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Hey, anybody can reply to this, I don't mind.

"Beaureguard James Duke! If you don't get over here right now I swear..."

Bo peeked out from his resting spot in the hay loft of the barn, looking out to find a very irritated looking Luke standing beside the General Lee, looking around for him. He winced as he heard his full name being used and knew then that Luke was in a very bad mood. At first he decided that it would be safer for his health if he just stayed nice and safe in the hay loft...that was until a few moments later when Luke's mop of curly black hair came into veiw, followed by his very angry face.

"Hey Bo, Having a nice time up here?"

"Urm...yeah I just....just finished all my chores and came up here for a rest...why is there....is there something wrong?"

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B.L. pulls up into the yard and is just able to make out Luke's form climing up the ladder to the hayloft just inside the barn. Shaking her head as she walks in that direction wondering what Bo has done this time. Entering the barn B.L. grins as Bo peeks out over the edge at his angry older cousin. "Hey Bo what'd you do THIS time to rile him?" Bo glares back at their grinning friend "I didn't do nothin for your information miss smarty pants." Luke grumbles as he steps over the ladder toward Bo "Oh no he didn't do nothin at all THAT'S the problem he's slacking off and being lazy." As Luke gets closer Bo's irritated answer is muffled as they move away from the edge of the loft. B.L. giggles at the younger cousin's plight as she makes herself comfortable on a bail of hay for the show....


Bo climbed down from the hay loft to follow his cousin, a scowl crossing his face as his hands when to his hips and he glared challengingly at Luke.

"I didn't do nothin?! For your information, while you's was off chasin' them girls last night I was back here doin' my evenin' chores and your's to keep Uncle Jesse from yellin' at you for not doin' em afore you went out!"

Luke snorted disbelivingly as he turned back to his younger cousin, still angry.

"Bo, the only reason you did my chores was because you knew that if you didn't do 'em LIKE YOU PROMISED, i'd tell Uncle Jesse you's been shirtin' yours for a couple o'days now."

Bo frowned, glaring at him to keep his trap shut. Yes he had been shirting his chores, begging Luke to do them for him while he went out. Of course, Luke thought that that was mainly down to the fact that Bo was hunting girls as he usually did....but this time it was different.

Bo was in big trouble and since getting into that trouble, he had been trying to figure a way out of it. A couple of days back, he had been driving into town for some supplies for Uncle Jesse. Everything was going just fine...that was until he was stopped by a couple of guys with guns on one of the back roads. They had forced him to drive them to their hideout, where they knocked him out and kept him inside for a couple of hours. When they finally got round to releasing him, they had told him that they had planted bugs around the town and if he told anyone where the hideout was or what they were planning to do, they would pick off his family memeber one by one.

He had returned home that night, supporting a gash on the side of his head where they two men had hit him and feeling terrible. The family had questioned him as soon as he got in, but all he said was that he hit his head in the General doing a jump and had it seen to by Doc Appleby. But as they days wore on, Bo became more and more agitated, more and more guilt ridden. He knew what those guys were planning and everyday he drove to the lake trying to clear his head, to try and figure out a way that he could stop them doing what it was they were planning without getting his family involved. He hated lying and keeping his family in the dark, especially to Luke, but he could see no other way to protect them, no other way to keep them out of danger.

"Luke you don't....never mind."

With that he stormed out the barn and lifted the General's hood, getting to work on the adjustments and tune ups he knew Luke was angry at him for not doing the previous night.


Luke watches Bo storm out with a scowl on his face and a shake of his head starting to follow Bo until B.L. stands and puts her hand on his arm. "Luke let him be,somethin besides girl chasin' is on his mind. He wouldn't get so heated up if girls was all that it was he'd just tell you that you do your share." Luke sighs looking into B.L.'s dark brown eyes seeing the logic there in what she says. "Ok I'll leave him alone for now but if he shirks his share of the work just one more time we're gonna have world war 3 right here on the farm." Shaking her head B.L. lets go of Luke's arm "You two are somethin' else,I'm gonna go in and say hi to Uncle Jesse then me and Daisy are headed out shopping in Capitol City. Do ya think it's possible for you and Bo to keep from killing each other?" Luke gives her a mischevious grin holding up one hand with three fingers "Scouts honor we won't kill each other ya'll have fun shopping." Snapping his fingers as B.L. starts to walk away Luke tells her "Tell Daisy I need some socks will ya?" calling back as she makes her way toward Bo to see if she can smooth his ruffled feathers before going inside "Will do".


Bo works slowly under the hood of the General, feeling guilty for snapping at Luke like that. He didn't mean to, of course he didn't. Luke was like his bigger brother....and that's why he needed to protect him so bad, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to Luke because of something he did.

Sighing he turned his attention back to the General's engine, frowning as he spotted the problems that Luke had been talking about the previous day. Picking up the tools that lay on the ground beside his feet, he got to work, not noticing the sound of footsteps approaching him gently, muttering under his breath.

"What am I gonna do....I gotta do somethin'...."


B.L. leans on the General looking at the engine then cutting her eyes up at Bo. "Somethin botherin ya besides Luke yelling at ya I mean? He didn't mean it ya know he loves ya like a brother,he just got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." She laughs trying to pull Bo out of his bad mood Seeing the worry creases in his brow B.L. wonders just what Bo has on his mind that is so worrying and caused him to snap so unlike himself most of the time. Tilting her head sideways to get a better look at Bo's face as she leans under the hood propped on one elbow.


Bo looks thorugh the General's engine, spotting quickly the faults and tune ups that Luke had been talking about that needed fixing. He bent down to pick up the tools that were laying next to his feet, and jumped when B.L's face appeared under the hood. He smiled slightly at her before engrossing himself in his work.

"No....nothin's wrong. Just don't appriciate bein' snapped at so early in the mornin' when all I was doin' was takin' a break is all."

He hadn't been sleeping at night either, making him irritable, which everyone noticed was out of character for his usually happy-go-lucky personality. Everytime he closed his eyes he could see Luke, or Daisy or Uncle Jesse getting shot, or driven off a cliff or meeting their deaths early ins ome form and everytime there was nothing he could do but stand by and watch. In the end, he gave up on sleep completly and was just content to listen to his cousin's soft, reassuring breathing.


B.L. bites her lip to stop a laugh or even so much as a grin,when Bo jumps;today doesn't seem like a good day to laugh at him. She returns the smile and says noncommitely "Uh huh" at his statement of nothing's wrong she doesn't believe him for a minute the tell-tell dark circles under his eys say she's not slept and it's not due to chasing girls either. "Bo ain't it kinda early to be taking a break?" the question isn't accusitory in tone but rather seems more like a truly puzzled question.

Luke sees B.L. sticking out from under the hood of the General Lee as he is crossing the yard to chop some wood saying to himself "Hope she can get to the source of things I sure as heck didn't do a good job a while ago."


Sighs, biting back the frustrated comments he was about to say, knowing that she and Luke were just concerned.

"It ain't when you's doin' double chores and workin' on the engine of a car."

Curses as his catches the back of his hand on something in the General. Snaps his hand out from its place in the engine, shaking it.

"Ah! Damn it! Stupid..."

Picks up the tool he dropped and carries on working, still mumbling under his breath


Sighing frustrated B.L. pushes away from under the hood if Bo isn't ready to tell anybody what's going on then nothing she can say will make him. "I still say you's not telling something but if you don't wanna tell me that's fine."some of the frustration and worry creeps out in this statement in her tone more than she meant to escape actually. "I'm sorry Bo I didn't mean to snap if me and Daisy hadn't been planning this shopping trip to Capitol City I'd help with the chores in a heartbeat. I better go see if Daisy needs any help so we can get going." Tossing her hair B.L. turns heading for the back door saying as she goes "You'd better not let Uncle Jesse hear you talkin like that neither he'd tan your hide." Goes on in the house calling Daisy.

"Hey Dais you about ready to go?" Seeing Uncle Jesse in the livingroom B.L. joins him to wait for Daisy. "Well if it ain't B.L. where ya been you haven't been around lately." Smiling B.L. plants a kiss on Uncle Jesse's cheek "Oh I've been around just busy I guess." Uncle Jesse nods "Well set yourself down Daisy'll be ready soon. You girls planning a big buying spree or just window shopping?"

"I think just mostly window shopping not a whole lot of cash to buy with on either of our parts I'm guessing. I know Boss ain't paying Daisy enough for her to have enough saved for a big spending spree and I sure don't have enough."


Daisy walked down the hallway and into the living room, wearing her trademark short shorts and a yellow halterneck top, high heels clacking on the floor.

"I'm ready to go when you are B.L. This is gonna be so much fun, we ain't been out togather in ages!"

Crosses over to give B.L a hug but frowns as she looks out the window.

"What... what s'matter with Bo?"

Bo, after being snapped at for the second time that day, was sat with his head in his hands in front of General Lee, all tools discarded. His head suddenly jerked up however as everyone heard the call from Luke echo loudly across the courtyard. Bo got to his feet, his face a mix of frustration and anger, his fists clenched as Luke headed over towards him.


B.L. returns the hug "I know it seems like we don't hardly see each other anymore both of us working all the time so it'll be a lota fun just to hang out and catch up." B.L. turns to look out the window as Uncle Jesse joins them.

Looking at B.L. worriedly Uncle Jesse asks "Did ya talk to the boys before coming in? Did Bo say anything about feeling poorly." B.L. sighs "Yeah I talked to 'em seems they're havin a disagreement this mornin and then I went and snapped at Bo too." Looks at Daisy and Uncle Jesse sadly"I didn't mean ta make him feel worse"

Luke reaches Bo veins in his neck bulging as he practically yells "Bo didn't you do a dang thin' ya was supposed to do! "You was supposed to sharpen then axe and now that's just something else I gotta go behind you and do myself ain't you a little old to need pickin up after."


By the time Luke reached Bo, his whole body was trembling and he looked like he was trying to fight back tears. So he forgot to do one stupid chore that was Luke's in the first place. He didn't need this right now, he didn't need the extra pressure from Luke and he certainly didn't need Luke snapping at him everytime he turned a corner.

"Luke I've had just about enough of you snapping at me over the past few days! I got enough to handle at the moment without you makin' it worse so unless you want me to sock you in the jaw just BACK OFF!"

He was stood practically nose to nose with his cousin, who was more like a brother to him, praying to god that Luke didn't push him that far.


Luke puts up his hands up in surrender at the intensity of Bo's reaction when just a split moment before he looked as if he wanted to cry. "Hey simmer down buddy no big deal I'll sharpen the axe and I'm sorry for snappin' atcha guess I've just been out of sorts myself." Masking his own feelings of frustration at Bo's strange behavior and unwillingness to talk about what's bothering him the last few days Luke softens "Bo what's wrong,they ain't never been nothin' we couldn't tell each other you might feel better if ya tell somebody what's buggin' ya." Assuming it's girl trouble that's bothering Bo, but has doubts because girl trouble wouldn't make Bo look ready to cry.

Uncle Jesse shakes his head as he see's the confrontation between the boys "Now what do you suppose brought that on?" Shrugging B.L. doesn't want to worry Uncle Jesse and Daisy by her suspicions that something serious is going on with Bo she just says jokingly "Bo says Luke's like a sore tailed cat this morning but I think Bo is too. Probably fighting over the same girl like two tom cats." Uncle Jesse nods sitting back in his chair "Yeah your probably right,they'll sort it out by themselves and if they don't then I'll settle it for 'em."


Daisy sighed as she watched her two cousins. The last time they had fought like this had ended up badly and resulted in Bo walking out the farm. As they saw Luke gently hold hia hands up defensivly and speak calmly and softly to Bo, she breathed a sigh of relief, smiling at Uncle Jesse's comment.

"Come on B.L, lets go out the other way and avoid the boys. I wouldn't like to get caught up in whatever it is they're arguing about, especially if it is girls."

Bo's breath caught in his throat as Luke backed off, apologising. That just made him want to shout even more. This wasn't Luke's fault, and it in no way could be, he was just so worried. He choked a little as Luke teminded him of the times when they would share things together without a moments hesitation. He quickly shook his head though and turned back to work the rest of the problems out of the General.

"It's nothin' Luke."


B.L. follows Daisy out the front door "sounds good to me I don't think either of us wants to be an innocent bystander caught in the line of fire on this one." The two girls go out the door stopping on the proch B.L. asks "you wanna take Dixie or The Red Fury?"

Luke watches Bo for just a minute and it breaks his heart to see that Bo is so miserable over something and he can't do a dang thing to fix it until Bo talks to him. Sighing Luke carries on his way and starts to sharpen the axe but he's going to talk to Uncle Jesse and soon if things with Bo don't fix themselves or he still hasn't come to Luke himself or Daisy to talk about it. Luke mutters to himself "I wished he'd stop being so stubborn and talk to somebody if not his family then B.L. or Cooter." sighing again Luke finishes the axe within just a few minutes going back and removing his shirt starts to chop the wood with a vengence working out his own frustrations and anger at whatever or whoever is making Bo so miserable.


Daisy shrugged and put an arm round her friend's shoulder.

"Why don't you drive Red Fury, i'll drive Dixie and we'll see who gets there first. Last one there buys lunch."

Bo keeps his head resolutly under the hood as silent tears slip down his cheeks. He heard Luke sigh and watched out the corner of his eye as he headed over to the wood pile, removed his shirt and started furiously chopping wood. The thumps that resounded around the silent yard did nothing to better his mood and seemed to give him an even bigger headache than the one he already had. With a resignated huff, he slammed the hood to the General shut and slipped silently into the driver's seat, starting up the engine and heading out the farm, tears still falling.


Grinning B.L. replys "Your on and it'll be YOU buying lunch" the last is said as B.L. jumps off the porch skipping the use of steps and makes a dash for 'Red Fury' laughing as Daisy gives chase but as Bo tears out of the yard in the General she stops "Hey Luke where's he going in such a hurry" Luke had heard the hood slam and then by the time he turned around the engine roared and Bo was speeding out of the farmyard. Luke yells futiley "BO WHERE YA GOING GET BACK HERE" slamming the axe into the chopping block Luke turns to pick up his shirt ready to go after Bo as B.L. asks in a confused,worried voice. "I dunno honey but I aimed to find out just what's going on with him this just ain't like him.

Still standing where she stopped B.L. watches the settling dust with a worried almost scared look this is just unlike Bo. He can be reckless nobody denies that not even him but he's liable to kill himself driving like that.

Luke snaps the last button on his shirt tucking it in he isn't watching where he's going and bumps his knee on the picnic table hardly noticing with his growing worry for Bo "Damn Bo what's gotten into you cousin" he mutters.

Hearing Luke's yell and the roar of the engine Uncle Jesse rushes through the house and out the back door. "What in tarnation is going on out here?"

Luke looks at Uncle Jesse unsure "I don't got a clue Uncle Jesse he just stopped working on the General got in and was gone in the blink of an eye."

Uncle Jesse nods "Well just let him be he'll come back when he gets his head on straight." Luke opens his mouth then snaps it closed "But Uncle Jesse...." Shaking his head "No buts Luke let him be."


Daisy coughed and spluttered in the dust as Bo drove quickly by, and she could have sworn she could see tears falling down his cheeks. She yelled after him, shielding her eyes with her hand against the bright sunlight. She heard Luke yell too, and saw him runnin across the yard.

Bo sped down the dirt track, ignoring the calls of his family as the muscle car drowned out the rest of the world. He didn't know where the heck he was going, he just needed to get away from there. He drove blindly, all sorts of thoughts running through his head, making it pound and feel iller than he already was.

Eventually he pulled roughly into a secluded hidden spot by the lake, a spot that him and Luke used to go to as children when they played hookie from school. He climbed out the General, watching the sparkaling lake for a moment before sinking to his knees and screaming up at the sky.


Julie pulls up and notices that her cousin Bo was at there favorite spot and she didn't see Luke right away. She didn't know about anything going on she just got back from college in Cleveland,Ohio so everything going on was new to her.

Julie says "Hey Bo it's Julie where's Luke at and what's wrong you seen like your in a real bad mood. I just back from college and this just isn't your charcater at all. I wish we could talk about this right here."

All of sudden she see a couple of guys that was up to no good come up in there car and they wasn't backin down she didn't what they was up to but they all had guns with them. It looks like her summer of from college has just got bad in a real hurry what her and Bo going to do now.

Cue Anybody


Bo looked over as the guns cocked and stood up quickly, putting Julie behind him.

"Look, guys its me you want. Leave her here with the General and i'll come quietly alright...."

The two guys nodded and motioned for Bo to follow them. Bo quickly spun round and grabbed Julie by the shoulders, shaking her slightly so she would understand.

"Listen to me, go back to the farm and tell no one about this! Alright you cannot tell anyone. I'll be back before they know it, just say you found the General but you didn't see me."

He kept screaming at her, telling her the same thing as the men grabbed his arms and dragged him away into their car.


Julie watched helpless about her cousin and she had to tell somebody about what happened just now even though what Bo had said to her before. She waits a while and she gets in the General because those guys couldn't get there car started and they took her car. She though to herself ha, just wait till they get back and try to start t it up again it won't start the first three times without kicking it first. As she starts up the General she trying to hold back the tears and she knew that she had to tell Uncle Jesse and her cousin what just went down with Bo and those guys she still can't believe what he did for her.

Julie kept driving and now the tears wouldn't stop coming and she didn't realize she just went by Rosco speed trap number one. She didn't care she stopped for him she looked just like Bo anyways and she just had to tell Rosco about what just happened or she won't be able to drive for here.

As Rosco walks up to the General he is thinking this was way to easy something must be wrong with Bo or whoever was driving the general. Rosco takes one looks and she just automatically hands him her drivers license and that when discovers that this is Julie Ann Duke. That younger Duke that is going to CSU and she was crying in which he just now noticed he couldn't give her a ticket now. He handed her back her license and she just spilled "Some guys with guns took Bo hostage and they took my car and I wasn't supposed to tell anybody but I can't keep this to myself any longer Sheriff."

Rosco knew she wasn't lying when she called him Sheriff and not just Rosco and he knew that Bo was in danger as well. He thought to himself he is going to get Uncle Jesse or Luke on the radio and tell them what happened besides if Julie keeps driving while crying she is going to flip over and wreck the General Lee for sure.

Cue BoJamesDuke


Back at the farm Jesse is still looking off into the distance in the direction Bo sped in the General Lee. Then pointing his finger at the three young people standing beside him looking worried and ready to go after the 'lost sheep' at the drop of a hat he says gruffly "I mean it leave Bo to himself for a while he'll be back so don't look so worried." Despite what he's just said Jesse himself is worried as he turns silently and goes back inside.

Luke kicks out at the nearby picnic table "Dang it" looking at Daisy seeing his worry mirrored in her eyes he asks "Can I borrow the Dixie? I ain't never directly disobeyed Uncle Jesse before but this time I'm gonna and go after Bo, I got a bad feelin that somethin just ain't right."


Daisy nodded hurridly, tossing him the keys.

"Of course Luke, go get him and dont bring him back till you find out what's the matter, we'll deal with Uncle Jesse right B.L?"

Bo stayed on his knees as all the muddling thoughts ran through his head. He wanted to tell someone, he wanted their help so badly, but he couldn't tell anyone. They had said the bugs were everywhere, they had said that they would know if he told someone and would instantly kill every member of his family until there was only him left.

But this was killing him too, it was making him ill. He hadn't eaten a lot since the incident and was feeling weak and tired, with a pounding headache. But nothing he could do could ever stop the torrent of confusing, battaling debates in his head over what his actions should be. Nothing would stop them, and that's what he kept yelling at the sky.


B.L. nods decisvley her stubborn streak kicking in "You bet we will even if we have to tie him to a chair." thinks to herself they'll all be in big trouble when this is over but she doesn't say it just stands there with a determined look.

Luke catches the keys "Thanks Daisy honey, I'll make him tell me what's going on even if I have to clobber him to do it." Luke gives one last glance at the house wondering just what Uncle Jesse will say about his actions but giving a shrug he will deal with that later first he has to find Bo, Luke climbs in Dixie and speeds away.

B.L. gives Daisy a mock pained look "Well are you ready to face the firing squad?" laughs "We could just hide out till Luke comes back with Bo it'll save Uncle Jesse some breath yelling at the three of us all at one time."

Luke doesn't really know where Bo went but has a hunch that he went to the lake where they used to go when they played hookie from school. Checking a few more places before just to be sure though his hunch is right.

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