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Definitely is sad, only thing I don't get is that John wrote this on the opening of his fansite himself (actually it's still there):

Hi there!

I appreciate everyone's concern about the "Smallville" rumors but need to strongly reprimand whoever posted todays newsletter regarding the future of my character. In fact, I have read several scripts with Jonathan Kent in them and have no evidence of his demise.

Also... Please don't email anyone at The WB about this as they are busy preparing a fantastic second part of the season for us all.

Again... Rumors are just that and shouldn't be taken too seriously. And please don't write to Mr. Janollari. He is a big fan of not only the show but of mine as well. A great guy!

Happy New Year!


I understand the plot of the series shouldn't be told, that would ruin the exitement, but he could have let rumors just be rumors and not comment on it at all, instead of saying they weren't true, when they were.

I didn't see the episode myself yet but could it be Jonathan Kent returns? Awakend from the dead or something? Stranger things have happned in Smallville.




What happened was this: Someone in John's office jumped the gun and posted on his site several weeks ago about Jonathan's upcoming death. When word got out and people started e-mailing them about it, the message was yanked and replaced with that one.

I agree that he needs to hurry up and change it. Now that the death has happened, that message looks really weird!

If anyone likes "Smallville" fan fiction, some of us are working on stories where Jonathan comes back from the dead. Anyone who would like a link to the Jonathan Kent Fan Fiction Project, let me know. :)

  • 2 months later...

You heard right. It's sad.

He does appear in another episode after he dies. It's a home movie of Clark and Jonathan. Martha was watching their home movies when Clark came in.

Clark saw the movie and his eyes started watering up and he just ran over to Martha and hugged her and he started crying.

It was so sad but so beautiful at the same time

  • 1 month later...
Definitely is sad, only thing I don't get is that John wrote this on the opening of his fansite himself (actually it's still there):

Hi there!

I appreciate everyone's concern about the "Smallville" rumors but need to strongly reprimand whoever posted todays newsletter regarding the future of my character. In fact, I have read several scripts with Jonathan Kent in them and have no evidence of his demise.

Also... Please don't email anyone at The WB about this as they are busy preparing a fantastic second part of the season for us all.

Again... Rumors are just that and shouldn't be taken too seriously. And please don't write to Mr. Janollari. He is a big fan of not only the show but of mine as well. A great guy!

Happy New Year!


Of course, now on Johns site is:

Okay, okay... I know, I know... I told an untruth...

I lied. I was under strict orders NOT to let anyone

know that Jonathan Kent was actually the one who was

going to die in the 100th episode. I'm sorry. All

in all, I think it was a terrific show. As good as

the pilot and that was one of the best hours on TV


Well... he did apologise... :wink::D

  • 2 weeks later...

I was so angry that John died instead of Lana...just kill her off!!! :p Johns much hotter anyways!! lol. I wish that Lana would have died because that would have made the plot more intresting. "Now what is Clark to do that his love is dead?" and now they're broken up anyways, and she's going to turn evil *gaaah* I wish she would have died. It's technically Lex's fault (isn't it always) because if he wouldn't' have been chasing her, she would have never died to begin with then Clark wouldn't have had to go back and exchange lives. BLah.

  • 3 weeks later...

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