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Bo shuddered in Luke's hold, shaking his head as he stared at the floor of the room

"I know,...I know that..I dont understand this...I dont understand..."

Daisy swallowed and started to make Bo a hot drink, finding the shine underneath the kitchen sink and pouring Bo a small glass, handing it to Luke.

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"It's ok Bo, the docs said this might happen just try to stay calm"

Luke looks up at Daisy as she hands him the shine holding it to Bo's lips hoping it would calm him down. B.L. stood leaning against the wall wondering now if taking Bo out had been such a good idea afterall.


Luke continued to hold the glass letting Bo drink slowly pulling back slightly when he tried to gulp it all at once. Getting drunk wouldn't solve anything. Once the shine was gone Luke put the glass down on the coffeetable. Leaning back against the couch he pulled Bo back to relax next to him until the shine took affect.


B.L. watched the cousins sighing in relief when Bo visibly relaxed in their hold. Pushing away from the wall smiles at them saying quietly.

"I'd better get goin' Cooter's probably figured out I went AWOL at work by now and he'll be lookin' for me."

Luke looks up when B.L. speaks and moves away from the wall.

"Ya better let him know where ya been, he CB'd lookin' for ya when he went by the Boar's Nest and you weren't there and they told him ya had called in sick."

B.L. sighs nodding and leans over the back of the couch hugging Bo from behind before doing the same to Luke and Daisy.

"Lemme know if there's anythin' I can do."

Gestures to Bo sitting between them. Both cousins nod in response before B.L. leaves.


Bo closed his eyes, shaking his head and letting Luke hold him, needing to feel the security of both him and Daisy.

"That was a month or so ago....I should be over this by now...I should be....it wasn't even that bad! I just got hit by him is all...I shouldn't even be so badly traumatised....I'm not traumatised! And why didn't this happen in the hospital! Shouldn't it have happened directly after the thing actually happened..."

He knew he was blabbering, making no sense whatsoever, but he needed to have this out loud reasoning with himself and needed Luke and Daisy to reassure him and hear it as well.


Luke put his finger against Bo's lips to quiet his babbling for a moment.

"Bo nobody knows exactly how the brain works.....but apparently it was bad enough. Maybe your brain just pushed it all aside while it was happening unable to deal with it at the time but now that your home and things are 'normal' it's being unlocked so you can cope with it. Just know that your not alone Bo ya can talk ta me, or Daisy anytime day or night. B.L. and Cooter's available too anytime ya need 'em."

Luke comforted and reassured softly in Bo's ear.


Bo stopped as Luke pressed his finger to his lips, looking to him frightened and confused. As he listened, he knew that Luke was making perfect sense, the doc's had told him this might happen too...but still it was scary enough that it was acutally happening to throw him all outta line.

"I...they....they'll lock me away if I don't get better won't they....put me in the loony bin..."


Bo looked to Luke, listening and seeing the truth and determination in his older cousins eyes, seeing a protection there that he needed badly. Swallowing, he nodded as tears came to his eyes and he whimpered out.

I'm so scared....


"I know your scared Bo....it's alright to be scared. We'll help ya through it any way we can."

Luke smiled reassuringly at Bo wiping away a tear that managed to escape the blue eyes looking back at him with all the confidence a younger brother would give an older.


Bo swallowed and looked back to Daisy who nodded reassuringly too, giving him a gentle squeeze. Slowly, Bo nodded back and settled into Luke and Daisy's arms again, closing his eyes as he whispered.

"Will you help me...help me be able to...to go outside again...."


Jesse came back in a while later finding the three cousins sitting on the couch together. Daisy holding one of Bo's hands and rubbing his back with the other while Luke had both arms firmly around his youngest cousin.

"Ya see Luke I tole ya he'd be back."


Luke looked back at Daisy with the same questioning look. He wasn't sure if they should tell Jesse yet or not either. Looking back at Bo and still feeling him trembling Luke shook his head slightly at Daisy they would wait till Bo wasn't in earshot to tell Uncle Jesse what was going on in hopes that it was just a one time occurance.


Jesse came into the livingroom sitting down in his favorite chair and picked up the newspaper. Glancing occassionally at the three young people on the couch wondering when the two holding onto the third would tell him what was going on. But deciding not to question them they would tell him when they thought it was the right time.


Luke stood and gently picked Bo up effortlessly and carried him to the room they had shared since they were children. Putting Bo to bed Luke covered him up gently and then just stood watching him sleep making sure he was going to stay soundly asleep.


Bo didn't so much as move a muscle as Luke picked him up and put him to bed, sleeping soundly underneath the covers, but even in sleep he didn't look peaceful.

Daisy gently cleared up the mugs, washing them up as she waited for Luke to get back so they could tell Jesse what was going on.

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