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I've been seeing some orange 01 shirts, and General Lee shirts out there this summer, at county fairs, shindigs, and the state fair. Seen the 01 baseball caps too.

It's cool that we're not alone out there. How about ya'll this summer, anybody else see fellow Dukes fans out at shindigs , fairs, car shows? (not counting DukesFest, before somebody smarmy chimes in with that one.)



I have three different Dukes T-shirts in orange and one in black with a picture of the original cast and I got it back in 2000. And I'm not giving up that t-shirt anytime soon even thow it's faded. And also I have the 01 Baseball cap as well.


Oh yeah. I've seen my fair share of other Duked people. At football and baseball games I've seen a few people getting their Duke on. Ha ha. I had my Dukes of hazzard purse with me one day, and this lady stopped me and demanded to know where I got it. tehe.

One day I was in line at Target and there was this man and his wife infront of me. I just happened to notice that he had one of the Dukes seasons in his hand and his wife was giving him a hard time about it. I'm like "Hey, another Dukes fan!" :D


I just went to the Missouri State Fair last week to watch the garden tractor pull and saw a Dukes fan. He was wearing the orange 01 t-shirt and cap and had painted up his tractor like the General Lee; orange with the 01, the flag on the top and he named it the Lil General. I, of course, cheered it down the track much to the consternation on my dad, brother, and cousin who were entered in the same class.

  • 3 weeks later...

I image there are a lot of duke fans that wear shirts with the General Lee on it. I got a couple Good Ol' Boys shirts that have an orange charger almost like General Lee. I also have a few Dukes of Hazzard shirts.

  • 7 months later...

This isn't really a random clothes sighting but a random music story. The building I work in is going through renovations and last week there was a welder there who I bumped into in his mid 20s. I was walking by the vending machine he was putting money into and guess what he was singing? I didn't hear the beginning but as soon as I heard "never meaning no harm" I stopped in my tracks, introduced myself and it went from there. I told him about the Hazzardnet so who knows, maybe we'll hear from him.

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