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(Please follow all Round Robin rules an restrictions for this story. Also please be curtious and neat. Thank you. )

"Thanks Doric! Have a good evening." Chet Duke called back to the lady at the cash register as he left the small corner store in down town Hazzard. His arms weighed down with plastic bags of groceries that his wife had sent him to fetch at the store.

He was relieved to finally reach his white Dodge Charger parked beside the curb and dump the arm full of goods into the passenger seat. A bright yellow piece of paper flickered from the breeze as it was clamped down onto his car’s windshield by the wiper blade. Chet walked around the fender of the car and grabbed up the paper from under the wiper. He glanced over the announcement as he slid in through the car’s window.

Chet read aloud to himself, “Poker game to be held at the Hazzard Hotel on Friday June 13th 2006. All proceeds go to the Hazzard County Orphanage fund.â€

The young Duke boy snorted in amusement as he started the Charger and pulled away from the curb. Dropping the flyer on top of the groceries next to him, he could only bet that the proceeds weren’t in fact going to the orphanage. Knowing Hazzard’s crooked law system the chances that money would be pocketed by Commissioner Hogg were very high. Having it announced for a charitable cause like that was the only way that the gambling of that sort could be held legally.

The young Duke boy arrived home. His wife wasn’t yet home and wouldn’t be for at least another hour or so. He unloaded the groceries and tacked the flyer up on the refrigerator as if it was usual. After doing so he decided to grab his deck of cards from the drawer and head on out to the barn. There was no time like the present to brush up on his skills, even if he didn’t enter to play the game.

His infamous Red gelding nickered in greeting and Chet pulled a sugar cube from his pocket and fed it to the tall red-ish colored Thoroughbred horse. He patted his hand on the horse’s strong cheek and pulled up a couple bales of hay to sit on and play cards. Chet shuffled the cards in his hands an began dealing them out as if he were playing with one other person, this was a good fashion to practice. He’d play both hands against each other and see which would win.

The barn radio from the tack room ticked out tunes like it was going out of style. Everything from Johnny Cash to the newest hits of year came across the air waves. Chet couldn’t help but chuckle to himself when an old familiar song came on. It was too irresistible to not begin singing along with the tune.

"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.......Know when to walk away and know when to run......" Chet tapped his boot against the concrete floor of the barn in rhythm to the music. "You never count your money, when you're sittin' at the table.....There'll be time enough for countin', when the dealin's done!"

As Chet was singing one the cards in his hand slipped from his fingers and fell between the stall wall and the bale of hay he was sitting on. He discontinued his singing and gathered the remaining cards in his hands, as he stood and pushed the bale of hay out of the way.

"Now where in the hell did that card go..." Chet muttered to himself and got down on his knees fishing his hand between the space in the concrete where the floor ended and the wall of the horse stall began.

The old barn was as ancient as the ranch house that he lived in. Each had been built somewhere in the mid 1850's. Both buildings had survived the fires of the civil war. Some time in the early 1900's electricity had been installed in the home and barn. Then not shortly after the new owners moved out claiming the old home was haunted with ghosts of the past.

From there the entire ranch was sold time and time again. Still it managed to survive the great depression, the change over to extreme technology that sent the country to the moon and finally up to date with the modern world.

Chet’s fingers felt over paper and what seemed to feel like the card he had lost so he clamped on and pulled. Rather then retrieve his lost playing card he pulled out a half opened book, the pages dark an dirty from being in the crack for so long. The edges were chewed as though mice had had there way with it for some time.

"Hmmm what’s this?" He muttered to his horse, who came to the stall gate an sniffled the antique book. Red perked his ears with interest and snorted a heavy breath on the book as he an Chet looked it over examining it.

"My thought exactly." Chet chuckled an sat back down on the hay bale forgetting about his lost card, the ancient book taking his interest.

The Thoroughbred hung his head over the tall gate eager to watch and see what would happen with the book. Chet opened the cover, just inside there seemed to have been a name or title written once but the ink was illegibly washed out from years of dampness in the barn. On the next page was a date and the book contained a well drawn picture of what appeared to be a courthouse.

"1870 Town of Hazzard Georgia." Chet read aloud and turned the page. Quietly he began to read the hand written text...


**Town of Hazzard Georgia, 1870.**

A commotion had come over the town causing people to gather thickly around the bulletin board out in front of the mercantile store. Men chattered to each other, never before had such a grand announcement been made in the little town. The second biggest game of Poker known in history was going to be held right there at the grand Hazzard hotel.

The news was spreading quickly through out the town. The telegraph office was humming with the sounds of messages going out all over the country. Owners from surrounding store fronts were suddenly scrambling to put in extra orders for supplies. The on goings at the hotel was going to draw in on lookers and players from every corner of the map.

Even as evening came on and darkness began to settle over the town the bustle to get prepared in one week’s time seemed to continue. A familiar rider made his way into town his long legged, fiery red Thoroughbred horse perked its ears at all the bustle still going on in the town and slowed to a walk. Chet Duke glanced around curiously. Usually by this time of night on a Sunday evening every woman and child had gone home and bedded down for the night. But here were children still playing in the streets, the Boars Nest Saloon twanged with the sound of a live piano. The building seemed to be packed and a few men with beer mugs in their hands lingered in the door way.

The twenty-one year old son of Bo Duke had gotten wind of the news about the games going to be held right there in his home town. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine it would start this much commotion in such a small town as Hazzard was. Chet drew his horse to a halt at the hitching rail in front of the Saloon and hooked his knee around the saddle horn as he built a cigarette. His mismatched eyes looked around taking everything in. Glancing down the line of horses at the railing, half expecting to see many familiar animals and maybe some not so familiar. The young Duke couldn’t help but wonder what kind of faces the news of the games would draw in…

(Cue Anyone.)


Exhaustion silently ripples through Garrett Duke's numb body as he dries off the last washed glass beer mug before setting it back upon the rack with the others. Sighing heavily, he leans upon the old wooden bar to silently watch the people swarming around his ordinary saloon. Watching several of the men's expressions and reactions to the new poster that had been posted only a few hours ago makes Garrett laughs silently to himself in amusement. What could be so big about a damn card game?

Shaking his head in disbelief at the crowd that gathers around the old beaten room before the opening of the weak wooden door pulls his attention away. A sligh smile of familiarity reaches his hardened face as he watches Chet walk confidently into the crowded bar. Garrett's nephew from his twin brother.

After a moment, Garrett pulls himself away from the counter to walk to the keg while grabbing two cleaned mugs from the rack. Watching the beer fill and foam on one mug he quickly fills another one. Taking his mug to the counter he lifts one full mug up to gather Chet's attention. "Want a drink? On the house?"

(cue Chet)


(*This post is a joint effort by Garrett and Chet Duke. Thanks Gar!)

Chet nodded his cowboy hat covered head and elbowed his way to the bar counter. A cold beer might just be exactly what he needed right about now. The weather had fiercely hot as of late and he’d spent the vast majority of the day putting in fencing in hopes to keep his horses in.

“Yeah Gar, that sounds great.†Chet replied finally able to seat himself at the bar.

Although he’d managed to find a seat he found himself edgy an uncomfortable with so many people packed into the Saloon. It was far too crowded and the amount of smoke in the air was barely tolerable even for Chet who was a long time smoker.

“This damn place is too crowded tonight, what is it about a damned game that got everyone so up tight.†The young Duke boy paused to look around the room and turn on his stool so that his back leaned against the bar. “Not a soul in this very room can even afford to enter the game....†A sideways grin tugged at Chet’s lips as he took a deep swallow of the watered down beer. “...except for myself of course.â€

"Glad to hear you doing so well financially Chet...perhaps you could lend it out instead of gambling it away." Garrett offers a small smile at his nephew before residing back into silence. Taking a long drink from his own beer mug, Garrett glances around the cloud of people that seems to damper around the saloon. "Beats me Chet," he pauses while a broad smile spreads across his face, "but it brings me great business so I'm not complaining."

Garrett’s younger nephew couldn’t help but grin an chuckle to himself in pure amusement. He took another long sip of the rank beer and swallowed it down, just the coolness of it making him feel better.

“Awe hell Garrett, you know I ain’t that financially stable it just my business to have money on hand.†Chet grinned into his drink coyly, there was more then one meaning behind what he had said, though his mismatched eyes concealed all.



Dusty Rose Duke walked into the saloon and noticed her nephew. She griined coyly to herself and walked up behind Chet. "Boy Howdy! Now I wonder what Bo, your father, and your great Uncle Jesse would say if they caught you in the saloon and drinkin beer. Probably Uncle Jesse would have a fit. No tellin what your father would do." Dusty said straight faced. But as soon as she saw her nephew jump straight in the air she lost it. She doubled over laughing.

Everybody in Hazzard said that if Luke Duke and Dusty weren't cousins, they could pose as twins. The way the family went was like this" Luke, Dusty, Bo, and Dasiy. Poor Dusty. She was laughing so hard that she was crying. Everbody knew that Dusty had a crush on Sheriff Rosco "Black Jack" Coltrane. "Oh Chet, you should have seen you face boy. Oh wished Luke was here to see that." Dusty said as she burst out laughing again.

Cue Chet Duke


The young Dukes brow furrowed in annoyance, his eyes narrowing and the flare of his temper wailed up inside of his chest. He had to shift his weight on the stool and take a long sip of his drink to make it go away.

“Your so damned funny Dusty Rose I for got to laugh!†Chet snapped sarcastically.

A vile smile curled on his face and his mismatched eyes tinted with a expression of trouble brewing in his outlaw mind. He looked down watching the other Duke doubled over in laughter at him. The smile turned into a snarl on Chet’s lips and he raised his heavy leather boot from resting on the bar stool. Swiftly he kicked her right in the seat of her pants sending her sprawling onto the floor.

Dusty had just gotten the better of one Duke she shoulda’ not have played with from the beginning. Taking a long sip from his beer Chet turned on his stool returning his to his business and effectively ignoring Dusty’s foolishness.

(Now lookit here ya’ll.... I’ve worked hard on what I’ve already written for this story and I expect no less outta anyone who posts in reply. This ain’t no marry-go-round half a** story, think about what your written people, if it don’t make sense don’t post it. Ok I’ve spoke my peace for now. Lets get this back on the road. ~Chet Duke)



Dusty was madder than a wet hen. If there was one thing you never did, that was kick, puch or even puch Dusty in a manner that she did not like. Dusty had ment what she said as a joke. She didn't mean for it to be cruel. Dusty got up and faced her cousin's son with furious fire in her gorgeous blue eyes.

"Well Chet I'm so sorry you took that the wrong way. Don't you know a joke when you her one, especially if a family member is saying it to ya. But wait I forgot, your 21 years old. You russle cattle and horses for a living. You're doin alright on your own. But let tell somethin Chet," Dusty said in sarcastic angry voice. Then she walked right to her nephew and got right in his face.

He may be 21, but he was still old enough to be brought down a peg or two by Dusty. She held out her hand to him. Chet took it and was soon brought down to his knees. Dusty's grip on his had swun his arm around to his back. "You may think that your some big tough russler, but not in my book you ain't. Your a Duke, and whether you like or not, you have family that love you no matter what you do. Uncle Jesse, your father Bo, your Uncle Luke and Aunt Daisy and me your aunt Dusty. We love you dearly." Dusty said but was not done.

"All the Dukes have in this one horse town is family and your family. But when you stop thinkin or leanin on your family for help and support, then that's when the trail you ride becomes dark and lonely and cold." Dusty finshed. SHe turned his arm loose so he could stand. "Chet I'm not talkin this way to make you mad. I know I have a big mouth. Uncle Jesse's always tellin me and Luke that 'One of these days those traps of yours are goin to get you two in a heap of trouble'. I want to apoligise for what I said earlier when I fist walked in here Chet that was uncalled for." Dusty said. Then became determed.

"But what I said just now, I'm not takin back. So go on Chet hit me, hit me for tellin the truth, because your just like me. When I was little, both my parents were killed in a Stage Coatch robbery. I wa takin to be raised by Uncle Jesse and Aunt Martha. Luke's parents had already died, so Luke and me grew up together. A coule years past and Daisy and your fathe Bo came, and I rebeled. I did the same fool thing you did. But at 21 I realized that family was more important. Because I was travelin a lonely road. They helped me out of my darkness." Dusty said as she looked at Chet.

"Now Chet, you know I love you deeply. You're my nephew, and I don't want to see anythin happen to you. I know you'll be travelin from town to town, and you'll be doin russlein jobs, but please remember one thing," Dusty asked Chet. "Please remember that here in Hazzard, you have family that love you with all their hearts," Dusty said. Then Dusty said something to at least to get Chet to smile at her. "Even if pyur father is a dang, stubbern, mule headed fool!" Dusty said with a grin. "And that's compelement for your father." Dusty said

"All of us love ya don't forget that ok." Dusty said as she gave her nephew a hug. Then turned to leave. "Come by the farm and see Uncle Jesse fore you go ok?" Dusty said as she walked out of the saloon and jumped on her CoCo and rid out of town.

Cue Chet Duke


The young black haired Duke boy stood up from the floor and brushed the dirt off his well weathered older chaps and faded sky blue shirt. A side ways grin laced his lips as he watched his aunt Dusty walked away an leave the saloon. Still grinning he leaned casually against the bar counter and took another long sip from his beer mug.

“Looks like I dun got my self put in my place huh Gar.†Chet snorted and swallowed down the last of his beer and straitened his back from leaning against the bar. “Well I’ll be seeing ya Garrett, I gotta start on that ranch house roof tomorrow before we get the rain that every farmer man from here to Texas has been talking about.â€

With this Chet elbowed his way out of the saloon, the batwing doors slapped each other behind him as he stepped out onto the board walk. The young Duke paused near his horse and leaned against the hitching rail post to roll a cigarette and gaze around the dark street. The loud music from within the saloon carried out into the night. A spider of caution crawled down Chet’s back causing him to glance over his shoulder as he brought the flame to his match to his cigarette. The town was quiet in a sense that all the faces he’d seen in the saloon were towns folks. What strangers were there to come, what would happen when the Big Game drew in a little more then the town had bargained for.

(Cue Anyone.)


Dusty felt proud that she put her nephew in his place this time. She loved Chet with all her heart, but sometimes Chet could be just as stubbern as his father. And even Bo was stubbern and mule headed most of the time. Bo was her cousin but sometimes he made her so angry she could just spit nails.

Coco was enjoying herself. She seemed to enjoy going as fast as she can. As Dusty and Coco came to the farm, Dusty saw a wagon she recongnized from town. Also a black stallion that looked familer. She tied Coco to the hitching post and went inside to see what this was all about. Dusty went inside. She saw the family in the living room having a heated discussion with non other than Boss Hogg.

Boss Hogg was the richest man in the county. But he had one thing wrong with him, Boss Hogg was crookeder than a fifty cent piece. He controlled everything form the saloon to the general store. He also controlled the sheriff. But the only reason he controlled Rosco was because Boss Hogg married Rosco's fat sister Lulu.

"Now Jesse I'm givin you a fine deal for this land." J.D. said. "And I told you to stuff your deal. I'm not selling my land!" Jesse said. That's Jesse Duke, he's the leader of the Duke family. " J.D. we have no where else to go." Martha explained with tears. "But Martha, I'm goin to give you the Reynolds place free of charge." J.D. said sweetly.

"Boss, everyone knows how you fore closed on them, sent them packin." Bo said through cluched teeth. Dusty smiled and shook her head. That was Chet if she ever saw it. "You don't care about us Boss, al you want is the land for one of your schemes." Luke stated calmly. "And what ever scheme your tryin to pull Boss, it ain't gonna work here, so why don't you just git." Dusty said as she walked into the living room.

Dusty gave Boss Hogg a dull expression. But what sent the look of fera on Boss's face, was Blue fire gleam in her sapphire blue eyes. "You know what Dusty honey, I change my mind. Ya, I can always git some other land, I don't need this one. Jesse, come see Lulu and me somethime." J.D. said. He stood there for a minute. "Bye!" Boss said as he rushed out of the house. Rosco right behind him. He only stopped to give her a wink then rush out door to follow Boss.

The whole Duke family were laughing until tears were roling down their cheeks. "We can laugh now guys. But I wouldn't do it for to long. It may have worked this, But next time, we may not just git a next time!" Dusty said as she walked out of the house and Coco to the barn.


1870 town of Hazzerd, Georgia(Flashback)

Straight Shootin Julie Anne Duke walked in the Boars Nest Saloon she was as good as Annie Oakley and she loved to play poker to boot. Her Cousins and sister Dusty claimed she could outbluff the best of them, and she determined to enter the Poker Game. She had her Mustang tied outside and and she had named him The General because of the way he always took charge when she went riding on him. Julie had seen Bo, Luke, Daisy, Dusty, Garret and Chet and she had said Hi to them as well. She had seen Blackie from down the Saloon looking at her waiting her to noticed him and, she waiting for Blackie to notice her.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke.


Dusty Rose and Julie Anne Duke were the best in the Duke family. "Well Little sister it's good to see you." Dusty said with a smile and hugged her. Dusty cherished her sister. Dusty didn't know what she would do if somthing happened to her and vice versea. "You missed Boss Hogg runnin out of here like the scared little hogg he is." Dusty said with a big grin plastered on her face.

Dusty was thinking of enterin the poker termament but the enternace fee was $300 and Dusty didn't know where she goin to get that kind of money. It was like lookin under a needle in a hay stack.

Cue Chet Duke or Julieduke


Julie Duke was the baby of the family and she had the looks as well, so she could get out of anything that could come up. She always had this to depend on, and her Dusty knew everybody in Hazzerd even the ones they didn't want to know as well.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke

  • 1 year later...
(don't mind if i join in here?)

I don't mind at all.

Julie Anne Duke looked at her sister and says "You know, the hardest thing I've had to get over was when my Fiance got killed by them Yankee's a month after he proposed to me six years ago I could've had a couple of kids by now."

Cue Konrad Lee Duke


Loosely tying up his Buckskin coloured Mustang, Konrad Lee whistled softly to himself and kept his Akubra hat low. He stopped and looked at his horse.

"Now don't give me that look. I ain't plannin' on stayin' long anyways...." He gave the street a quick look. "Not with the law around here anyways." He said sullenly. He knew what the name 'Duke' meant around here so he didn't use it and just used his first two names.

He muttered to himself and finished trying up the horse. The Mustang was still mostly wild, not quite trained enough to ware a saddle. Both Konrad and the Mustang had an unspoken bond between them. The dark cowboy gave a soft kiss on the Mustangs forehead.

"Be good alright? don't cause too much trouble like last time..." He smiled at the animal and walked into the Boar's Nest saloon and sat down at the bar. Ignoring the others, he ordered his drink and drunk the lot in one go and ordered another, this time sipping slowly. He looked over at the others with little interest. He knew who they were but they didn't know him. And that was the way he wanted to keep it. That way they couldn't be used against him. He looked over at his sister, Daisy. He smiled. Probably not noticing he was gawking at her, he hadn't seen her in awhile, it was always a pleasure to see her.

(cue anyone)


Julie had seen her cousin Konrad was here and walks over to him and says "Hey, Konrad what I'm chopped liver I see your Mustang it outside the saloon and he's behaving as well."

cue Konard Lee Duke(or Anybody)


He frowned and turned to julie. Damn, how did she know him? It was impossible since he hadn't been here for about 20 years. Excluding ride throughs when he was on his way elsewhere.

"I'm sorry, ya must have me mistaken for someone else." He said to the lady.

(cue anyone, might i remind people that no one is supposed to know him)

He frowned and turned to julie. Damn, how did she know him? It was impossible since he hadn't been here for about 20 years. Excluding ride throughs when he was on his way elsewhere.

"I'm sorry, ya must have me mistaken for someone else." He said to the lady.

(cue anyone, might i remind people that no one is supposed to know him)

Julie says "Sorry, you looked just like a cousin of mine that's all stranger by I won't bug okay."

Cue Anybody

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