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Producer: Billy Gerber, Phil Goldfine

Writer: Shane Morris

Director: Bob Berlinger

BO DUKE - Lead / MALE / 18 TO 22 / Caucasian

He’s 18 to 22 to play 18ish, Caucasian, blonde and charming, yet goofy. He knows only one speed: fast. The only teacher he listens to is the one inside his gut: Instinct of the Academy of Act First, Think Later. He tends to run, drive, and leap into things. Literally. After a run in with the law, he and his cousin, Luke have been sentenced to work at their uncle Jesse’s farm where they catch up with another cousin, Daisy. But when Boss Hogg threatens his uncle’s moonshine business, Bo is more than happy to help, especially if he gets to drive a car…

LUKE DUKE - Lead / MALE / 18 TO 22 / Caucasian

He’s 18 to 22 to play 18ish, Caucasian, black hair, athletic. As a little kid, he was obese, but overcame that by a strict diet regimen and a child shrink. Luke likes to plan and plan big, especially when it comes to winning a girl’s heart. After a run in with the law, he and his cousin, Bo have been sentenced to work at their uncle Jesse’s farm where they catch up with another cousin, Daisy. But when Boss Hogg threatens his uncle’s moonshine business, Luke is willing to become more than just a moonshine runner to help out…

DAISY DUKE - Lead / FEMALE / 18 TO 22 / Caucasian

She’s 18 to 22 to play 18ish, Caucaisan. She had been under her uncle Jesse’s watchful eye until she turned eighteen, but as a church-going girl, she has just signed an oath to stay a virgin until she’s married. Daisy’s beauty is hidden under a frumpy dress, big glasses and bigger hair until she meets Hughie. She makes some changes in her appearance and suddenly Daisy is breathtakingly hot.

BOSS HOGG - Lead / MALE / 50 TO 59 / Caucasian

He’s in his 50’s, Caucasian, wears a dark, pinstripe suit, broad hat, and pinky rings. He’s the richest man in Hazzard with a wife that has a chocolate donut habit. He’s into local politics and has decided that unless uncle Jesse offers him a bigger cut of the profits, he’ll make closing down his moonshine business a top political priority. In fact, he’s out to make the whole county dry and pick up the slack with his ice cream business.

SHERIFF ROSCOE P. COLTRANE - Lead / MALE / 40 TO 49 / Caucasian

He’s in his 40’s, Caucasian. As sheriff, he spends most of his days inventing ways to entrap people and give them tickets. He’s never fired his gun, but he always looking for a reason to. His best friend is his basset hound puppy, Flash. He’s Boss Hogg’s brother-in-law and the two are thick as thieves when it comes to trying to run Hazzard.

UNCLE JESSE - Lead / MALE / 50 TO 59 / Caucasian

He’s in his 50’s, Caucasian, honest and fair. He’s Duke, Bo, and Daisy’s uncle. The boys have been sent to his farm to work as a way of escaping jail time for their escapades back home. He runs a moonshine business on the side to help cover the bills during hard times on the farm. When his buddy Boss Hogg demands a bigger cut of his profits, he refuses. Although, always trying to find a peaceful solution with his erstwhile friend, he is wily enough to know his nephews’ offer to help is the best way to handle the situation.

ENOS - Lead / MALE / 18 TO 22 / Caucasian

He’s 18 to 22 to play 18ish, Caucasian, and has an elephant-sized crush on Daisy—the frumpy version. His ambition in life is to become a Hazzard deputy. He is currently the hall monitor at Hazzard High School. When he’s finally made deputy he eagerly shows Daisy around the Sheriff’s office and reluctantly lets her make some changes to the Public Address System…

COOTER DAVENPORT - Lead / MALE / 18 TO 24 / Caucasian

He’s 18 to 24 years old, Caucasian, bearded, happy-go-lucky, and a genius when it comes to car engines. He has a quirky side to him and just might be coming out of the closet. Cooter’s also concerned that he may have to do his senior year for the third time. However, none of his problems get in the way of applying his expertise to fixing up the car of Bo’s dreams.

HUGHIE - Lead / MALE / 18 TO 25 / Caucasian

He’s 18 to 25 to play early 20’s, Caucasian, clean-cut, perfect, and gorgeous—an Abercrombie ad, who on first sight renders Daisy spellbound. Hughie’s the new manager of the Boar’s Nest, working there for the summer until he goes back to school in Atlanta.

BROOKE and ALI HANDY - Lead / FEMALE / 18 TO 22 / Caucasian

These girls are gorgeous twins, 18 to 22 to play 18ish, Caucasian. At the Hazzard County High School, they have reps for doing anything. They like to hang out by Hogg’s Ravine, get naked and lather each other up with tanning oil, which has it’s desired effect on Bo and Luke…SOME NUDITY REQUIRED.

LULU HOGG - Lead / FEMALE / 40 TO 49 / Caucasian

She’s in her 40’s, Caucasian, large, married to Boss Hogg and is Rosco’s sister. She finds the Duke boys pretty attractive and tries to seduce Luke while getting him to help prepare a turkey for cooking…

Story Line: This is the origin story of the DUKES OF HAZZARD. BO, LUKE, and DAISY DUKE are three cousins sent to their UNCLE JESSE’S farm to keep them out of trouble. However, when BOSS HOGG threatens the farm and Uncle Jesse’s moonshine business, the cousins’ volunteer to do their part in saving the farm…

found this on the net


Well, I think Reba McEntire has enough sass to play Lulu Hogg, I mean she has to put up with Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg. And if you have ever the show Reba then if she can put with Brock and Barbara Jean then Boss wouldn't be no problem and Rosco is her little brother as well.

After a run in with the law, he and his cousin, Luke have been sentenced to work at their uncle Jesse’s farm where they catch up with another cousin, Daisy

Already they have messed up! Crimmeny, they didn't end up on Uncle Jesse's farm due to a run in with the law! :evil: :x They were all orphaned at a young age! I hate all this rewritting of the Dukes story! :x

Dang Duke movies can't never get anything right! :evil:

0.0 oh my lord..... :evil: Is this legit??

Not sure if it is legit or not.......

I've seen this posted on the CGLFC forum also. There is no link as to where it came from and that makes me wonder...

If it is true remember the saying " Be careful what you wish for " - to all the people who didn't like the movie and wanted Hollywood to make the "right" Dukes movie..

I'm gone


but did you see where it read for Brooke and Ali Handy

(Some nudity required)

or Cooter

(just might be coming out of the closet)

I get the feeling the original stars are REALLY going to hate this one.


If its accurate nudity? coming out of the closet? Definitely NOT what we were wishing for.Sounds like we're in for another crappy movie. I guess WB didn't learn their lesson after all. If it holds true you won't see me buying it.If they are looking to do another film why haven't they contacted Gy Waldron? He created Dukes he knows how it is supposed to work.Just more proof that WB is just looking to squeeze as much out of this franchise they never gave any respect to and they expect us fans to fall for it hook,line,and sinker. They may have fooled some of us once but not again.


This is what I found on the web about a prequel.


Remember all those rumors about another Dukes of Hazzard movie? Well it’s happening, but it won’t be a sequel. Instead, it’ll be a low budget prequel with a replacement cast of teenagers.

Long time CB scooper Liam Wrberly sent us the heads up, after uncovering a recently released casting notice looking for Dukes replacement players. The prequel will introduce Bo and Luke Duke as teenagers during their first wild weeks in Hazzard County battling Boss Hogg and delivering Moonshine for Uncle Jesse. In the prequel, the plot will revolve around Boss Hogg trying to establish a moonshine monopoly of his own, presumably at the expense of Uncle Jesse’s slightly illegal still business. As usual, Boss Hogg’s first move is to foreclose on the Duke farm, and while the boys try to save it we learn the origins of the General Lee and Daisy Duke’s daisy dukes.

And you thought the original movie was bad.

The good news here is that the casting notice for the film clearly marks it as “straight to DVDâ€, so don’t expect to see this anywhere in theaters. Instead, look for it in the checkout lane at Wal-Mart, probably next to one of those horrible National Lampoon movies or one of the many upcoming American Pie direct to DVD spinoffs.

This probably also means that any thought of a legitimate Dukes of Hazzard sequel is dead. If you were looking forward to a new batch of on-set Jessica Simpson bikini pics, you’ll have to hope those rumors of her starring in a Baywatch movie come true.


A 'Dukes of Hazzard' Prequel?

By Brad Brevet

Source: Production Weekly | April 27, 2006

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This is hard to believe, but Production Weekly is reporting that TV director Bob Berlinger, ("Arrested Development") is set to direct a straight to DVD prequel to Dukes Of Hazzard. There is no word on what studio the film is for, but I have a hard time believing Warner Bros. would be behind this, but who knows

PW goes on to say that the storyline will follow Bo and Luke Duke as teenagers during their first wild weeks in Hazzard County. While Boss Hogg outlaws moonshine in an attempt to establish his own monopoly, the boys get into a heap o' trouble making deliveries of the now-illegal liquor for Uncle Jesse in an effort to save his farm from foreclosure, and we learn the origins of the General Lee and Daisy Duke's daisy dukes.

Filming is scheduled to begin mid-June in Los Angeles.


Ok folks here is what one of my best friends posted on the Confederate General site.This guy was an extra in the 05 film so he has connections.So here it goes......Please don't shoot the messenger.....

This is the exact email I recieved from my insider..... and its not GOOD..

The new movie is going to make the last one look like a Disney flick. Warner hasn't learned a dam thing. Berlinger is one of the Broken Lizard posse guys. The new script it frickin' terrible - absolutely unreal terrible. The original transpo guys and FX guys from the last flick have all turned this one down as of this writing, one guy's still on the fence. It's gutter trash humor, very low brow, and there is a nude (topless anyway) scene with a pair of eighteen-year-old hottie twins. I only received an overview of the script, but I wouldn't doubt there are more nude and partially nude scenes - loads of vulger language! The General takes a back seat, literally, to juvenile "Porky's" style teenage antics. It's gonna' be a dam train wreck. It's scheduled to start shooting June 13 north of Los Angeles, has a five week schedule, and I'm told the budget is less than $8 mil. Don't know if all the Generals are going to be "pre-Cooter" versions, but I kinda' get that vibe because there's not much emphasis on the car and this looks like it's supposed to be what happened leading up to the beginning of the '05 movie. They may well use car footage shot in Louisiana for the '05 movie in the DVD version to keep costs down; there was a lot of cool driving stuff that never made it onto the screen or into the DVD version. Tell the troops, WB is throwing the Dukes on the s***pile and they don't give a rat's butt. The '05 movie has thus far grossed over $200 mil worldwide including theater take and DVD sales, not counting all the General Lee related toys sold, so they're willing to stick with the gutter trash route in an attempt to keep the teenage market. From what I understand, they signed a three-year contract with Broken Lizard before the Dukes flick (didn't know that until yesterda y), so their crew and buddies will have to make the new movie (Berlinger is a good buddy of Jay's). Get the guys to writing their complaint letters, I hate to sound like Ben Jones, but this is going to be a monumental disaster. Later and take care bro - wish I had better news


I refuse to watch this if it comes out. Why cant Hollywood understand that we dont want sex, drugs and stupid scripts in our Dukes movies. Maybe they are trying to bring in the new generation of teens who only watch a movie because of said things, but thats NOT what the Dukes Of Hazzard was about. I'm pissed off they would even consider going this route. Yes, i liked the 05 movie only because of the General and the stunts, I bought the DVD and only watched it like 2 times and now it sits on my shelf collecting dust. If they want to stand out and make this movie worthwhile, get rid of the vulgar, nude scenes and drugs and make it like the show. I love the Dukes but I HATE HATE HATE HATE what is happening to the franchise that I belove so much and was raised up watching and learning so much from. alright, Im going to stop ranting now...

Mosey out.

I refuse to watch this if it comes out. Why cant Hollywood understand that we dont want sex, drugs and stupid scripts in our Dukes movies. Maybe they are trying to bring in the new generation of teens who only watch a movie because of said things, but thats NOT what the Dukes Of Hazzard was about. I'm pissed off they would even consider going this route. Yes, i liked the 05 movie only because of the General and the stunts, I bought the DVD and only watched it like 2 times and now it sits on my shelf collecting dust. If they want to stand out and make this movie worthwhile, get rid of the vulgar, nude scenes and drugs and make it like the show. I love the Dukes but I HATE HATE HATE HATE what is happening to the franchise that I belove so much and was raised up watching and learning so much from. alright, Im going to stop ranting now...

Mosey out.

Yes, I know. The only one I actually like and (don't kill me for this) is Enos. It makes sense that he would be a hall monitor in high school. That's it though.

And Daisy? I'm sure she's not a virgin. And I doubt that any true blooded Duke would take such a vow. Ah well, anybody that's not Jessica Simpson must be some kind of an improvment.

They make Bo and Luke sound like convicts for the wrong reasons instead of the right reasons.

Rosco sounds smarter than he is.

But anyway, as to what was said in previous posts. Of course Hollywood has to come through and change the things we loved for what they were. I know very well...the Resident Evil movies...I cried when I saw what Anderson did to that fandom. *sighs*


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