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fanfic idea


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Okay, everybody who follows fanfic knows that I've never done it before so this might be a stupid question. I can see why people enjoy the different and creative ideas that fanfic offers but I was wondering if there are any that don't create outside characters? I can see why people like to do that but I think it would be nice to have a fanic that only permits characters that have been on the show to appear. The story could go in any direction our imagination would take us, of course, but the characters wouldn't be ficticious at all (since we all know Hazzard County is real). Any thoughts, folks? Has this been done before or is it being done now? I'm gone.

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Roger, fanfic is a term for all stories written by fans, not just ones featuring outside characters. There are several fanfics that only feature the show folks. I've met people who have been writing since the series first aired all those years ago.

Some people do not publish everything. I've been fortunate to work with both. I've read a few created characters who were more real than characters from the tv show. I encourage you to try and write a story.

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Roger, there is a lot of good "normal" Dukes fanfic out there that is based on the original cast only. Sometimes you have to dig around for it, but it's there.

Try looking around DukesofHazzardFanfic.com. Also, fanfiction.net has a "Dukes" category that's fairly large.

HNet fic and Round Robins contain a lot of outside-character, 'extended family' role plays and such because....well, it's a long story. Several long stories, in fact. But by no means is it the only thing out there. And some of our RR authors have written orthodox, normal Dukes fic with no added characters, and those are on DukesofHazzardFanfic.com, or DOHFF as we call it.

After reading some stories, why not try a hand at writing one yourself? MaryAnne would be happy to post it on DOHFF for you. And then, fame and fortune - or at least modest notoriety - will be yours!

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Okay, everybody who follows fanfic knows that I've never done it before so this might be a stupid question. I can see why people enjoy the different and creative ideas that fanfic offers but I was wondering if there are any that don't create outside characters? I can see why people like to do that but I think it would be nice to have a fanic that only permits characters that have been on the show to appear. The story could go in any direction our imagination would take us, of course, but the characters wouldn't be ficticious at all (since we all know Hazzard County is real). Any thoughts, folks? Has this been done before or is it being done now? I'm gone.

I hope you'll write a fanfic, Roger.

It's funny. I wasn't used to write fanfic, but I tried; I wrote my first fanfic here, on Hazzardnet (on Round Robin section 'cause I needed help from other writers), and then a couple of fanfics on Fanfiction.net.

Yeah, it's very funny create a story focused on your favourite character, or imagine an alternative ending of an episode and so on.

When I was I child, everytime a liked a TV show, or a book, or a cartoon, I imagined stories focused on my fav characters (I created these stories before to sleep, in my bed, and sometimes I dreamed of it). At that time I didn't know I was creating, somehow, fanfics. LOL

I knew this term (fanfiction) on Internet, and I discovered that it's not so strange have such a big fantasy.

If you want to make a RR fanfic (only using the show's characters), I'm here.

If you want to write a fanfic, I'll read it, and I know that I'll enjoy it ('cause you're a big fan of Dukes, and you know Hazzard very well, with map, cars and characters).

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you should really try fanfic rogerduke, its quite fun when you make up your own character. like for instance, i had my name changed for my character I created about a year ago, Lori. Shes the sane one of the Davenports, sides L.B... but if you post a fanfic or a roundrobin, Id love to read it, or if you ever need any help just ask!! ill listen!!

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After reading you post Lori, I think I have fanfic and roundrobins mixed up. In fact, I didn't know there was a difference. So, let me see if I got this straight, people respond to roundrobins but fanfics are only manipulated (added to or changed) by the original author? Never mind, I'll just start clicking on some when I get time. I'll figure it out. Thanks.

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After reading you post Lori, I think I have fanfic and roundrobins mixed up. In fact, I didn't know there was a difference. So, let me see if I got this straight, people respond to roundrobins but fanfics are only manipulated (added to or changed) by the original author? Never mind, I'll just start clicking on some when I get time. I'll figure it out. Thanks.

LOL no you have it right RogerDuke, and lord have mercy im sorry I confused you!! If'n it aint myself im confusin its someone else :-P but you have it correct my good friend... im down and out!

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Thanks for all the information everybody but I think I'm going to pass for now on getting into fanfic. I might change my mind someday but I suspect if I started, that I'd like it so much, I'd never get anything done around the house. It's something I could see myself easily putting an hour a night into and I'd rather use that time watching an episode...speaking of which...catch ya tomorrow. I'm gone.

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Hey now don't give up so eaisly. There's always a thing called joint fan fic writing which I do frequently with DaisyMae. Basically you write a chapter for the story, dicuss with the other person what you want to happen in the story together, then the other person writes the second chapter, then back to the first person, then second...see what I mean? This is ideal for not only people who dont have a lot of time to write, but also for people who have an idea but want to develop it into something better.

Plus, I only ever write with the original characters. While new characters add depth and everything (and no offense meant to people who have added characters of their own) I think that continuing to extend the Dukes family into even more way ward cousins and brothers just ruins the whole original plot of the Dukes. I mean come on, it was hard to believe that they had 7 cousins all together meaning Jesse had 7 brothers...

If I ever add my own character, its either a bad guy or I branch out into the boys future and give them children and wives because, regardless of what Uncle Jesse says, the boys could so hold a family down, they just have to wait for the right people that are as special as they are. Its very fun to write about an area of Dukes they didn't focus on in the show. Another area I write in is Luke's time in the Marines, what happened when he came home etc.

Fan fic writing is so fun and raises a lot of debates on the plot holes that lined the show. Those plot holes were deliberatly left there for the fans to debate over lol.

Hope you get something up soon, if you need a hand I'm always here buddy. :-)


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Hmmm....I'm thinking. Should that be something that I would post here or on another link? Bear in mind that I've never done anything on a computer besides e-mail and Hazzardnet so I have no computer skills. How long should the opening chapter be or doesn't it matter? This might be interesting.....

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Well my chapters which I post on fan fiction.net, are usually about 4-5 word pages long. If you want to post it on here, all you have to do is copy and paste the text from word which is really easy :-)

If you want, write it out on word then send it to me in an email and i'll read it through and tell you what I think before you post it

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Well my chapters which I post on fan fiction.net, are usually about 4-5 word pages long. If you want to post it on here, all you have to do is copy and paste the text from word which is really easy :-)

If you want, write it out on word then send it to me in an email and i'll read it through and tell you what I think before you post it


What's your nick on fanfiction.net?

Hey Roger, what do you think to join a round robin? It's easy.

I'd like to see you using the character of uncle Jesse, interacting with others characters.

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I agree i1976. Bo J. does have a definate talent for writing.

I think I have read some of yours too...at least your display name on here sounds familiar..I dont remember if I commented on them or not...I'm Jordyn D. on there so if I did thats who it would be under.

Jordyn D.... Yeah, I know your nick on fanfiction.net ;)

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