be surprised to find that it will remain that way for a week!!!

Another opinion, Michael should NOT head the Foundation. Isn't it enough that in the first movie they killed Devon? Now they pretty much killed KITT by installing a new voice and vehicle! I have said it once and I will say it again, How dare they! And I do not know about y'all, but I certainly will not be watching that series.

I know one person, come Febuary, who will NOT be happy.

Not to get all revved up, but I could just spit!

General Grant


I said the same thing about Battlestar Galactica, I thought the new one would suck compared to the old one. Boy was I wrong!!!!! Hopefully the same will hold true about the new Knight Rider. I was a huge fan of the original so I will watch just because of the name.


Hey Y'all!

Sorry to get so revved up on this subject! Do you happen to know if it will return on cable? If that is the case, I am going to go absolutely mad becase I don't get cable. Anyway, I will try to refrain judgement until I can see the series. Y'all probably think I am crazy! But, still, how could they change KITT so drastically?!

Anyway, thanks for the reassurance and the trying to calm me down!

General Grant


Quite true, Julieduke!

Is it just me, or should chargers have only 2 doors? I notice that the '08 Dodge Chargers have four doors, and are not as sharp looking as the '69 charger.

Anyway, is the series coming to cable?

I still don't think they should change KITT so much!

General Grant

Quite true, Julieduke!

Is it just me, or should chargers have only 2 doors? I notice that the '08 Dodge Chargers have four doors, and are not as sharp looking as the '69 charger.

Anyway, is the series coming to cable?

I still don't think they should change KITT so much!

General Grant

It's coming to Nbc, and they're talking about making a 2dr Charger and a convertible edition as well.


I was just a casual fan of the show not a hardcore one. At least this isn't a remake it is a continuation from the original so I can maybe see introducing a new car. Even though there are probably enough of those old Trans-Ams/Firebirds around to have it as the original car it is hard to pass off a 25 year old car as being more high tech now than it was back then. I still say since William Daniels is still alive they should have him as the voice. I don't know.I have a feeling the hardcore fanbase won't be so willing to accept a new car and voice.I still smell failure.I probably won't watch it.


Nicely put, TimDuke! I agree, KITT's voice should be by William Daniels. How old is he, now, anyways? I tried looking up one time how old he was, but I can never remember if it is William Daniels, or Daniel Williams! Some fan, huh?!

Does anyone happen to know what time it will be on, and the time zone! If I can, maybe I will watch it, although I probably will not like it! But, I will try to have an open mind! I hope, maybe, I will try!

General Grant


If it is a continuation that will be better, at least to me anyway. I really have no problem with remakes, retellings, reimaginings or whatever you call them. Granted some of them aren't as good as the original, but I do like to see someone elses thought on them.

This one could go either way. I will reserve judgement until I actually see it.

Hopefully it will better than 2 Knight Rider made for TV movies in the 90's.

Knight Rider 2000 - 1991

Knight Rider 2010 - 1994

Bother were not good so maybe the third time will be a charm

I'm gone



Well, as a KITT replica owner, I obviously would have loved to see the old Transam back on teh screen, and as a cameo, we will.

The Hoff and "KITT" will make a very brief appearance, but I shall reserve my jusgement until I've actually seen it, but not holding out much hope, smells like a rush job to me.

Glen Larson, the original series creator, is making a Knight Rider movie which should be out in 2009. His script is nearly finished but cannot complete it due to the writers strike.

He is making a modern day version of his Pilot Episode, so, again there will be no 82 transam, or no Hoff either. Maybe William Daniels voice will make it into Glen's film???? For a knight Rider fan, it is what we have been waiting for, a TV series and a film, I just hope it's worth the wait, but I doubt it. Nothing ever matches the original.


All I know is that it will air on February 17th on NBC.

According to the TV Times KITT is a Mustang Shelby thanks to a new marketing alliance between NBC and FORD. It's always about $$$.

I will admit that it is a really good looking car but I liked the old KITT. I never like it when they change things. Remakes and sequels are never as good.

I enjoyed that show. I will watch the movie if it airs on a Canadian channel just out of curiosity.


I can't handle KITT being a Ford. Everybody knows Fords are evil.

At least KITT isn't getting painted orange.

I'll say this much to the positive - it's good to see a new show that centers around cars. Sadly, car stunts just ain't what they used to be on television. I figure there's gonna be a few high-end graphic effects that will be reused to the umpteenth degree.

On the negative, I recall getting interested in a new KR series before, and then wishing I'd never heard of it. "Team Knight Rider" was just plain bad. And as Darrell mentioned earlier, the made-for-TV Knight Rider movies weren't so hot.

Looking back, Knight Rider has been re-created and botched more often than The Dukes of Hazzard.

Fords are crap.

Hey now, I drive a Ford. LOL The Escort was very reliable. Had for 10 years and I still see plenty of the older models on the street. I have a 2007 Focus now. So far so good. Great handling. The first couple of years the Focus' were crap true. This year so many Mazda3 owners got "lemony" cars they are considering suing.

But I disgress sorry, this topic is about Knight Rider.

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