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Am I the only one who reads this every day? Am I the only one who is old enough to remember the original series, and am I the only one who met all the cast and truly lived Hazzard Style. Finally am I the only one who hazz this site as my start page? Guess so.

Later ya'll The RebelWolf


Hey RebellWolf,

I'll have you know I check this site every day. Several times a day actually. Don't always have that extra minute to post but I do keep up with what's going on here.

You're not the only one old enough to remember the show. You're not the only one who's lived Hazzard style.

Son...you are in good company. =)




Yeah, yer the only one. The rest of us just kinda hang around and try to look busy. Except for MaryAnne, who hangs around to make sure everybody else is lookin' busy.

Perhaps Three Dog Night said it best in their ol' 70's hit ( You're old enough to remember this )

Oooonnnne is the lonliest numbah that you'll evah doooooo.....

Or in our case....01.

Obviously, you're a bigger fan than any of us are, and due honors should be accorded.

*smattering of scattered applause*

There ya go! :wink:



YOU Ain't Only One I'M A BIG Dukes FAN TOO AND I'M ALWAYS ON HERE WRITING FANFIC HERE TOO AND I JUST LOVE Tom Wopat And I too remember the Show and I Will Always Love the Dukes it is a Classic Show it deserves to be Remembered !!!


Hi, Rebel Wolf & Everyone else!

Like everyone that posted on this topic, you're not the only one that remembers the Dukes when they were on CBS.

I'm probably one of the oldest on here when I say this...

I remember watching the Dukes for the 1st time back in 1979 when I was 7 years old.

I remember my mother telling me yars later how I would play with my toy General Lee all over the house!

Do y'all remember those little cars?? I wish that I still have them!

Take Care Y'all & Have a Great Day!



Well as far as this conversation is going, I am at a slight disadvantage of you all. I was only four or five years old when the show was taken off of the air the first time...I didn't have any memorabilia of the Dukes at the time, but I remember watching it...and a couple of scenes. I remember it being on tv one day and the next day it not being on...

As far as now, I would like to think I am as big of a fan as anyone out there is. I check messages almost on a daily basis and enjoy watching the Dukes, no matter how many times I've seen the show before. It has a certian special quality to the show that shows today don't have. There is always something in the show that will make you laugh and yet have some moral values within the scheme of things. They made you feel like family while you watched it.

  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 5 years later...

If you're the old fart, I'm the older fart. I just turned 50 (a week after John Schneider).

I think I'm the oldest person here who posts on a daily basis. In fact, I may be the oldest person here period. I'm probably not though. James Best was posting stuff last year and I know he's older than me....Khee Khee!!!

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