LoriDavenport Posted September 9, 2007 Posted September 9, 2007 Angelena smirked,"Have yerself one too *POW* he was shot in the stomach. Angelena looked away from him and took the baby and ran, taking her car she left the coutny most likely the country.
Julieduke Posted September 9, 2007 Author Posted September 9, 2007 Dr. Verconica Lexmark was at the Dallas Memorial hosptial and she checking on a patient of hers and she was thinking to when she was that age. She had wondered what had happened to Micheal and Verconica she had left the school because her parents moved shortly after Micheal stood her up. She had to keep up a strong appearance for her son Micheal Allan Lexmark, her husband had just left her and she knew that he resented that her son was from her high school love Michael Darling and he couldn't take it. But what was the real breaking point was when she had lost the baby, and he cried and and accused her of not wanting his child. She was married to wealthy docter and she had chosen to take his last name and that had hurt his fealings. But Verconica didn't want to be called Dr.Stool by her patients how would that look on her business cards.Cue Luke_fan07 or Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted September 9, 2007 Author Posted September 9, 2007 Angelena smirked,"Have yerself one too *POW* he was shot in the stomach. Angelena looked away from him and took the baby and ran, taking her car she left the coutny most likely the country.Micheal had groaned and he smart enough to bring his cellphone with him and with that he had called for ambulance using procedure the Sheriff had taught him years ago, it's procedure that gets it faster and he prayed that somebody had caught her but he knew that they might never catch her. A couple of hours later Micheal was at the same hosptial as his wife and Bo didn't know how quite to tell his daughter that her husband had been shot. Or that he was on his way to Houston or that Angelena had shot him. Bo walked around and asked Luke if they talk in the hallway because he didn't want to upset Kathy or Reba and that they calling in a specialist from Houston named Dr. Lexmark.Cue Luke_Fan07 or Dukesrule2000P.S. Wow, Micheal really got it this time I wonder is he going to make it now and what is Reba going to say when she finds out that Angelena shot him.
Julieduke Posted September 9, 2007 Author Posted September 9, 2007 Micheal had groaned and he smart enough to bring his cellphone with him and with that he had called for ambulance using procedure the Sheriff had taught him years ago, it's procedure that gets it faster and he prayed that somebody had caught her but he knew that they might never catch her. A couple of hours later Micheal was at the same hosptial as his wife and Bo didn't know how quite to tell his daughter that her husband had been shot. Or that he was on his way to Houston or that Angelena had shot him. Bo walked around and asked Luke if they talk in the hallway because he didn't want to upset Kathy or Reba and that they calling in a specialist from Houston named Dr. Lexmark.Cue Luke_Fan07 or Dukesrule2000P.S. Wow, Micheal really got it this time I wonder is he going to make it now and what is Reba going to say when she finds out that Angelena shot him.Reba wakes up and smiles after her thinking what is going and the docters keeping telling her that have test and want to stay overnight. Clark and Lois said they would stay with her four kids and she kinda of smiled and thinking that Clark was in for quite a shock tonight.Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07
Julieduke Posted September 9, 2007 Author Posted September 9, 2007 Reba wakes up and smiles after her thinking what is going and the docters keeping telling her that have test and want to stay overnight. Clark and Lois said they would stay with her four kids and she kinda of smiled and thinking that Clark was in for quite a shock tonight.Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07Right now In the waiting room:Little Bo is singing "Bad to the Bone by George Thorgood and The Destroyers" and Clark is joining him as well and Lois is smiling and now she knew what Clark wasn't good at now. She knew he sang in the shower every morning he always picked her favorite song and sang in the morning.Lois is holding Marcus and he is falling asleep and Ellie and Savannah is on her left and right in the adjoining chairs. She couldn't wait to have this baby right now she thought her cousin kids were Darling's.Cue Luke_fan07 or dukesrule2000
LoriDavenport Posted September 9, 2007 Posted September 9, 2007 Micheal lay there looking around, after the surgery was complete, Veronica walked in and saw him there, she dropped her clipboards looking to him, Micheal looked to her and almost killed over,"Veronica?"
Julieduke Posted September 9, 2007 Author Posted September 9, 2007 Verconica says "Yes Micheal, it's me and it seems that you'll be okay so I got the bullet from your wound. And now the Sheriff wants to talk to you for a little while it seems he's a little bit mad at you. Listen, congratualtions on the wonderful wife and family you have but your wife signed for surgery and she mad as hornet at you. I don't know but I swear a woman must've finally shot you after all this time, not it wasn't me I was in Dallas at the time and besides our son needs me around. But right now, your my patient and I am your docter and that is all and all personal feelings left at the door."Micheal says "Boy, am I sore yes it was a woman that shot me it Angelena Tizdale and she has a little boy of mine named Jesse Lukas and I was on my way to Houston to visit family their."Verconica says "Well, I got from your wife's docter that she is pregant again and I think you ought to happy right now."Micheal says "Oh ya, about that you see I left Reba for Angelena and she kicked me out of the house and we was on our way out of town at the time she shot me."Cue Luke_fan07 or Dukesrule2000
Julieduke Posted September 10, 2007 Author Posted September 10, 2007 Verconica says "You know Micheal, I left you note in your locker and I wanted to tell way back then I was pregant but you either ignored my not or never even got it."Micheal says "I would've done anything to do right by and our son and you know I can't stand that Angelena stole that note and then you moved away and it seems I was robbed of knowing our son."Verconica says "Well, I got over you not being there and got on with my life and raising my son along it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I met my soon to be ex-husband Dr. Larry Stool and he a little while later we got married. I was even pregant by him, and I lost the baby he claimed I didn't want the baby and it seems that I still loved you after all these years. You know I named our son Micheal Allen and he's the spitting image of you and right now he's with my Parents while I'm here."Micheal says "You named our son after me, and I still can't believe what husbands last name no wonder you take his name when you got married I'm sorry If I'm laughing but that is pretty funny. Wait a minute is his cousin Dr. Urine Verconica. But one thing when I'm feeling better can I come see our son and you if you want that in Dallas."The Sheriff is standing outside the door and he accidently overheard and he knew that Reba was losing Micheal all over again and how would he break this to his Granddaughter she has been through so much allreadry.Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane walks in Micheal's room and says "Am I interpreting something here want me to come back later was your marriage to Granddaughter one huge mistake you know she is pregant again but I don't even think you care right now about that your going to be a father again. Oh back to business now so I heard it was Angelena Tizdale that shot you and you used what I had taught you to get ambulance to come pretty quick. Now did you really have to tell that it was an officer down I still don't know where you learned that from."Micheal says "Of course, I'm happy about the new baby coming if just that I have another son and it seems that Angelena took that from me way back in High School."Cue dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07
Julieduke Posted September 10, 2007 Author Posted September 10, 2007 Angelena was on her way out of the country when her car runs out of gas and by now she figure the Sheriff in Hazzard County had heard what she had done. She wasn't coming back to Hazzard not even for her Great-Aunt Emma's funeral she had to get on with her life and if this what it take well then she do it then. Balladeer:What Angelena didn't realize was she ran out of gas in Chickasaw Count and it Sheriff Little that was here and she never knew what to expect out fo him.Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07
dukesrule2000 Posted September 10, 2007 Posted September 10, 2007 While all of this was going on.Luke was in Kathy's Hospital Room. and they where talking. Just then Jesse walked in and said Mom Dad I just talked to Sarah and told her about the baby coming and she's so happy. and she said she will tell Grandma and Aunt Carol. and I also said you where in the hospital and she said she was coming to Hazzard to help you mom. so you don't get stressed out. Kathy smiled and said Ok Jesse. So mom how are you and the baby? Jesse said. Kathy smiled and said we are fine as long a I rest and stay still so the medican can help. and I think it is. cause i have had an contraction in 20 minutes and Jesse that is good. Leventa came running in. and she ran right to Luke. and Bo and Tracy was right behind her and Bo said Sorry she got away from me. Luke just started to laugh.
dukesrule2000 Posted September 11, 2007 Posted September 11, 2007 Luke said What's the matter Bo can't handle a 5 year old litle girl. Ya I normaly can Luke But she is your daughter. Kathy said now guys come on she's my girl too. Bo said and Thay's why I couldn't handle her.She's fisty Just like her mother.Her room for rings. Luke picks it up. and said Hello, Oh hi dad ya she fine. she just has to rest and stay stress free. Ya I know. but I will keep her stress free. Yup I will Bye. and he hung up the phone. and he looked at Jesse and just gave him a look and Jesse knew he was in for a leture and what it was all about.
Julieduke Posted September 11, 2007 Author Posted September 11, 2007 Luke said What's the matter Bo can't handle a 5 year old litle girl. Ya I normaly can Luke But she is your daughter. Kathy said now guys come on she's my girl too. Bo said and Thay's why I couldn't handle her.She's fisty Just like her mother.Her room for rings. Luke picks it up. and said Hello, Oh hi dad ya she fine. she just has to rest and stay stress free. Ya I know. but I will keep her stress free. Yup I will Bye. and he hung up the phone. and he looked at Jesse and just gave him a look and Jesse knew he was in for a leture and what it was all about.It seems that being feisty runs in the family because in comes running Ellie and Savannah in prior they was like book ends on Lois and Clark was running after then. Lois had Little Bo and was carrying Baby Marcus as well it seems that Marcus was getting tired and getting fuzzing by now. Bo just smiled cause he remembered that short he had Reba as a baby how she would get fuzzy and only his touch would, she just wanted her dad. It used to bug the mess out of Emma because she couldn't get her own daughter quiet. Lois says "Excuse me Uncle Bo, it seems that your grandson is just unhappy and nothing it helping that I'm doing. Clark even tried singing to him but he just cried harder. You know, I heard that Beth had good news for Reba and that her Husband had just come in after being shot by Angelena."Clark says "Did anybody see that Dr. Lexmark why it's Dr. Verconica Lexmark ans she really is something."Lois says "Oh thanks for the vote of confidence there Clark. I see you doing really well keeping up with two toddler girls and they ran you around the waiting area when they got up."Clark says "I'm sorry Lois, I didn't mean to say that it just sort of slipped out."Cue Dukesrule200O or Lori Davenport or Luke_Fan07
Julieduke Posted September 11, 2007 Author Posted September 11, 2007 Little Bo says "You know last time I was at home Grandpa it seems that I asked Daddy for some paper to draw on but he handed this right here and it don't understand it not any of things I ever read in school yet."Clark says "Excuse me but what piece of paper are you talking about Little Bo I don't recall seeing any paper around Reba's house especially around your Dad's office."Little Bo hands the piece of paper to Clark and he looks and says "Oh this is email that Micheal printed up and it from a Lex Luthor and it also been sent to a Mz. Angelena Tizdale and it seems it's date from last year before I came out here to visit."Lois says "Now Clark, why Lex Luthor email Micheal and Angelena about him coming out here and I thought he didn't know anybody in Hazzard. It would explain how he know where the Boar's Nest was at when he had a hard time finding the last time you was here. I remember you needed directions to get there and he just got there just like that."Luke and Bo look at each other and Bo says "Well, Clark can I see that email I think I might like to read that as well it seems that maybe the Sheriff might want to see that. Because I remember my son-in-law dening any wrong doing when he let Lex Luthor get away. Seems awful fishy to me right now."Little Bo looks at his Grandpa and says "Oh I sorry about that Grandpa eariler today I spilled the oil from the tuna fish can on my jeans. I just can't keep the cats around everybody house to leave me alone."Cue Dukesrule2000 or Lori Davenport of Luke_Fan07
Julieduke Posted September 11, 2007 Author Posted September 11, 2007 Dr. Verconica Lexmark walks of the room and Rosco is talking with Micheal and it seems that he was a bit mad at him.Micheal says "Now wait a minute Sheriff, now I know how you feel about your Grandduaghter but I was young when I married Reba. Well, and maybe those feeling have changed over the years."Rosco says "I was young when Emma was born and I wanted marry her Mamma, but her family talked her out of it. And I don't think a silly little thing such as time interfere in our love and marriage or honoring my wedding vows. My when I married Dusty, when the preacher says In sickness and health, till death do you part. Why I took that serious and I don't know what you was doing when you and Reba was getting married but that means a lifetime commitant to me."Micheal says "Ya sure Sheriff, but things have changed people change and and sometimes you know couples and families don't stay together why Father and Mother has been both married three time each before they met and had me."Rosco says "So your saying cheating is okay, according to your family standards. I'm sorry but that doesn't sound right to me and it seems there is soemthing your not telling me right now."Cue Dukesrule200O or Lori Davenport of anybody
Julieduke Posted September 11, 2007 Author Posted September 11, 2007 Little Bo says "You know last time I was at home Grandpa it seems that I asked Daddy for some paper to draw on but he handed this right here and it don't understand it not any of things I ever read in school yet."Clark says "Excuse me but what piece of paper are you talking about Little Bo I don't recall seeing any paper around Reba's house especially around your Dad's office."Little Bo hands the piece of paper to Clark and he looks and says "Oh this is email that Micheal printed up and it from a Lex Luthor and it also been sent to a Mz. Angelena Tizdale and it seems it's date from last year before I came out here to visit."Lois says "Now Clark, why Lex Luthor email Micheal and Angelena about him coming out here and I thought he didn't know anybody in Hazzard. It would explain how he know where the Boar's Nest was at when he had a hard time finding the last time you was here. I remember you needed directions to get there and he just got there just like that."Luke and Bo look at each other and Bo says "Well, Clark can I see that email I think I might like to read that as well it seems that maybe the Sheriff might want to see that. Because I remember my son-in-law dening any wrong doing when he let Lex Luthor get away. Seems awful fishy to me right now."Little Bo looks at his Grandpa and says "Oh I sorry about that Grandpa eariler today I spilled the oil from the tuna fish can on my jeans. I just can't keep the cats around everybody house to leave me alone."Cue Dukesrule2000 or Lori Davenport of Luke_Fan07Bo and Luke looked and heard what Little Bo and Bo says "Excuse me, I didn't even notice the tunafish on your jeans if you hadn't told me about that just now. But that not what were talking about it more a non literal thing. Kind of when something is going wrong around you."Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted September 11, 2007 Author Posted September 11, 2007 Sonja Tatjana and Gabi Whitney Szenger was passing through you see they were identical twin sisters and they was on vacation and they wanted to go a Braves game in Atlanta and they ended in Hazzard. Sonja says "Hey Gabi, there's right here called the Boar's Nest maybe we could get some directions to Atlanta here and you know it looks like a bar maybe we could meet a guy as well."Gabi says "Sonja, you have a one track mind all you ever think about is men and you know that's not too bad. But the last job you took was at Hooter's and you said you went to dance and I think it was to meet a boyfriend."Cue Dukesrule2000 or Lori Davenport
dukesrule2000 Posted September 12, 2007 Posted September 12, 2007 Kathy looked at Luke and said Baby is everything ok. Luke looked at her and said everything is fine Sweetheat.I have to do something I will be right back. and he got up and said Jesse come with me. and Jesse said Ok and they both walked out the door. Leventa said Jesse is in trouble. Bo said How do you know Leventa. Cause Daddy got that look in his eyes. The look that tells Me and Jesse That we are in trouble. Bo smiled and said yup the same look that Uncle Jesse gave Luke and I. BJ Looked at his father and said Dad you have the same look and Stacy agreed with him. Bo Just laugh.OUTSIDE BY THE GENERAL LEELuke looked at Jesse and said how come you didn't tell your mother and I you ain't going to collage? Well dad I was going to. Jesse said. Jesse. you need your schooling, Luke said Dad you didn't go to collage and you did fine.Jesse said. Luke looked at his son and said Uncle Jesse didn't have the money to send me to collage we do. Grandpa said he would teach me the hotel bussness he would like me to take over the hotels. Luke said That;s Great Jesse But you should take some Bussiness classes. Jesse looked at his father and he knew he was right and Jesse said Ok Dad I will take some classes. oH GRAMP said that you and Mom would still own the hotels but he wants me to run them. Luke said Thats fine with me I don't have a problem with you running them Jesse. Ok Son now lets talk about Sarah. What about Sarah Dad? Jesse said. your Grandfather tells me that you are moving into the guest house together.you know how i feel about that. Luke said. Oh come on Dad. Luke just gave him the look.
dukesrule2000 Posted September 13, 2007 Posted September 13, 2007 Don't tell me you and mom didn't live together before you where married. Jesse said No we didn't Jesse.Don't get me wrong I like Sarah. But Jesse this is a big step and you are only 18.Luke said. I know dad. I know. How did you know that mom was the one for you. Jesse said. Luke just smiled cause he remembered he same converstion he had with Uncle Jesse. Well Jesse I asked Uncle Jesse how do i know when it's right. and he said when all you can think about is her from the time you get up to the time you fell asleep. and I asked him if he had felt this way and what he did about it. and he said Yup i have and I married her.Luke said. Jesse laughed. and Luke said That's what I did. So Jesse take your time. and get to know Sarah ok. Jesse smiled and said Ok Dad. Ok Son, Lets go back and see your mother and remember not a word to your mother cause we don't want her to get stressed out. and Jesse said Ok Dad.
Julieduke Posted September 13, 2007 Author Posted September 13, 2007 Clark comes in and says "Uncle Bo, Reba wants to talk to you and she says it's very important you do realize I gave her the Kent Farm with Mom's and Uncle Garret's blessing you see first I wanted to give the farm to Uncle Garrett but he said that he didn't want a fulltime farm. Well Beth is about to talk to Reba about something and there is something she wants you to be around about. Oh Uncle Luke congralutions about the new baby you know I don't know how you and Uncle Luke feel about me and Lois feel about us living together and I was thinking I think I'm going to pop the question you know mom gave me the wedding room set that my dad gave her when he proposed and she all for the idea. The only I got to do and face the General Sam Lane, you Lois's father and he don't really like me but I don't understand her, I stil don't know what I did wrong to him. Lois still hasn't told him that she is expecting his first grandchild she says that she waiting for the right moment at the time."Cue dukesrulesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted September 13, 2007 Author Posted September 13, 2007 Don't tell me you and mom didn't live together before you where married. Jesse said No we didn't Jesse.Don't get me wrong I like Sarah. But Jesse this is a big step and you are only 18.Luke said. I know dad. I know. How did you know that mom was the one for you. Jesse said. Luke just smiled cause he remembered he same converstion he had with Uncle Jesse. Well Jesse I asked Uncle Jesse how do i know when it's right. and he said when all you can think about is her from the time you get up to the time you fell asleep. and I asked him if he had felt this way and what he did about it. and he said Yup i have and I married her.Luke said. Jesse laughed. and Luke said That's what I did. So Jesse take your time. and get to know Sarah ok. Jesse smiled and said Ok Dad. Ok Son, Lets go back and see your mother and remember not a word to your mother cause we don't want her to get stressed out. and Jesse said Ok Dad.Balladeer: I sure hope that Jesse and Sarah know what they are doing and it seems that Angelena and Micheal are done with for now. Verconica came to save his life and and she just told Micheal about their son and he seems more intersected in there son than the new baby that Reba is having of their's right now.
Julieduke Posted September 13, 2007 Author Posted September 13, 2007 Balladeer: I sure hope that Jesse and Sarah know what they are doing and it seems that Angelena and Micheal are done with for now. Verconica came to save his life and and she just told Micheal about their son and he seems more intersected in there son than the new baby that Reba is having of their's right now.Reba was worried that she might be pregant again and it did seem likely seeing how she lost her birth control when she changed purses and she never told Micheal about what she did. Micheal never noticed her around the house he was always on the computer have the time and she suspected that he was emailing Angelena or the latest girl of the month. The door opens and Beth walks in and says "Reba, we have to talk and it's serious and I was think you might need a ultrasound again so maybe we could close the door."And Reba says
Julieduke Posted September 13, 2007 Author Posted September 13, 2007 Reba was worried that she might be pregant again and it did seem likely seeing how she lost her birth control when she changed purses and she never told Micheal about what she did. Micheal never noticed her around the house he was always on the computer have the time and she suspected that he was emailing Angelena or the latest girl of the month. The door opens and Beth walks in and says "Reba, we have to talk and it's serious and I was think you might need a ultrasound again so maybe we could close the door."And Reba saysBo says "Hey Clark can you leave the kids with Luke and Lois here. I think's that a great idea that you gave her the Kent Farm but are you sure that's what you want to do. I thought you and your father loved that farm and wouldn't get rid of for anything. Let's talk and walk to Reba's room her and I was wandering what is a Wedding Room that you said your mother gave you."Clark says "Oh my, did I just say a Wedding Room I had went a Wedding Ring set and that is pretty funny and I was wandering do you think dad would approve of Lois here."Bo says " let's see she cute and feisty as well and she does remind me of our Aunt when she would get mad at us or Uncle Jesse. You know she also reminds alot of your mother when I had first met her. You see one day, Jonathon oh I mean your father annoced he was coming to Hazzard and there was somebody he wanted us to meet and Uncle Jesse had wandered who it could be."Cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
dukesrule2000 Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Luke and Jesse walked in the room. Kathy looked at them and said is everything all right Luke walked up to her and kissed her and said everything is fine Sweetheart. The nurse came in with Kathy's release papers. and said you need to be stress free Dr. Luke smiles and said don't worry she will. everyone waled out of the room Luke said Jesse keep a eye on your sister. I'm going to help tour mother. Jesse said Ok Dad I will take her home in my car. she love riding with me. Then they hear Leventa in the hall saying no I don't.and Luke just laughs. and they went out the door.2 HOURS LATERKathy was home and Luke and Jesse wouldn't let her do anything. and then someone knocked on the door. Jesse opened it and it was Sarah Jesse smiled and said Hay Baby and he kissed her.Sarah went and put her things in the spare room.
Julieduke Posted September 14, 2007 Author Posted September 14, 2007 Luke and Jesse walked in the room. Kathy looked at them and said is everything all right Luke walked up to her and kissed her and said everything is fine Sweetheart. The nurse came in with Kathy's release papers. and said you need to be stress free Dr. Luke smiles and said don't worry she will. everyone waled out of the room Luke said Jesse keep a eye on your sister. I'm going to help tour mother. Jesse said Ok Dad I will take her home in my car. she love riding with me. Then they hear Leventa in the hall saying no I don't.and Luke just laughs. and they went out the door.2 HOURS LATERKathy was home and Luke and Jesse wouldn't let her do anything. and then someone knocked on the door. Jesse opened it and it was Sarah Jesse smiled and said Hay Baby and he kissed her.Sarah went and put her things in the spare room.Lois had seen that Kathy and Luke was leaving and she was had Clark drive her out to the house. By now, Reba had received news that yet she was pregant again she was happy but sad at the same considering this baby will never get to know his or her daddy like the other kids have. She had read the letter that her son was given by his father accidently and she mad as well and also read that Micheal was working with Lex Luthor and Angelena like she had thought last year. There was even a plan of framing her father and Clark so the cops would look for them. Lois was there when she had found, and so her father and Clark and it seems that everybody supported her side of it. She was making plans to move to Smallville she wanted to wait till the end of the first trimester but first she had alot of packing and alot of stuff to pack up and put in garage near that didn't run.A couple of hours later, there was knock on Reba's door and it was her cousin Chloe and she had asked how she could help her out she had heard what Micheal had done. Lois had shown up on Kathy's door and it seems that she wanted to help her out as well and it seem's Kathy had more people wanting to helping than she could stand. Even her sister-in-law and Daisy they had said that they had closed the Boars Nest down for the day to help her out. Kathy loved spoiling little Henry and he a typical Duke, he just loved all the attention from his Aunt and it seemed she had seen a flash of her future when this baby comes. Lana had came over as well, and she was starting to show now and quick and she was saying how the morning sickness was almost over now and she loved being pregant. Jessica was teasing her daughter-in-law not to say that too loud because you might end with six like her and Micheal. Lois says "Hey Lana, it seems that both pregant right how's does it feel to be the future Sheriff's daughter-in-law right now."Lana says "Hey the Sheriff's election as just started lets not jump the gun now you remember what happened when Lex said he was the future the Senator of Kansas now."Lois says "I just can't help to think where are we all going be five years from now and it seems that the General still don't like Clark I sure hope he grows to like him pretty soon. My father sure can be stubborn and Clark claims that I am as well."cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport
Julieduke Posted September 14, 2007 Author Posted September 14, 2007 Back In Smallville,KansasIt seems that Lex has been trying to get Clark sell the farm to Luthorcorp they need new landed and his Uncle Garrett who looked alot like his father was just as stubborn but what he wasn't expecting was a haunted barn. And the Ghost seem to be Clark's late father, he was wondering if this was just a trick so he didn't come on the land again by Clark or Garrett.cue Dukesrule2000 or LoriDavenport or Anybody
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