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Double Duke Trouble


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"Thanks Coot.......I'd appreciate it. I need ta get my mind on somethin' else for a while anyway."

B.L. reaches up running her slender fingers down Luke's pale cheek tenderly wiping away the last of his drying tears.

"It'll be ok Luke some how some way it'll all be ok"

Luke hugs her round the waist before nodding dejectedly

"I know it's just somethin' I'll have to get used to we all will"

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Cooter nodded and rose to his feet....even he couldn't imagine life without Bo Duke grinning everywhere he went and coming up with ridiculously blonde comments every now and again....HAzzard just wouldn't be the same without him....he still couldn't believe Bo was going to die....it just didn't seem right or possible....

In his room, Bo moaned softly as yet another nightmare took hold.....

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When Luke gave no response, Cooter looked over to her and nodded, ducking under the hood to get a better look at the engine.

"Sure B.L....where's the new parts Luke, still in the back?"

Daisy was jolted from her sleep as she heard the low groan and instantly rushed to the boy's bedroom, her heart breaking as she saw Bo's eyes scrunched up tight, soft tears leaking from underneath his soft eyelashes. She sat next to him on the bed, noticing he was once more clutching the pillow to his chest and also slightly rocking.

"Bo....hunny its Daisy....c'mon now hunny wake up fer me, s'only a dream..."

But Bo didn't respond to her, only whimpered more and clutched tighter to the pillow.

"no...no Daisy....Luke's gone and I'm goin' with him....I'm goin' with him Daisy....I can't live without him Daisy...."

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"there in the barn Cooter"

looks up at B.L.

"ya mind gettin' em sweetheart *gives a ghost of his usual smile* if ya gonna hang around might as well make yaself useful"

B.L. grins saluting Luke her usual sass not in the gesture as she bounds off to the barn

"sure thing Luke"

rummaging around in the mess the oldest Duke cousin had made until she comes up with the parts amazingly still in tact.

"here ya go"

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Cooter smiled gently back at her and ruffled her hair before taking the box of parts and gently pulling them out the box, checking them over for any damage before getting to work on the engine.

Daisy let out a small sob as she heard Bo and wanted nothing more than to just get Luke in here, but she knew he needed some time alone if he wasn't already in here with Bo. Instead of trying to wake Bo up though, seeing it was a fruitless gesture, she just listened in as Bo mumbled to himself....or rather to the pillow he apparently thought was the dead Luke....after a while she tiptoed out the room and gently called to the Doc.

"Hey Doc....come listen ta this a minute...."

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gives Cooter a mock scowl as he ruffles her hair causing it to fly out in all directions sometimes he still treated her like a kid but this was one time she didn't really mind. As the two men bent over the engine tinkering with various parts she stood to the side handing them whatever tools they requested.

Luke holds out his hand without looking up

"Hey B.L. hand me that 7/8th's socket wrench will ya?"

requested tool in hand he starts to tighten a bolt that had worked itself loose.

Doc follows Daisy into the boys room leaning against the wall for a few moments as he listened to Bo's murmurings to what he thought was the deceased Luke. Shaking his head sadly he turned worried eyes on Daisy

"We might oughta get Luke back in here even though it was Bo himself that told Luke to take a break. I don't want Bo gettin' overly upset."

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Cooter smiled out at B.L...working on the General was bound to take Luke's mind off of things as he had intended it to.

Daisy swallowed, she really didn't want to have to get Luke in here.....it was only a nightmare and once Bo woke up he would be alright again.

"Doc....ain't there somethin' we can do without gettin' Luke in here? I mean....its just a nightmare....he'll be alright once he wakes up won't he? Back to his normal self again...."

She was mainly saying this for her own reassurance more than anything else....

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Doc nods

"your probably right Daisy,I really don't want to have ta drag Luke back in here either the boy needs some time to himself ta sort things out in his own head and maybe take his mind at least partially off all that's goin on. If Bo's still askin' for him when he wakes up we got no choice but ta get Luke in here,that oldest cousin of yers can be as mean as a rattlesnake when he has a mind ta where you and Bo are concerned especially if ya need him and he don't get told."

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Daisy nodded and sighed again, not knowing even though she had suggested it how in the world to wake Bo up...

The General was parked fairly close to the house, and Cooter stopped working but kept his head down as he heard a cry come from inside, knowing who it would be. He glanced over at Luke, who didn't appear to have heard it and then to B.L. If any one of them went indoors Luke would know something was up...

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Doc watches as Bo continues to mumble and whimper

"Daisy why doncha try ta wake him see if you can get through the nightmare without havin' ta get Luke in here."

B.L. had heard Bo too she looked back at Cooter,deciding that letting Jesse,Daisy and the Doc take care of Bo would be the best not wanting to get Luke stirred up again afraid he'd refuse to leave the room again.

Luke continued to tinker under the hood having blocked out everything around him completely focused on the motor it was a skill he'd learned in Vietnam that had proven valuable in avoiding a bullet that came whizzing his way.

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Cooter nodded and, seeing Luke so focused, put his finger to his lips. He just hoped that by the time Luke snapped out of whatever state he was in then Bo would have been settled back down again.

Daisy nodded and resumed her position on the edge of the bed, gently smoothing the hair away from his forehead again and leaning close so he could hear her.

"Bo....Bo it's Daisy now ya have to listen to me sugar.....Listen good now....Luke ain't dead Bo....Luke's outside working with the General..."

Bo huddled further into the pillow, although his grasp on it was weaker than it had previously been.

"Bo I promise ya.....Bo you's got a pillow in yer arms, it ain't Luke....s'just me and the Doc in here with ya...."

He whimpered softly and mumbled again, his eyes still firmly squeezed shut.

"No....Daisy they shot him....I didn't save him...."

Daisy bit her lip, thinking of a new way to approach this.

"Bo....it looked like they shot him sugar, but they didn't. He's still alive and all ya have to do is open yer eyes so I can show ya....ya trust me don't ya...."

"Daisy....Daisy don't leave...."

"I'm not gonna leave Bo.....you just open them eyes so I can show ya what's really happenin'....c'mon now Bo....."

She waited with bated breath as Bo fell silent and anxiously looked to the doctor thinking that she had made things worse, but eventually she heard her name whispered again and she looked down to find Bo with his eyes open, still clinging for dear life to the pillow, but looking at her with tears in his eyes.

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B.L. nodded this was the most focused Luke had been on anything other than Bo for a couple of weeks now. She was worried about how he seemed to be blocking everything out but not worried enough to break the trance by speaking at least not yet.

Luke continued to work under the hood oblivious to the looks being passed between their two friends.

Doc smiled at Daisy encouragingly as she looked his way she was doing just fine. When Bo did indeed open his eyes looking at her Doc moved a little closer to the bed seeing the tears in the boys eyes he knew there was only one way to completely dispell the nightmare as he himself glanced out the window seeing Luke and the two Davenports bent over the motor.

"Daisy help me sit him up so he can see out the window."

The two of them gently raise Bo to a sitting position

"Look Bo,see there's Luke working on the General just like Daisy said he's safe B.L. and Cooter are with him they won't let anything happen to 'im ya just relax now."

They gently ease Bo onto the pillows again.

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As he looked out the window and saw his cousin working with B.L and Cooter on the General he did give a small, but disheartened smile. Luke was doing as he had asked and was starting to live his life again.

He let out a small cry as he was lowered back into the pillows, the welt on his back being scraped against the freshly re-wrapped bandages. The water had made it sore again and the skin was stiff around it.

He let the tears from his eyes fall and asked gently.

"Why won't they stop.....Daisy why won't they stop....the nightmares....everytime I close my eyes Luke dies all over again....I just want it all to stop Daisy I just want it all to stop...."

Daisy choked back a sob and wrapped Bo in her arms gently rocking him and stroking his hair.

"Oh Bo....I know and so do I.....if I could take this all away from you I would Bo....oh god I would...."

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"D'ya need anything Bo?"

Wanting to make sure Bo didn't need anything medically before leaving the cousins so Daisy could give Bo the comfort he needed most privately.

Luke finished putting on a new fanbelt finally coming out of the trance with nothing else left to do. Bo being the first conscience thought that leapt into his mind.

"I need ta go check on Bo."

B.L. sighs silently relieved Bo couldn't be heard knowing that Luke would be there beside the blonde in a split second if he'd heard him before.

"He's fine Luke"

Shakes his head

"I still don't wanna be gone too long"

B.L. gives Cooter a look telling him they needed to distract Luke from worrying about Bo just a little longer for his own sanity.

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Bo nodded and looked over to the Doc.

"Can ya....can ya check my back...it really hurts..."

Cooter nodded and searched the engine frantically with his eyes for a moment before looking over to Cooter.

"Uh Luke....we need ta do the timing first or we'll never get it done....may as well, Bo seems ta be sleepin' anyhow and we're already here...."

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"Of course son"

Doc sits on the edge of the bed gently rolling Bo onto his side and peeling back the bandage,the welt looked a little irritated but that was most likely from all the moving around. Getting some salve from his bag Doc reapplies it to the welt although he'd put some on before rebandaging it after Bo's bath. Reapplies the bandage rolling Bo once again.

"There how's that feel?"

B.L. smiles at Cooter greatfully

"I agree with Cooter, so ya'll check the timin' then I'm gonna check both yer checkin"

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Bo nodded greatfully, biting his lip hard in order to stop himself crying out as the Doc touched the welt.

"Better....thanks Doc...."

Daisy held Bo gently in her arms, gently stroking the side of his face and wiping the tears that flowed from his eyes still away.

Cooter nodded.

"Sure thing B.L, c'mon Luke let's get to it."

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Luke ducks under the hood listening intently to the motor,nodding

"yup there's a distinct miss in there."

Hands Cooter a screwdriver

"Yer the expert"

Doc satisfied that Bo was alright medically for the moment and that Daisy would take care of everything else quietly leaves the room going back to check on Jesse who hadn't looked so well himself before Daisy had called.

"How ya holdin' up Jesse?"

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Cooter nodded and took the screwdriver.

"Alright Buddy roe, you stand there and tell me when ya think its there..."

This would allow him to keep Luke there but also make sure they were tuning the engine for a looooong time...

Jesse nodded and sat up on his bed.

"Just fine....needed a rest is all."

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B.L. hid a smile she knew exactly what Cooter was doing.

Luke leaned his right hip against the General listening as Cooter made a tweak here and a tweak there thinking he must be losing his touch usually he was able to fix a problem after just one or two minor adjustments.

Amos rolled his eyes heavenward this had to be the orneriest family in the county when it came to their health and how they really felt

"I know a few more around here that could do with quite a bit of rest....Ya need anything?"

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Cooter turned his head slightly to B.L, pretending to listen to the engine but smiling gently at her. He could see that all this had taken its toll on B.L. and he only wished he had found out sooner so he could have been of more help.

Jesse shook his head.

"Not unless ya got somethin' for an old achin' heart that's about ta lose one of it's most prized possesions...."

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