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When Friends Ain't Friends...

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Luke sighed leaning forward and propped his elbows on his knees lacing his fingers, explaining quietly

"B.L. brought Bo home in a state....he was scared witless every little sound made him nearly jump out of his skin. He's afraid if he don't get a handle on it we'll let 'em send him to the looney bin. I told him that wouldn't happen but he's still a little shook up cos he can't figure out why it's hittin' him now a month after being held hostage instead of just after it happened."

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Jesse listened carefully and nodded, sighing a little when Luke finished, sitting back in the old armchair and stroking his beard thoughtfully. It hadn't been too long ago...well it had been but it was still fresh in Jesse's mind....that he had been helping Luke through this kind of thing. Luke's had been more serious of course, 6 months of being held hostage and being tortured scarred people...but still, he knew that Bo was going to need someone...and he wasn't sure if Luke would be able to handle that so well.

"Luke...before I say anything more about Bo....are you gonna feel okay helping him with this?"

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Jesse nodded again, trusting Luke's judgement and knowing that if he had any problems, reprecutions, he would come to him. He may not want to, but he would in order to keep himself in line to help Bo. He sat forward again and sighed softly.

"Okay...so....what I think we need to do to Bo, is the same thing we did to you....now that's gonna scare him ta death each time we do it...well I dont need to tell you that...you know that...but Bo's a heck of a lot more emotional....he's gonna need more support..."

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"Believe me Luke...I don't want to do this anymore than you do....but unless we do it, break him out of his fears, he's gonna be like this the rest of his life and we can't let that happen. Like his phobia with needles...we were hesitant about showing him that while they hurt they help, and now look where we are. He can't go near one without shaking and trying to get as far away as possible from it..."

Jesse sighed and shook his head, standing up.

"If you come up with a better solution Luke i'll be glad to hear it and we'll work on it...but for now...this is what we're gonna have to stick with."

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Daisy looked back to him, swallowing gently. She had seen how rough getting Luke past his own fears had been and she really didn't want to have to watch her youngest brother go through that...but then again she could see what Jesse was saying...that if left as they were, Bo's fears would get out of hand....

Sighing she sat next to him

"I don't know either Luke."

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Daisy and Jesse both watched him go from their places on the farm, sighing sadly, knowing this was hard on all of them not just Bo.

Cooter drove along on the road, whistling happily when he saw the General come barralling up the road, Luke behind the wheel. He frowned a little when he saw the expression on Luke's face and picked up the CB

"Hey this Crazy Cooter to Lost Sheep 1, you alright buddy roo?"

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Cooter nodded even though Luke couldn't see and replied cheerily.

"Well that's a 10-4 good buddy, you know where I am if ya need me. I'm gone."

Normally he would have asked Luke what the matter was and tried to help him, but after what B.L. had told him, he figured that Luke probably needed some alone time on the matter at hand. If he was needed, he trusted Luke to call him.

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Daisy poked her head round the door quietly and saw Bo sleeping peacefully, even though he had worry lines etched slightly on his features and he seemed huddled under the covers instead of splayed out like he usually was. She sighed softly as she closed the door and went back to sit in the lounge, wondering how on earth they were going to be able to do this....especially Luke.

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Luke sat there staring out over the water wondering how on earth he himself was going to get through this in helping Bo. Bo was already scared stiff he'd be a complete wreck and scared to death before it was all said and done but he knew Jesse was right if they were going to keep Bo from loosing it completely they had to do something drastic and it had helped him when he had come back from 'nam so he was confident it would help Bo too.

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