Capt_Redneck Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 Alright I finally started a wrestling thread....Who likes wrestling? Favorite wrestler? Favortie fued? Favorite fed? Let's get this started I'm goneDarrell"Snack on danger, dine on death, and dead men don't make money" - The Road Warriors"If you don't like me , BITE me" - Rick Steiner Quote
BH03 Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 I liked Ultimate Warror, Jake the Snake Roberts, Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Auston, and Sting where the ones I liked that were at the top of the top also I almost forgot Bret Hart. I like TNA now better than WWE/WWF which has gone down hill since Auston left. Quote
DukesFan24 Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 HHHEdge Shawn MichealsJohn CenaRandy OrtonCharlie HaasFavorite Feud: HHH/Stephanie McMahon & Kurt AngleI love it and am glad someone posted a topic. Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted May 8, 2006 Author Posted May 8, 2006 . I like TNA now better than WWE/WWF which has gone down hill since Auston left.I love TNA now than when it first started when Vince Russo was booking and writing. Now they are back to real Wrestlin' although I still don't like the 6 sided ring. Sting was what got me back into TNA . But they have some real good wrestlers in their X division - AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels...I loved it hwen he brought Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger. Then the following week Rick Steiner.....I know a lot of people are lokking at TNA as WCW reborn , but it is not. They just need some name recognition to get the promotion up to a national level...Look at who TNA just signed to be their commisioner or whatever they use him as - Jim Cornette. Probably the BEST interview and mic skills in the business and he knows the business better than most people.....I'm goneDarrell Quote
BH03 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 When I see TNA it reminds me a mixture of WCW and ECW which is good not as wild as ECW while also not as conservative as WCW. Now that is how I see it which I don't get to see it every week like some do. A couple of my favorite fueds was the Auston McMann fued and HBK and Bret Hart fued Quote
turn3 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 I use to be a huge rasslin' fan until it turned into a sex sells show..On occasion I'll tune into Raw or TNA but I can't seemed to get hooked on it anymore..Favorite wrestler: Ricky the Dragon SteamboatFavorite Feud: Steamboat vs. Flair Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted May 10, 2006 Author Posted May 10, 2006 I can't let my kids watch Raw and most of Smackdown (although Smackdown has better overall wrestling) because of the adult content..I grew up watching wrestling when everything was done IN RING and had real interviews with passion. I am an old school wrestling fan and wish it could go back to days of territories and studio wrestling. Getting excited when a wrestler from a different territory came in for a few matches. I can't satnd the circus like atmosphere that the WWE has now. Changing wrestler's characters and gimmics. Not knowing who is a heel or good guy.Favorite Wrestlers: Ric Flair, The Road Warriors, "Captain Redneck" Dick Murdoch (that is where I got my screenname from) Favorite Fed: TNAFavorite old Fed: Georgia Championship Wrestling, Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling, WCW - Antyhing that was on WTBS Favortie fued: Flair/Steamboat (probably the BEST matches ever) , Midnight Express/Road Warriors, Freebirds/Von Erichs...I'm goneDarrell Quote
The_Dukes_Generl_Lee01 Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 NONE Cause I don't like wrestling. Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted May 10, 2006 Author Posted May 10, 2006 NONE Cause I don't like wrestling.Oh well , can't like everything....... I'm gone Darrell"If you don't like me , BITE me" - Rick Steiner Quote
TimDuke Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 My favorites have been Hogan,Roddy Piper,Stone Cold.I go back to the days of Johnny Powers although I was very young then.Buzz Sawyer was one of my favorites also.I remember his feud with Tommy Wildfire Rich went on for years. Man I'm showing my age now. Quote
GENERAL LEE 1968 Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 I really like TNA.They have the wrestlers i like.Sting,Stiner both of them,Lugar if they would sign him,Nash.Thats a great group.Rumor is GOLDBERG will make a decision on TNA.I really think if he would go for a year TNA would really branch out..Just my 2 cents. 8) Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted June 16, 2006 Author Posted June 16, 2006 Anyone watch the rebirth of ECW on the Sci-Fi channel?The WWE should have left ECW alone. Instead they made it like another WWE program. It was just awful and very disappointing.....The Dudley's promos on TNA saying they should have left it dead and buried were right on the money.I'm goneDarrell Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 A year and a half later , I am resurrecting the wrestling thread. Not much has really changed in the WWE and TNA in that time. I still love TNA better. Come on now let's get this thread going again. Share your favorite wrestlers, company, matches, fueds, etc...I'm goneDarrell Quote
DaneyDuke Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 A year and a half later , I am resurrecting the wrestling thread. Not much has really changed in the WWE and TNA in that time. I still love TNA better. Come on now let's get this thread going again. Share your favorite wrestlers, company, matches, fueds, etc...I'm goneDarrellMarch 31st 2008 - one verison of the 4 Horsemen together again - Tully, JJ, Barry, & Arn on RAW as the WWE gave an amazing good bye to Ric Flair. "Leave The Memories Alone" by Fuel was a great song pick to summarize a 30 year plus career. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Watched Wrestlemania on PPV on Sunday, and what an amazing line up! Undertaker vs Edge was amazing and what an emotional way for Ric Flair to end the match. Poor HBK looked truley devestated he cost Flair his career. (I know its all set up btw lol)And those final words 'I'm sorry, I love you' had me in floods. Great sportsmen and women but also great actors. Little ticked that Randy Orten retained but glad HHH didn't get it. I like John Cena, he is very very strong without the use of steroids. He body builds hard and trains for everything he's achieved and he idn't actually lose the title but had it stripped due to injury which is how RO won it. I think he should have got it back at Wrestlemania but hey. Again, at least HHH didnt win.And the ladder match - awsome. Matt Hardy returns!!! Woooooo!! Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted April 1, 2008 Author Posted April 1, 2008 March 31st 2008 - one verison of the 4 Horsemen together again - Tully, JJ, Barry, & Arn on RAW as the WWE gave an amazing good bye to Ric Flair. "Leave The Memories Alone" by Fuel was a great song pick to summarize a 30 year plus career.Probably the BEST lineup of the Four Horsemen - ever. I was watching last night. I would it give it a 8/10. I wish more of the 80's wrestlers would come out to say goodbye. It was a great surprise to the Horsemen and Greg "the Hammer" Valentine, but where was Dusty? They had The Dragon - Ricky Steamboat there which was awesome. I wish one person would have shown up - STING. I know he is contractually obligated to TNA, but that would have gotten a huge pop. Can you imagine the lights going out and when they come back on - Sting is standing there. That would have been huge. I know Sting was Ric's last opponet on WCW's last day. Ric always to do a farewell match with him, but recently he couldn't acknowledge that or even say publicy any more because of his damn WWE/F contract. This is Ric Flair we all know and unfortunately he became such a company man in the last years of wrestling career. He will always be "The Man" to me no matter what. There will be no one even close to the wrestler the Naitch was..I'm goneDarrell Quote
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