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Daddy Duke (continuation of Why is it)

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"Kids," muttered Jesse as he left to call a doc. He really wasn't as mad as he let on...he was worried, especially at the sight of Luke's foot...and when he was worried it always came out harsh.

Luke held on to Bo's shoulder tightly as he felt the cold press against his foot. Even that little bit of pressure made his foot tender.

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Amos sighed and nodded, giving Bo a glance seeing him about to protest that he didn't need to be checked out, warning him to just be quiet which Bo wisely took as good advice and kept his mouth shut.

"Alright then Luke let's take a look at this...Bo could you move the ice..."

Bo nodded and did so, letting the doctor start checking Luke over.

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Amos nodded and watched as for once, Bo was being the bigger person...but he didn't miss the smug look on Bo's face...either he knew nothing was wrong or he knew something that no one else did.

He looked over Bo's shoulder carefully.

"Does it hurt anywhere Bo?"

Bo shook his head, moving his shoulder as the doctor moved it around.

"No not really...Luke just got my pressure point is all..that hurt...but now its ok..."

Amos nodded, continuing to check Bo's shoulder.

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Bo laid still as they took x-rays of his shoulder, knowing somewhere in a room not too far away Luke was probably still protesting that he didn't need it and wanted to go home.

He also, Bo knew, could be panicking. Luke wasn't particularly good with enclosed spaces when he was alone...a phobia left over from his POW time in Vietnam.

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Luke was panicking. It began the moment he heard the door close behind him and noticed the lack of windows in the small room. "Look you know what's wrong...just fix it."

But the technicians would hear none of it. Carefully they laid Luke on the xray table and ordered him to lie still as the machine turned on, carrying him like an auto part on a conveyor belt to his fate.

Luke's heart was pounding as he felt the familiar closeness come over him. Slowly he started thinking of the General, Jaime, Bo...anything to distract him from the fear he felt inside of him.

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Bo closed his eyes as the machine above him started up and laid perfectly still, trying to reach out to Luke anyway he could. He didn't know if trying to speak to him in his mind would work, after all that only ever worked in sci-fi movies and between twins sometimes. He and Luke definitly were not twins. Still, he could always try,

"Luke...its alright...just stay calm, everythin's alright cousin.."

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Just as Luke was feeling the machine encicle him, he seemed to hear Bo's voice out of nowhere, telling him it was ok...to be calm. Luke closed his eyes, not realizing that Bo was talking to him. "I'm so scared Bo," he whimpered trembling as he did so.

"Sir you have to keep still," ordered the technician as he pressed a few buttons making the machine take picture after picture.

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