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Double Duke Trouble


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Bo swayed a little at being helped upright after not having been on his feet for some time so he wasn't used to it. As the Doc asked the question he didn't want to be rude but he did feel more comofrtable with his Uncle rather than the Doc.....

"I don't mind.....s'up to you, you's the one takin' care o'me...."

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Doc smiles seeing the light pink tint surface on Bo's cheeks and it wasn't from fever.

"I'll just get your Uncle he and Luke can manage much better than I can with this I think. I'm just here ta get ya well."

Leaves the bathroom and goes back to the livingroom

"Jesse Bo'd rather have you helpin' Luke with the bath taking although he wouldn't come right out and say it I could tell that's what he'd perfer. I can't say's I blame him either most patients perfer to have the family take care of their personal needs,which is fine leaves all my energy to concentrate on gettin' them well."

Luke looks at Bo worriedly as he sways again

"Ya ok Bo you've not been upright in a while,sure yer upto it?"

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Bo swallowed and blinked a couple of times. He felt light headed and he could feel Luke's grip tightening on him.

"Yeah I can...s'just....strange....feels wierd....like a head rush..."

Jesse nodded gratefully to the doc and headed to the bathroom, smiling as he saw Bo sitting up but also feeling slightly uneasy inside as he noticed in the brighter light of the bathroom how ill Bo really did look. His skin was the colour of tea stained paper...as where what was meant to be the whites of his eyes. He swayed on the commode and looked like if someone held onto him too hard he would crumble.

He also noticed the fact that they were starting to be able to see the young man's ribs through the yellow skin....something that he was sure Doc would have words with him about...

He said nothing though, just turned off the taps and checked the temperature of the water before moving over to Bo and Luke.

"Alright then, let's get ya in here...."

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"It'll pass"

Luke hoped he was right that the feeling would indeed pass anyway Bo looked like he might pass out. Holding Bo as Jesse finished undressing him and together they got him in the water with Luke still holding him tightly afraid he might fall over any minute. Nods to Jesse his eyes saying if he took care of everything else he (Luke) would hold onto Bo.

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Bo sighed gratefully as he slipped into the water, feeling it lap gently against his skin. He rested his hand with the IV in on the side of the bath and sunk a little more into the water, enjoying the soothing feeling it had.

Jesse nodded back to Luke, thinking of asking the Doctor if there was anything the could do to get Bo fed....it was obvious he wasn't eating or drinking an awful lot, he was surprised the Doc hadn't brought it up already...

He grabbed a bottle of shampoo and gently started to rub it into Bo's hair, turning the golden blonde colour into a white foam...

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Luke watched Jesse lather Bo's hair until his eyes caught hold of the amount of weight Bo had lost. Frowning worriedly he looked back to Jesse wondering what they were going to do Bo hadn't exactly been cooperative when it came to eating due to the sore throat. Picking up the washcloth after Jesse had finished with Bo's hair Luke gently washed Bo's back knowing it would be hard for Jesse to reach with him where he was holding Bo.

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Jesse made sure Bo wasn't watching before looking back at Luke and titling his head slightly out the door, signalling that the Doc would probably be able to think of something....if not then they would have no choice but to force some food in him....something he hadn't had to do since Luke had gone to 'Nam and Bo refused to eat...as well as refused to do pretty much anything else....of course, Luke never knew that....

Bo winced slightly as Luke brushed over the welt on his back, the bandages haveing been removed by the doc when he had undressed him. He tilted his head back as Jesse gently started to wash the soap suds from his hair, finding himself looking up at Luke's concerned face. He smiled gently at his older cousin and reached up to playfully put some suds on the end of his older cousin's nose.

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Bo jerked slightly as Luke let him slip, even though he knew his cousin wouldn't really. It was still upsetting and scary to think that Luke was the one who held the key to his life, that if Luke did accidentally slip and let go himself, then he wouldn't have any strength to save himself...

Still he trusted Luke and refused to let those thoughts get him down. So he grinned cheekily and then spread some suds around Luke's top lip and chin, looking over at Jesse as he did before pulling his hand away and grinning, looking between the two.

"There....now I have two Uncle Jesse's...."

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Luke laughed wiping the suds on his sleeve not caring that he was getting soaked. Jesse had gotten the front of his shirt a little wet trying to wash the shampoo from Bo's hair. Holding onto Bo firmly with one hand Luke spikes Bo's hair in two different places returning the cheeky grin.

"Ya finally grew ya horns Bo........everbody's always said how ya was a little devil."

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Bo nodded and watched as Jesse left the room with a smile....that quickly turned into a playful frown as Luke flicked water at him. He knew Luke was joking....but he had a whole bathtub fulll of water at his disposal...he snuck his free hand underneath the water below Luke's face and quickly flicked upwards, causing a decent amount of water to splash over Luke.

Jesse walked down the hall to check on the girls before heading into the kitchen where the Doc was.

"Amos...I need yer help with somethin'...."

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Luke splutters as the water hits him in the face.......again holding onto Bo firmly with one hand he reaches in the tub cupping his hand before throwing water at Bo chuckling.

"Uncle Jesse'll kill us if we flood the bathroom"

not really worried their Uncle would give Bo the moon right now so if making a mess in the bathroom made him feel better Jesse wouldn't complain and Luke would clean it up later after Bo was settled.

Amos looks up over his shoulder where he'd been reading the newspaper

"sure Jesse what is it.....ya know I'll do whatever I can"

listens to the boys laughing

"I take it Bo's having one of his energy spurts from the sounds coming from the bathroom"

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Bo spluttered himself and grabbed Luke's wrist, weakly pulling him down and shaking his head so water splattered from his hair all over Luke.

"Yeah....guess we better stop...."

Jesse looked back towards the bathroom, smiling slightly and nodded.

"Yeah....he looked happier when we's got him in the water....I wanted ta ask ya 'bout how thin Bo is....we's can't get him ta eat anythin' and the ribs kinda starting to poke through his skin's got me and Luke kinda worried....can ya do anythin'....or suggest anythin'?"

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Luke wipes his dripping face on his shirt sleeve before splashing Bo once more.

"Yeah guess so.......don't think he'd really be upset though I'll clean it up"

Amos nods he'd noticed himself how thin Bo had become

"Well I can put in a feeding tube but Bo ain't gonna like that idea one bit but it may be the only option unless he starts eating more."

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Amos shakes his head sadly

"I'm afraid not Jesse.....if he don't start eating more on his own I'm going to have to do a feeding tube and that's going to be about like the breathing tube in his throat only not quite as bad but he's still not going to like it one bit.....I wish there was another way."

Luke falls silent as Bo relaxed in his grip but his hold was just as firm as ever.

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Jesse paled a little as the Doc explained a little more....he had thought that a feeding tube was just like a sline drip...excpet with nutrients in it instead of that....

He sunk down at the table, resting his chin in his hand and shaking his head.

"I just...I don't know what to do with him...."

Bo sat in the bubbles, just quietly contemplating how nice this was....not having a care in the world....it was like the water had washed them all away again....

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Jesse sighed and nodded, getting up.

"I better get him out that bath...he'll catch a cold on top of everythin' else...."

He turned dejectedly and back to the bathroom, perking up enough that only if you really looked at him would you be able to tell there was something the matter.

"C'mon Bo, let's get ya out 'afore ya catch somethin' else."

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Luke looks up as Jesse comes back into the room and can immediately tell he wasn't happy about what Doc had to say. Helping get Bo out of the tub and dressed in the t-shirt and sweat pants........ putting the IV bag through the sleeve like Doc had told him before carefully guiding Bo's hand through.

"Let's get you back to bed buddyroe"

Once Bo is settled Luke gives Jesse a look,whatever the Doc had said he wanted to know.

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By the time they had gotten Bo back into the room, he was too wore out to notice any exchanging of looks going on. He sank gratefully back onto the bed and his eyes were practically closed as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Jesse smiled gently and covered him up, seeing how his temperature was back to normal again and gently motioned Luke with him, saying a soft goodnight to Bo before practically having to drag Luke outside to the barn where they could talk as loud as they wanted without being overheard by the sleeping occupants or the Doc, knowing Luke was going to have some hard words to say about what was coming.

"I's spoke to the Doc and he's noticed how thin Bo's got too....and the only thing....that is gonna help him if he ain't gonna co-operate, which he hasn't been....is ta....insert a feeding tube....give him food and drink that way...."

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Luke shakes his head feriously his voice frustrated and slightly below yelling level. He didn't want Bo to starve himself to death but there was a point that was just asking too much endurance from him. After witnessing his reaction to the breathing tube when he woke up in the hospital Luke just wasn't prepared to let another tube be stuck down his cousin's throat.

"Hell NO.........*not caring if he was cussing in front of his uncle by this point* Uncle Jesse nomore tubes nomore needles Bo has had damn welll enough of those. We just gotta stop lettin' him have his way and be tough about it,make him eat and drink."

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He glared sharply at Luke, pointing his finger at him.

"You better watch yer mouth boy, no more cussin'."

He waited for the nod from Luke before continuing.

"Luke I don't like this neither....but what makes ya think forcin' food down Bo's throat is gonna be any eaisier or nicer fer him than the tube? I know it's a lot fer him and you and all o'us to take....but we have to listen ta what the Doc thinks we should do, he is the professional.....and he is the one trying to make Bo better so's he can be up and about with us again....ya know that...."

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