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When Friends Ain't Friends...

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Bo pondered Luke's move for a moment before moving a piece of his, settling in to the game more as it progressed, letting his guard down more without realising it as his focus shifted from being scared at every little movement to winning the game.

However that swiftly changed when Daisy accidentally dropped the wooden chopping board and the thud of wood on floor echoed through the fam house. Bo instantly jumped and scrambled backwards, looking around startled and closing his eyes in embarrasment when he saw what it was.

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Daisy watched despairingly, she hated to see her baby cousin like this and hated the guy that had done this to him in the first place even more. She didn't understand how a friend could do such a thing to another friend...but then she supposed when a friend wasn't a friend anymore it didn't matter.

She thought that maybe that was what was wrong with Bo more than anything. The reasoning behind his jumpiness could be that he simply didn't trust his friends anymore, that he suspected anyone and everyone now to attack him from behind. Ot at least his sub concious was, if you asked Bo if that was what was going on, he would probably deny it even though a nagging feeling in the back of his head would have told him that was it.

She softly rubbed his back and ran her fingers through his mess of bouncy blonde hair, soothing him through actions while Luke and Jesse tried to through words.

But Bo found that no matter how hard he tried, it was like someone had turned the rate of his heart up to maximum and it wasn't about to slow down anytime soon. He swallowed and coughed harshly, leaning forward and holding his chest with one hand.

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"Bo? You alright?"

Luke questions with a worried frown this was much more than just being scared out of his wits now Bo was holding his chest. That couldn't be good he figured but maybe it was just an asthma attack coming on and nothing more. Luke didn't know what it was but he didn't like the look on Bo's face and the pallor of his skin at the moment.

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Bo had no choice but to let Jesse and Luke move him to the couch, too focused on trying to slow his heart and breathing down to care about much else. He didn't know what was happening but it felt like a panic attack gone completly off the chart.

Daisy ran from the room and retreived the 5 different inhalers Bo had, not knowing which one Jesse wanted, bringing them all hurridly back.

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Jesse searched through the inhalers that Daisy brought to him, finding the one he wanted he put it to Bo's mouth realeasing the medication. Waiting a few minutes he administered another puff.

Luke rubbed Bo's back as Jesse administered the medication before things escelated into an asthma attack. Continuing to rub small circles between Bo's shoulders and talk soothingly to him waiting for the medication to take effect and for his breathing to return to normal.

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eventually Bo's breathing settled back down to normal as he breathed in the medicated air and listened to Luke's calming voice. He wished now more than ever that he wasn't being such a baby about his situation, seeing the worry in his families eyes and the panic hidden in their voices. And the doctors had said to him that this might be permanant too...how could he live with that and the fact that he might very well be going crazy?!

He pulled away from the inhaler gradually and sat back, closing his eyes. His heart still felt like it was racing at a million miles an hour but at least he could breathe easy again with only a slight wheeze and a cough.

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Daisy sat next to Jesse and wrapped her arms around him gently, buurying her face in his shoulder carefully and hugging him, needing his comfort as Luke was comforting Bo. All this was terrifying and she knew with what Luke and Jesse were planning to do, it was only going to happen again and again until Bo had gotten over his fears.

Bo continued to listen to Luke but wasn't really listening to what he was saying, just listening to his tone of voice as it sent waves of support and comfort through him.

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Jesse held Daisy stroking her long chestnut hair as she hid her face in the bib of his overalls. He hated to see any of his kids upset and what he had planned to help Bo was going to upset them all. But there was no other option if they were to help Bo without the aide of so called professionals who in Jesse's opinon didn't know their heads from a hole in the ground when it came to his kids and what they needed and didn't need.

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Luke leaned back against the couch watching as Bo wordlessly left the room. He hated seeing Bo like this and feeling helpless of how to fix it. He didn't even know how to comfort Daisy and that just made him feel even more helpless and that was one feeling Luke Duke didn't like was feeling helpless. Everyone was always saying how smart he was and how good he was at coming up with plans but for the life of him he didn't know what to do this time.

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