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Double Duke Trouble


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Jesse walked over and pulled Daisy into his arms, softly soothing her. He knew she was tired and was going to talk to J.D no matter what about getting her some time off. J.D was mean sometimes but if he knew that Bo's life was in danger and what this was doing to the family, he knew he would do anything he could.

"Daisy now calm down.."

"But what's happening to him! You ain't supposed to be here till later on this evenin' Doc, what's goin' on?!"

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Daisy sighed and relaxed more into Jesse's hold, still gently sobbing at the panic and worry she still felt for the younger of the Duke family. She still didn't understand why all this was happening to him and she didn't like it at all.

Jesse stood holding her, knowing she needed to cry....heck he felt like he wanted to cry and scream the place down but he couldn't, he needed to be strong for his children.

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B.L. moves away now knowing Daisy is in good hands....starts to put away the groceries before th freezer items can melt. Finishing that she takes across the table from Doc Appleby who puts a comforting hand atop hers as they both watch uncle and neice.

Luke has slowly drifted back to a light sleep listening to Bo's slow even breathing as he slept.

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Eventually, Daisy slowly calmed with Jesse just holding her and rubbing her back soothingly.

"I'm sorry Uncle Jesse....I'm so so sorry..."

JEsse shook his head and held her tighter.

"There ain't nothin' fer you to be sorry about Daisy....everyone needs a good cry at some time, I'd think ya a fool if ya didn't. Don't you worry so much...Bo's in good hands with the Doc here and he's fighting a good 'un right now against this....with his spirit and our prayers, there ain't nothin' Bo can't do....so you just keep those spirits up....ya hear?"

Daisy nodded and smiled tearily up at her Uncle, wiping her eyes gently and sitting on the couch with him.

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Doc quietly slips from the kitchen going to check on his patient. Not hearing any sounds coming from within the room he opens the door quietly jarring Luke awake who only opens his eyes briefly to see who was coming into the room before closing them and dozing off again. Checking Bo's vital signs and listening to his breathing Amos smiles thinking that what Jesse had told Daisy about with their prayers and Bo's spirit as well as his medical help Bo just might come out on top of this thing but it was still much to early to tell.

B.L. not wanting to intrude on Jesse and Daisy quietly makes her way down the hall peeking in at Doc as he cares for the sleeping patient,before going into Daisy's room and laying down on the bed to rest the long nights and long hard working days were starting to catch up with her.

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Daisy and Jesse silently sat in the lounge on the sofa, contemplating the situation and Daisy falling gently asleep. She had to admit, even though she knew Jesse could already tell, that she was just as worn out as the rest of them and really did need some good nights rest.

Bo stirred sleepily as he felt Luke shift and then felt gentle probing hands working over his body. He blearily opened his eyes but instantly wished he hadn't as a sharp pain seared through his head and he felt really dizzy. He quickly snapped them back to shut and put his hand to his head, biting on his bottom lip to stop himself crying out loud.

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"Easy there Bo......can ya tell me what's wrong?"

Doc frowns in concern it's obvious Bo is in pain and it's apparently a bad headache but he isn't sure if Bo is experiencing any other ailments along with the pain.

Luke snaps awake instantly as the Doc speaks to Bo.

"Bo you alright?"

*asks worriedly*

B.L. dozes off resting peacefully for the first time although it's not the rest it should but out of exhaustion instead of relief and worry free.

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Bo groaned but refused to open his eyes, keeping his hand pressed firmly over them.


He basically felt well and truly awful, also feeling like he was going to throw up again if he opened his eyes so he silently prayed the doc or anyone else didn't ask him to do that....mind you it would have been their own fault if they ended with with a lapful of sick...

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Luke looks into Bo's face seeing him grimace and turning a shade of green on top of the yellow from the jaundice.

"Just stay still Bo"

Doc places a hand on Bo's forehead not surprised to find him feverish again. Getting up from the chair going to the bathroom to wet a cloth with cool water returning to Bo's side and placing it on his forehead.

"There that should help with the headache and the fever......just do as Luke said and stay still the dizziness should pass."

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Bo sighed and looked up at Doc miserably, knowing Luke was going to hate what he was going to say but he wanted to know.

"Doc when am I gonna die? I know that when you's feelin' this bad the outlook can't be that good....just tell me....when I's gonna be movin' up there?"

He reached weakly up and pointed out the window to the sky.

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Luke pales at Bo's question,looking almost as sick as Bo.......taking a deep breath he shifts so that he's looking into Bo's eyes with a fierce determination in his eyes and ringing loud and clear in his voice.

"Bo ya ain't gonna die ya hear me ya ain't so stop it........just stop it. Ya gonna get well the doc's gonna see to that ain't that right doc *pleading with the good doctor*.....Ya gonna get well Bo just give the medicine time ta work ya only been gettin' it a few hours."

Doc pats Bo's hand and squeezes Luke's shoulder reassuringly not wanting to give either false hope but knowing Bo needed a positive outlook to have a greater chance of surviving.

"Yer not going to die Bo.....I know ya don't believe it with the way your feelin' but Luke's right ya just got to give the medicine time ta work."

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Luke pales at Bo's question,looking almost as sick as Bo.......taking a deep breath he shifts so that he's looking into Bo's eyes with a fierce determination in his eyes and ringing loud and clear in his voice.

"Bo ya ain't gonna die ya hear me ya ain't so stop it........just stop it. Ya gonna get well the doc's gonna see to that ain't that right doc *pleading with the good doctor*.....Ya gonna get well Bo just give the medicine time ta work ya only been gettin' it a few hours."

Doc pats Bo's hand and squeezes Luke's shoulder reassuringly not wanting to give either false hope but knowing Bo needed a positive outlook to have a greater chance of surviving.

"Yer not going to die Bo.....I know ya don't believe it with the way your feelin' but Luke's right ya just got to give the medicine time ta work."

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Jesse was thankful that Daisy was sleeping as he heard clearly what Luke was saying to the youngest Duke...and gentle tears slipped down the weather worn cheeks as he couldn't even imagine what Bo must be feeling in order to say what Jesse was guessing he had said.

Bo choked and drew in shuddering breaths as he tried to force himself to quit crying. Crying wasn't going to do anything about the situation, wasn't going to help him get better. It would only serve to make himself seem weaker and less in control in everyone's else's eyes. He looked away from Luke's penatrative glare and out the window, the light in his own eyes gone from behind the blue orbs, just as all faith and hope had gone from his soul.

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Luke sighed as he wrapped protective arms tightly around Bo once more it was the only real thing he could do was hold on tight and ride out the storm giving Bo what support he could. Blinking rapidly in frustration as his own vision clouded with tears that he refused to let fall it wasn't going to do Bo any good to see him cry it'd only serve to make Bo feel worse he knew.

Doc quietly left the room with a heavy heart there was nothing medical he could do to change Bo's despondency and it cut through his heart to see a young man usually so vibrant suddenly so hopeless. Entering the livingroom Amos tried to give Jesse a weak reassuring smile but fails miserably.....wishing there was more he could do to ease the burden of his long time friend.

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Jesse shook his head and looked away as the Doc tried to smile reassuringly but knew with Bo's attitude it wasn't looking good. It sounded like not even Luke could get through to him anymore which was oh so very unsual for him.

Bo sniffed hard and looked back to Luke as the Doc left the room, reaching down and unwrapping Luke's arms from round his waist, gently gave him a weak push.

"Luke...git out of here and go have some fun...go work on the General you got a race comin' up in a few days..."

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Luke looks back at Bo shocked as Bo pushes him away, Bo'd never done that before. Shaking his head as a couple of silent tears slip down his face only to be wiped away angrily Bo was truly giving up.

"I ain't racin'.....I can't.....now without you there Bo it just ain't right. We're a team me 'n you and we'll be a team again jist as soon as you lick this thing but until then I ain't gonna leave ya *places a hand on Bo's mouth to stop the protest bubbling up* nothin' ya can say is gonna change my mind neither so don't even try cousin.......Nothin' is fun without ya there with me so why should I even bother ta try."

Doc sighs

"I'm sorry Jesse I wish there was a pill or somethin' that'd boost his attitude."

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Jesse shook his head with his eyes looking down at the floor.

"Even if there was, it wouldn't make no difference...Bo's attitude is his own, ain't nothing that can change it...."

Bo shook his head, batting Luke's hand away from his mouth.

"Because if you care about me at all you'll go on livin' yer life as ya always have been....seein' ya here sufferin' ain't helpin' none Luke. If you really love me you'll do as I ask and just go out there and have fun....remember what Jesse says...even if we's was at the ends of the earth we'd still be with each other 'cause our souls are joined by somethin' stronger than superglue....I'll be with ya on race day even if I'm physically not there..."

He smiled slightly, swallowing back more tears.

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Doc nods inwardly cursing his inability to total fix things.

"I know Jesse........I just wish there was somethin' more I could do."

Luke shakes his head...jaw setting stubbornly

"I do care Bo more'n anybody could think possible that's why I've been in this room with ya the whole time. I can't make myself leave if I did and you needed me I'd never forgive myself....so...I ain't racin' without ya Bo no way no how 'n nothin' you say is gonna make me change mah mind. I ain't leavin' ya by yerself to cope with this neither it's fer me as much as you Bo I just can't make myself do it I can't don't ask me ta leave ya."

*as Luke talked his own fear started to creep into his voice he was so scared that if he slept for very long or left the room even for a second the next time he was awake or came back Bo'd be gone and that thought scared him witless.*

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Jesse nodded, understanding completly what the Doc was feeling.

"Me too Amos....me too...."

Bo breathed a deep shaky sigh and turned his head away from Luke, whispering softly.

"Luke...I need ya to race....what I want more than anythin' is fer you to be happy and I know that the only way ta make you happy is fer me to get better...."

He turned his head back to Luke, his eyes tired and expressive

"But Luke....I can't even begin ta get better if there's so many negative things goin' on around me....ta see you out there *pointed out the window* workin' on the General and then ta hear you roar over that finishin' line in a couple o'days would make me happier than I's ever been since this all started...."

He gripped his older cousin's hand again.

"You can do it Luke....I know you's can....and I know you's scared fer me, heck everyone includin' me is....but you's all can't let this get ya down or it aint gonna help no one's spirits is it? Even the Doc's startin' ta feel it now I can tell....so you's all has to start workin' around me...as much as I hate ta say it, you's all need to 'fit me into yer scheduled' not drop everythin' cause we don't have the time as farmers to do that. The world ain't gonna suddenly stop turnin' 'cause I'm ill Luke....and Jesse, Daisy and B.L need yer help too, ain't just me that's been affected by this..."

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Luke nods silently the only thing that could truly make him happy was for Bo to be well and return to his side in everything he did.

"But Bo you's can't see me cross that finish line if ya here ill in bed......I don't want to win just ta have it hit me ya wasn't there to see but stuck here......"

squeezes Bo's hand slightly shaking his head biting back tears

"No that's fer sure.......Bo tha world ain't stoppin just cos yer ill, Jesse's doin what needs doin the most and the girls is goin ta work at the boars nest like normal........*smiles half heartedly*......speakin' of the girls workin we's still gotta go down there and build up B.L.'s confidence, Daisy says she's doin' ok but could use the same boost we gave her. Ok I'll start helpin out around here but I'm still gonna keep a close eye on you."

thinking just how he'd help was to do the housework it wouldn't be the first time and the girls had been helping with the chores anyway so he'd take that much off them and could still stay close to Bo.

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Bo nodded but still sighed exasperatdly at the racing.

"Luke...just cause I ain#t gonna be there to see ya cross the finishin' line don't mean I can't 'see' ya. I's been round that course so many times I could talk ya through it right here and now...I could be on the CB and still see the look on yer face as ya speed round the track....I don't need ta be there to see ya win Luke...."

He shook his head at the housework though.

"No Luke you gotta do more than that....you's got to get away from the farm fer a bit....go datin'....go run errands inta town fer Uncle Jesse, take B.L and Daisy to the Boar's Nest and have a few drinks with Cooter....you's got to live FOR me Luke....I NEED ta see ya doin' all them things so I can see what I's got to live for....cause to be honest Luke all I can see me livin' for right now is a grave next to Aunt Lavinia....there ain't nothin' 'ceptin you and the family to live for at the moment Luke....live for me cousin, do what I used ta to show me there is still hope....there is still a future waitin' for me out there...

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