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Yes I watch it Divia till about 9:20. All my stomach could handle. I think Captain D summed it up pretty well but I bet someone with the same rank as him probably loved it if I'm guessing right.

Truly I am shocked. I thought you would be above such things. I mean you are the "expert" on how DOH should be, correct?

Yes I watch it Divia till about 9:20. All my stomach could handle. I think Captain D summed it up pretty well but I bet someone with the same rank as him probably loved it if I'm guessing right.

Tim stick a sock it in. Or better yet do you need a baby bottle. I'm sick and tired of you putting down people down because they like something you didn't like. If your stomach could only handle until 9:20 then why did you watch as much as you did. Something tells me you liked movie. You just don't want to anyone to know.


In any fandom, there will be differing opinions on what folks like and what they dislike. The purpose of this forum is to provide the opportunity to express those views WITHOUT being knocked for expressing them.

We encourage open and honest discussion on our boards, but squabbling gets us no where. So, knock it off (and that means everybody) or we'll have to release the forum nazis.


Hey Everybody!

I am new to the forums and am just getting my feet wet. I saw "The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning" with a friend. To tell the truth, parts of it completely confused the rattlesnake stew out of me. I mean, what was with the two diff'rent dogs? At the beginning of the movie Flash was a beagle, then Flash was a basset hound, and at the end he was a beagle again! Weird! Also, I don't think that the director did that good of a job researching the show. There were quite a few discrepancies. For one, Bo and Luke found the General at a junkyard, not at the bottom of a ravine. Second, Bo, Luke, and Daisy all lived with Uncle Jessie way before the ages of 16 and 17. Third, how could have Bo's and Luke's parents sent them to live with Uncle Jessie if they were supposed to have been dead? That's the reason Bo, Luke, and Daisy were living with Uncle Jessie in the first place! Yet another problem arises in the fact that Bo, Luke, Cooter, and Enos all grew up together. They didn't meet the way that "The Beginning" portrayed. Personally, I think that "The Beginning" was based on the 2005 movie. Even so, the movie was down right heeelarious!! I couldn't stop laughing! Definitely better than the 2005 movie as far as character portrayal goes (with the exception of Lulu). Enos was more the boy-next-door, Boss was more connivin', and Roscoe was definitely the knuckleheaded sheriff that he should have been in the first movie.

Now, with all that said, I wish that somebody from the original show would get together with some of these people making these "Duke" movies and make a true tribute to the ideals of the show. "The Beginning" was a little bit closer to that than "The Movie", but it still leaves something to be desired.

Hey Everybody! Personally, I think that "The Beginning" was based on the 2005 movie.

Welcome to the forums. =) Yes, it was. If you see the sign for the garage toward the end it says "Cooter's Rebel Repairs" just like the 2005 movie.


Some people need to understand that nothing is going to be the same as the original. That being said, we also have to realize what year we live in. Tis 2007 folks not 1982. A lot has changed since then and you cannot expect to see the same type of show you did in the 80s. If people do not like that then fine. So be it. Don't watch it newer stuff and contiune to watch yoru DVDs. To be honest though this was better than the movie version. And if WB dared I think a lot could be done with this. Well, if it makes money we will no doubt see others.

As for the changes in the new movie...well I didn't think changing something here or there was that big of a deal. I didnt mind that their parents hadn't died. As for the dog thing...I have no idea what was up with that.


I thought the ABC movie was good and leaves an opening for a new series. If Warner Bros. is smart they can gain a new and younger audience as well as some of the old ones. And now you have the whole family watching The Dukes as I did in the eighties. The new movie is geared to a younger crowd but I loved it. Just think of seeing that icon car every week along with Bo, Luke, and Daisy.


i'm one who takes it for what it is and for what its worth. and if anything i just weigh out the pros and cons. The cast did good and the effort in many ways was there was effort to make it like the show.some the humor could be cleaned up a bit though but other that that...


I watched it last night as I taped it on our DVR. I can agree w/ everyone that there definitely was "heart" in this one, however there was still a lot of sex, and for ABCFamily?! That kind of worried me with any 'lil ones' watching it.

I didn't notice the dog changing, but I did notice a few things about the General:

In one scene, the car would have a license plate, then the next scene it wouldn't, then it would be back again. The tires were black in some scenes and in others you would see the manufacturer in white (I think it was GoodYear or something). I would have been fine w/ them finding the car in the bottom of the ravine, but come on! Did it have to have the confederate flag ALREADY on the top of it and orange to boot? To me, that was not done right at all.

They should have found an old rusty car at the bottom, towed it out, then painted it up, etc. And Daisy is an AWESOME painter! Wow! I couldn't see the difference between either of the "01"'s on the car. Bravo Daisy! :-)

Seriously though, the movie was portrayed much better than the 05 movie, but Rosco to me was horrible. I miss the "que que que" and nobody has attempted that. Sure Rosco didn't actually do that until the second episode, but I didn't relate to this Rosco at all. That being said, the 05 Rosco was HORRIBLE, so I can deal with the new one.

LuLu as we all know was a sex pot, though it was funny to hear all the 'innuendos' about the turkey. Hehe...

All in all it was an 'ok' movie for me, but I won't be rushing out anytime soon to buy it.



All in all it was an 'ok' movie for me, but I won't be rushing out anytime soon to buy it.


As with the '05 Dukes of Hazzard movie, I won't be watching it if I have to spend $$$ on it. If I can watch for free, sure, but I won't be buying either movie. :roll: That's my li'l protest for straying so far from the Dukes family-friendly formula. :D


I'm not sure I would want another Roscoe to do the "que que." I think that was something the actor added in and I think it should be left that way. I guess people could try it, but eh I dunno if it would have the same feeling.

I agree that this Roscoe was better than the movie version but still didnt get it..or have it...

if anyone nkows how the show did I'd love to hear. I'd also love a new series.


WB is just cashin' in on the good name of the Dukes.

I agree with the person who said "if it does'nt include

Tom or John then just let the dukes r.i.p.

Why not continue the Dukes as a t.v. show or Movie in the same direction as the late 90's reunion Movies?

Nothing good came from the '05 movie

and this one was not much better


JessieDuke,did I ever put anyone down for liking it? I merely stated knowing the person I referred to the way I think I do he probably thought it was great. No hidden meaning although you assumed there was.I don't appreciate getting called names. As sick and tired as I know a lot of you are of my opinions.I am as sick and tired of the it's 2007 not 1982 reasoning to excuse the way this franchise has gone.A very lame excuse IMO. What a diferrence a message board makes.This one about 90% of everyone liked it. The other one I post on 90% of everyone hated it. I too am curious on how well it did in the ratings.


I'm sorry but unless they do a Dukes of Hazzard: The Next Generation and have Daisy married to Enos with a kid or two..or maybe some new cousins that could be guided by Enos, Daisy, Bo or Luke... I really don't want to see the original cast.

Well, allow me to clarify. I do not want to see the original cast as main characters. The second reunion movie was really hard to watch. I think we need a new Boss Hogg, or maybe it can be a relative of Boss Hogg from TX or something that comes to Hazzard and tries to restablish the samethings that Boss did.

Will it be the same as the original? Well, aspects of it will be and the original cast can be in it, but I want to see new actors. I don't think people really want to see a 40 year old guy slide across the hood of a car week after week. And no offense but I do not want to see the original daisy in her "daisy dukes."


I can't find ratings info yet. Network broadcast data is available for March 4th, but cable ratings are more commonly released in weekly batches. Earliest we might know is next Monday.

Meantime, I sent an email to our WB contact. They might cheerfully tell us to shove it. We didn't do them many favors with the 2005 movie reviews so it's hard to say if they'll be responsive. I gave it a shot, I'll let ya'll know if we get a reply.

Meantime - yeah, I'd love it if the original cast was back in a new show or movie and it paid homage to the Dukes as we knew it. But it will never happen. WB will never do it. They refuse continuity because then they have to credit the writers of the original show. They go out of their way to make this stuff be just different enough to avoid giving a nod to anybody else's storyline. ( While re-using all possible material.)

The good news - depending on one's viewpoint - is that as long as WB is making a buck, there will be a Dukes of Whatever. The suit settlement in 2005 gives WB further incentive to squeeze the teat for every drop.

Far as continuity goes, hell, I was amazed that there was any roof shot of the General Lee showing the rebel flag. A confederate flag on TV, on the ABC Family Channel! Somebody call a boycott! (sarcasm)

And there was a civil-war reference to Lee as the greatest general of all time. This is bold given current political climates. The General Lee's plates actually had "Georgia" on them. Of all the non-continuity we complain about, maybe we're taking the stuff that matches for granted - and we shouldn't.


The suit settlement in 2005 gives WB further incentive to squeeze the teat for every drop.

You just had to use that word again, didn't you? :lol:

Tim, I don't think anyone here is saying the movie was great. I think the general consensus is that nothing WB could ever do would ever be as good as the original. I think even the reunion movies, though they involved the original cast, definitely weren't as great as the original show.

I just think, compared to how we've come to expect WB to s*** all over the Dukes franchise lately, this particular outing wasn't as bad as we expected. At least that's how I feel. I don't consider either movie to be "Dukes of Hazzard", they just slapped the name on 'em. If I had kids, I certainly wouldn't have let them watch it and that to me is the biggest signal that the movies really aren't "Dukes". Neither of the movies were geared towards kids. As I said before, as "adult" entertainment, it could've been a lot worse.

When Dukes first came out, it was a little racy. There was swearing. There was a "mobile madame", Boss cavortin' with other women, etc. But eventually the show toned it down and became a family show. Who's to say that won't happen with any future Dukes movies/tv?

As far as 90% of everyone here liking the movie, I sincerely doubt that. In fact, perhaps I'll put up a poll to see what everyone really thinks. Like I said, I think expectations were so low that it would've been hard for the movie not to surpass them. :D


I find it intersting that WB allowed ABC Family to show it. Are they connected somehow or did ABC family have to pay to show it first? This with the DVD sales could be interesting.

I agree that if they make money off it, and realize they can make money off of something low budget its almost a given that they will try it again. Although to be honest I'm not sure I like Kenny Rogers as Uncle Jesse.


I think one of the actors (Randy Wayne?) was on an ABC series, so perhaps they thought it might be good publicity? I don't know, just a guess. It certainly wasn't "family" material, at least IMO.

Although to be honest I'm not sure I like Kenny Rogers as Uncle Jesse.

Well, Uncle Jesse was more of a gambler than he was a pothead. :roll:

So, who else could play Uncle Jesse? How 'bout Wilford Brimley? :D


I kinda like Willie Nelson as Uncle Jesse. The moonshiner gig seems to go with Willie's persona pretty well.

And taking a page right out of "High Octane" - did you know, Willie has his own brand of biofuel? Yep, it's called "BioWillie."

Pot smoking and IRS troubles aside, Willie has been an activist for the American Farmer and he's cool in my book.



Well if the original ageement is still valid there was a 3 Dukes movie contract with WB (assuming that was true). So we are in for at least one more Dukes movie. At least there wasn't a issue over the Flag on the roof this time which is kinda suprising.


I liked it, def better than the 2005 movie. There were times when the actor playing Bo made faces that I could swear, John was his father or something. There could be a few things changed up, IE Lulu.........The guy playing Boss did a good job, but I just can't imagine a 6'3" Boss with a full head of hair.

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