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The doctor worked quickly and carefully, taking note of the more tender looking areas and being as careful as she could with them. Not too long later, it was all done and setting.

"As soon as that's dry, we'll traction it again..."


The doctor nodded with a smile.

"I could tell that right off...most people wouldn't complain about a broken foot...they'd use it as an excuse to get outta work...its only the hard workers that complain..."


"Now don't go blaiming the Mule...she was probably trying to do you a favour by giving you the time off...either that or she's got four feet to watch remember...maybe you should look where you leave your foot next time..."

She said with a cheeky grin.


Luke couldn't help but smile at her. "I thought doctors were s'posed t be merciful and sympathetic?" he said giving a small pout. He couldn't do it as well as Bo, but when needed it often came in handy.


The doctor laughed.

"Well that's a gross minconception...we can be very sympathetc when we feel like the patient deserves it...but leaving your foot where a mule could tread on it doesn't seem to deserve a lot of sympathy..."

She said with a wink.

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