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What Would do With Reba's Husband Micheal in last couple of pages?  

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  1. 1. What Would do With Reba's Husband Micheal in last couple of pages?

    • Divorce Him
    • Take him and hope he gives all his love to you
    • Take his car keys from him, and hide the car
    • Sing "Kiss This" by Aaron Tippen

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Kathy picked up her cell phone and called her father she needed to tell him about his new grandchild coming. Kathy hears someone pick up a phone and said Judge Spencer Here. Kyle said Hi Dad this is Kathy. Oh Hi Baby. Kyle smiled. Kathy smiled and said Dad I have some good news for you you are going to be a grandpa again. Kyle said congradulations again Daughter. How is Luke taking it? Kyle said. Kathy said Dad I think his in shock right now. but to the other reason I called Reba would like a fast divorce from her husband Michael. Kathy said And she told him the whole story. and he said Ok I will fax the papers to your house. Ok Dad Thanks I will go home now. and she said Bye. and Kathy hung up and said and she told Reba what her father had said

Reba says "Aunt Kathy that's wonderful but I don't even know if he is still in Hazzard yet and what if he sues for custody of kids. Or tries the old trick there not his to the judge."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

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Kathy looked at her and saidThat's what your Dad and Uncle are doing they are going to look for him and Don't worry. My father will make sure he doesn't file for custy.and I don't think he will. Then Kathy got a little dizzy and she said Woo. Reba said Aunty Kathy are you ok? Kathy looked at her and said. Kathy looked a her and said I don't KNow I never felt like his with Jesse and Leventa. Reba got a concerned Look in her face.

Kathy looked at her and saidThat's what your Dad and Uncle are doing they are going to look for him and Don't worry. My father will make sure he doesn't file for custy.and I don't think he will. Then Kathy got a little dizzy and she said Woo. Reba said Aunty Kathy are you ok? Kathy looked at her and said. Kathy looked a her and said I don't KNow I never felt like his with Jesse and Leventa. Reba got a concerned Look in her face.

Reba says "I felt like that with Marcus, you know only I know this because Micheal was too busy with work to ask if everything was okay. Well, when I was Smallville, Kansas visiting with Clark and Lois and the kids was with me. Aunt Kathy, I almost lost Marcus and when I came home I had told Micheal, he just shrugged it off and told me that it would've been better If I had lost the baby. I want to hit him so hard after he said that I guess there was signs that our marriage was falling apart long before this right here. I also almost lost Bo, I never told Micheal or any of those dang Ewing's they wouldn't cared about it. I don't even think they noticed me around Ms. Ellie was the only one that was nice to me at Southfork. Why do you think my daughter was named Ellie."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Reba says "I felt like that with Marcus, you know only I know this because Micheal was too busy with work to ask if everything was okay. Well, when I was Smallville, Kansas visiting with Clark and Lois and the kids was with me. Aunt Kathy, I almost lost Marcus and when I came home I had told Micheal, he just shrugged it off and told me that it would've been better If I had lost the baby. I want to hit him so hard after he said that I guess there was signs that our marriage was falling apart long before this right here. I also almost lost Bo, I never told Micheal or any of those dang Ewing's they wouldn't cared about it. I don't even think they noticed me around Ms. Ellie was the only one that was nice to me at Southfork. Why do you think my daughter was named Ellie."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Reba and Kathy see Clark walking up to them and he says "Excuse me Reba, can we talk in private a minute I was thinking Lois and I want to get an apartment in Metropolis and Uncle Garrett is taking care of the Kent Farm more than I am. Well, what I'm trying to get at is that if you give me one minute here well I want to get something from the truck for ya."

Clark goes to get an envelope from the Truck and Reba and Kathy see's him coming back. Clarks walks up his cousin and Aunt and says "Reba, here's what I want to give you and think of this as a one last wish of my father and I know he smiling maybe it's not his son taking care of his farm but it's awfully close."

Reba opens up the envelope to find the deed to the Kent Farm and it seemed there was note from her Aunt Martha as well and it said

"Dear Reba,

My son told me how you loved the farm and he also told me that his heart wasn't into taking care of it anymore. I give you my blessing and don't hesistate to call me at my office about any questions. I had heard that you had another baby named Marcus I am happy for you and I hope Micheal and you are happy about the farm.

Sincerly with Love,

Sen. Martha Kent."

Reba says "Clark are you sure this is the best thing I've been given today and I hope you don't mind me hugging me for this right here."

Reba gives Clark a big bear hug and kisses him on the cheek and she has tears of joy about this right here.


Kathy was smiling and Then she passes out. Ckark saw her. and he cought her before she hit the ground. He picked her up and with super speed took her to the hospital. Reba was in shock She didn't what to beleive. So she went to the CB and called Luke and said Clark ran her to the hospital.

Kathy was smiling and Then she passes out. Ckark saw her. and he cought her before she hit the ground. He picked her up and with super speed took her to the hospital. Reba was in shock She didn't what to beleive. So she went to the CB and called Luke and said Clark ran her to the hospital.

Reba says "Yes, Uncle Luke Clark ran her to the hosptial and his truck is still here and he gave me the Kent Farm and he says that Uncle Garrett is running it mostly anyways so I have help around it for a while. I was thinking Clark has me blocked in with his truck so I take me and the kids in his truck, you know this is going to be great my own place to call home. And since it's in my name is seems that Micheal doesn't have anything to say about it now. I only thing I'm worried about is that I'm late and I worried that I might be pregant again and how would I tell Micheal or if I should tell Micheal about this baby if I am."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07



Clark slowwed down and he walked into the hospital with Kathy. Beth came running over to them and told clark to set her down and Clark told her what happened and Beth said Call your Uncle and tell him to get here. and Beth took Kathy to a room. Clark walked over to the phone and called his Uncle Luke's Cell. Luke picked it up. and Clark told Luke and lUKE SAID hE ALL READY kNEW rEBA CALLED HIM ON THE cb. and Luke said Clark she is confused you used your gifts in front of her. Sorry Uncle Luke But I didn't know what to do. I knew Aunt Kathy needed to get to the hospital fast. and that's the fastest way I knew.Clark said. That's ok I have called Lois and she imeeting us at the hospital. With Laventa.Clark hung up he phone and he waited for the rest of the family to get there.


Clark slowwed down and he walked into the hospital with Kathy. Beth came running over to them and told clark to set her down and Clark told her what happened and Beth said Call your Uncle and tell him to get here. and Beth took Kathy to a room. Clark walked over to the phone and called his Uncle Luke's Cell. Luke picked it up. and Clark told Luke and lUKE SAID hE ALL READY kNEW rEBA CALLED HIM ON THE cb. and Luke said Clark she is confused you used your gifts in front of her. Sorry Uncle Luke But I didn't know what to do. I knew Aunt Kathy needed to get to the hospital fast. and that's the fastest way I knew.Clark said. That's ok I have called Lois and she imeeting us at the hospital. With Laventa.Clark hung up he phone and he waited for the rest of the family to get there.

Reba was thinking "He couldn't done what I think he just done, I must be dreaming this isn't possible at all. I didn't just get the deed to the Kent Farm and Micheal is still with me and were all one happy family."

As Reba is driving to the hospital in Clark's truck she kept thinking that this wasn't possible how could he run that fast. She had pulled to the hosptial and parked his truck and got the kids out and grabbed the keys as well. She sure didn't want to lock Clark keys inside on him he wouldn't find it very funny at all.

Reba walks in the hospital and see's Clark on the phone and sure enough he was here and this was really happening right now. Clark hangs up with Luke and sees Reba there and says "Hey thanks for bringing my truck here so I have alot to explain to you Reba and it's a very long story. In fact my father, your Uncle once tried to explain me to the Sheriff and he didn't believe so I guess I'll have to try eventually and your welcome besides you need a fresh start on everything. You have Micheal and Angelena and there baby, and your divorce to dealing with the Ewings and Billy Bob Cowbell as well. But, you know the next time they go looking for you in Hazzard you won't be there and it they'll look a fool."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Reba was thinking "He couldn't done what I think he just done, I must be dreaming this isn't possible at all. I didn't just get the deed to the Kent Farm and Micheal is still with me and were all one happy family."

As Reba is driving to the hospital in Clark's truck she kept thinking that this wasn't possible how could he run that fast. She had pulled to the hosptial and parked his truck and got the kids out and grabbed the keys as well. She sure didn't want to lock Clark keys inside on him he wouldn't find it very funny at all.

Reba walks in the hospital and see's Clark on the phone and sure enough he was here and this was really happening right now. Clark hangs up with Luke and sees Reba there and says "Hey thanks for bringing my truck here so I have alot to explain to you Reba and it's a very long story. In fact my father, your Uncle once tried to explain me to the Sheriff and he didn't believe so I guess I'll have to try eventually and your welcome besides you need a fresh start on everything. You have Micheal and Angelena and there baby, and your divorce to dealing with the Ewings and Billy Bob Cowbell as well. But, you know the next time they go looking for you in Hazzard you won't be there and it they'll look a fool."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Clark had looked at his confused cousin sure Lana, Lois, Lucy and Chloe had seen his abilities before but this was the first time Reba had ever seen him superspeed before.

Reba says "Uh Clark, does that happen when you have too much coffee or caffenine or something like that? I mean I could make a you a pot a decaf when we get back home it that's what triggered it."

Clark says "Uh no Reba, it's a long story and you might not believe me besides there is more important things right now. Like what about calling your family and letting them know your okay they see your car and they'll think you was kidnapped or something."

Reba went and called her father and told him what had happened and what Clark had given her he was a little sad but he knew that she wanted a place of her own. And ever since she came back from Smallville, well the farm was the only thing she talked about. And he wished he could catch up to Micheal and Angelena but they must've left the county by now. And he was on his way along with his sons to support Luke and Kathy no matter what happened right now. He rushed right over to Smallville, Kansas when Jonathon died and was there for Martha, well him and Tracy was at least and there kids.

Rosco had gotten the message from Luke, about Reba being at the hosptial and he assumed the worst and he was told that she was okay and that if he had seen her car at her house that she had taken Clark's truck.

Rosco says "Wait a minute, if Clark took your wife to the hosptial why was his truck still there I don't understand right now. And Reba drove Clark's truck to the hospital and she has the kids with her right her. And he gave the Kent farm to her and she has the deed right now if I'm understanding this right now. You know Luke, I was just getting used to my Granddaughter being in Hazzard and this will take some time to get used to her moving to Kansas."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07


Balladeer: Poor confused Reba, she thinks it was her regular coffee that made Clark run so fast she has no idea I wonder how she is going to take when he explains it her about him being not exactly from Smallville.

Clark had looked at his confused cousin sure Lana, Lois, Lucy and Chloe had seen his abilities before but this was the first time Reba had ever seen him superspeed before.

Reba says "Uh Clark, does that happen when you have too much coffee or caffenine or something like that? I mean I could make a you a pot a decaf when we get back home it that's what triggered it."

Clark says "Uh no Reba, it's a long story and you might not believe me besides there is more important things right now. Like what about calling your family and letting them know your okay they see your car and they'll think you was kidnapped or something."

Reba went and called her father and told him what had happened and what Clark had given her he was a little sad but he knew that she wanted a place of her own. And ever since she came back from Smallville, well the farm was the only thing she talked about. And he wished he could catch up to Micheal and Angelena but they must've left the county by now. And he was on his way along with his sons to support Luke and Kathy no matter what happened right now. He rushed right over to Smallville, Kansas when Jonathon died and was there for Martha, well him and Tracy was at least and there kids.

Rosco had gotten the message from Luke, about Reba being at the hosptial and he assumed the worst and he was told that she was okay and that if he had seen her car at her house that she had taken Clark's truck.

Rosco says "Wait a minute, if Clark took your wife to the hosptial why was his truck still there I don't understand right now. And Reba drove Clark's truck to the hospital and she has the kids with her right her. And he gave the Kent farm to her and she has the deed right now if I'm understanding this right now. You know Luke, I was just getting used to my Granddaughter being in Hazzard and this will take some time to get used to her moving to Kansas."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Reba says "Wait a minute you getting just like dad when there's something he doesn't want me to know. Especially when him and Uncle Luke start talking you when your not here I wish I knew what the big sercet is about cousin."

Clark says "I wish I could tell you but there is too many people here and I can't risk my secret getting out besides people may look at me different after they accidently hear it."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07


Reba says "If your worried that I won't be able to deal with them Luthor's that you don't know me at all."

Clark says "Oh no that's not it, you see I don't know how to say this but the ghost of my father is haunting the barn. Well, Dad's last talk with Lionel Luthor was in that barn and his spirit has stayed. It's weird if me or Uncle Garrett leave's some tool out of the place by the morning it's in place and nice and neat as well."

Reba says "Okay Clark, so Uncle Jonathon haunts the Barn I've never experienced this when I visited your farm last year."

Clark says "I have I'll be standing there and I feel my father touching my shoulder just slightly and then nothing."

Cue dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Reba says "If your worried that I won't be able to deal with them Luthor's that you don't know me at all."

Clark says "Oh no that's not it, you see I don't know how to say this but the ghost of my father is haunting the barn. Well, Dad's last talk with Lionel Luthor was in that barn and his spirit has stayed. It's weird if me or Uncle Garrett leave's some tool out of the place by the morning it's in place and nice and neat as well."

Reba says "Okay Clark, so Uncle Jonathon haunts the Barn I've never experienced this when I visited your farm last year."

Clark says "I have I'll be standing there and I feel my father touching my shoulder just slightly and then nothing."

Cue dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Reba says "Excuse Clark, I don't want to see rude but I'm going to sick in about five seconds or less so I'll be right back."

Balladeer: I think somebody might be pregant again, just what she needs right with everything going on.

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07


Luke ran into the hospital with Jesse and Bo right behind him. Luke walked to the desk and said Lisa Hows Kath. Lisa Said I don't know Luke we haven't heard anything.


Beth was checking Kathy and she gave her medicain to stop the contractions. and she told Kathy to lie still. and she will got tell the family what;s going on. Kathy looked at her and said will you please send Luke in when you are done. Beth looked at her and said I sure will.and she walked out.


Luke saw beth and he walked over to her. and said hows Kath and the baby. Jesse looked at him and said Baby. Mom is pregnet.Beth smiles and said I gave her some medicain to stop the contraction. and the medicain seems to be working. But she has to lie still and stay calm or the medicain won't work and she could lose the baby. So What cause it Beth? Luke said. I don't know has Kathy been under stress sence she got pregnet? Luke said no not that I know of. Has anything new happend in the family that would set her off. Reba said Ya. something to do with me and MY husband. she was upset when she founf out. Luke said Reba she was alittle more then up set. and then Beth said that must have done it then. Oh Luke she wants to see you. Luke looked at everyone and said I will be right Back. Jesse said Dad give mom a kiss from Leventa and me. I will son. Luke said as he walked towards the room.

Luke ran into the hospital with Jesse and Bo right behind him. Luke walked to the desk and said Lisa Hows Kath. Lisa Said I don't know Luke we haven't heard anything.


Beth was checking Kathy and she gave her medicain to stop the contractions. and she told Kathy to lie still. and she will got tell the family what;s going on. Kathy looked at her and said will you please send Luke in when you are done. Beth looked at her and said I sure will.and she walked out.


Luke saw beth and he walked over to her. and said hows Kath and the baby. Jesse looked at him and said Baby. Mom is pregnet.Beth smiles and said I gave her some medicain to stop the contraction. and the medicain seems to be working. But she has to lie still and stay calm or the medicain won't work and she could lose the baby. So What cause it Beth? Luke said. I don't know has Kathy been under stress sence she got pregnet? Luke said no not that I know of. Has anything new happend in the family that would set her off. Reba said Ya. something to do with me and MY husband. she was upset when she founf out. Luke said Reba she was alittle more then up set. and then Beth said that must have done it then. Oh Luke she wants to see you. Luke looked at everyone and said I will be right Back. Jesse said Dad give mom a kiss from Leventa and me. I will son. Luke said as he walked towards the room.

Reba says "Oh boy, the room is spinning and it seems that it's getting faster now."

Reba faints even though she does feel lightheaded beforehand and it seems that everybody rushed over to see what was wrong with her.

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Reba says "Oh boy, the room is spinning and it seems that it's getting faster now."

Reba faints even though she does feel lightheaded beforehand and it seems that everybody rushed over to see what was wrong with her.

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Everybody is around Reba and now sometime has gone by and it seems Beth has perfumed rutine test and she about to tell Reba something that will change her life forever.

Meanwhile in Micheal's car

Micheal says "Angelena I don't know something don't seem right about what were doing and why did you have to name our son after Reba's Uncle. You haven't changed since High School still haven't got over that I choose Reba over you all those years ago. And besides your little speach about taking up for actions want me to go and visit my daughter in Houston."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Everybody is around Reba and now sometime has gone by and it seems Beth has perfumed rutine test and she about to tell Reba something that will change her life forever.

Meanwhile in Micheal's car

Micheal says "Angelena I don't know something don't seem right about what were doing and why did you have to name our son after Reba's Uncle. You haven't changed since High School still haven't got over that I choose Reba over you all those years ago. And besides your little speach about taking up for actions want me to go and visit my daughter in Houston."

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

Micheal says "Now Angelena don't take this the wrong way but you know me and you was just mistake and I going west for a reason and I'm not lost and were going to Houston so I make atone of what happened and why I never seen my daughter with Kyra so If you want to go with then go with me."

Angelena says

Cue Luke_Fan07


Angelena shook her head,"I never named my child, 1. after anyone from that family. and two. i dont know if i can go with you or not to houston, got an idea here, take REBA yoyu care soooooo much for her.

Angelena shook her head,"I never named my child, 1. after anyone from that family. and two. i dont know if i can go with you or not to houston, got an idea here, take REBA yoyu care soooooo much for her.


Angelena was crying by now and wandering why she gave Micheal, a second chance when she realized she never had his heart in the first place. He was dawg just her parents and brothers had told her and her sisters, he was never going to get over his queen and that's was all there was to it.

And realized that Reba was right, he just done what he had done to wife to her now and it seems that he didn't deserve anybody.


Micheal, Angelena and Reba was in High School it seemed nothing could go wrong and then it seemsed Micheal was in love with that rich girl from Houston.

He loved her and she loved him and Angelena was always watching waiting for them to fall to snatch up Micheal. He was cutest thing in the High School and he suddenly got a note in Locker and Angelena made sure she had taken it from locker so he never got it.

Cue Luke_Fan07 or dukesrule2000


Balladeer: I thought I knew Micheal is turing out to be terrible now he's no genrtleman now wonder nobody in Reba's family likes him. I sure hope he makes a better deputy then husband and father.


Micheal says "Angelena, it's not that serious you know I wish you didn't solve all your problems like that right here and please not now I got six kids I need to be around a little bit longer. I figured out something you made sure that I never got the note from Verconica you know I have a job to go back to eventually as well."

cue Luke_Fan07 or Dukesrule2000"

Angelena shook her head and laughed,"Dont you worry Micheal Ill make sure yer still alive, just barely though..........

Micheal says "Angelena, I'm dropping you off at the first bus stop and have a good life your way too dangerous for me and I hope I never see you again."

Back In Hazzard

Reba was waiting on the news from Beth, she was wandering what the news was and she remember Micheal at one time went with a girl named Verconica and there was nasty break up involving Angelena.

Cue Dukesrule2000 or Luke_Fan07

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