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Come on now. Don't be too hard on these guys. Both, Cherry and Mayer, did the best that they could do. I'll admit that growing up, I never was a big fan of "Coy and Vance" either, but as I've gotten older, I realize now that these guys were put in "no-win" situation. Had the writers given each of the "new" Dukes their own identity, the characters might have been more accepted. Still, it would have been impossible for anyone to replace Schneider and Wopat, no matter who was cast.

I had the opportunity to meet Byron Cherry about 4 years ago. He was hands down, a really nice guy.

Also, Chris Mayer, from what I understand, is a born-again Christian. I haven't heard for sure, but he could very well be preaching somehwere. the last time I saw him on screen was in the Jim Carrey film "Liar Liar".


  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've been trying- really I have- but a few episodes into my series 5 DVD set, and I've all but given up on them.

I remembered the dread C&V period being on TV here in the UK, but man, I didn't remember them as being THAT bad. Okay I know a lot of it was out of their hands, but at the end of the day, they are both so wooden, it just kills it stone dead. :cry:

Gotta admit I skipped on to 'Welcome Back Bo & Luke', and my God, the immediate difference! :lol:


I didn't think Coy and Vance wasn't so bad ether. I do like a few episodes like when Coy finds that runaway and the other one about Boss Hogg being dead.. I met Coy once when he was at Cooter's and he was a nice guy


When you look back at those episodes, it's easy to see how good the surrounding cast are. Unfortunately they steal the scenes easily from the 'stars'. They did a reasonable job, and the stunts with the General Lee and the police cars are as good as many of the earlier series, if not better. (Higher jumps, better stunts)

It could have been worse, they could have used models during the Coy and Vance era instead of the later seasons :)

I really do agree that 'Welcome Back Bo and Luke' should have been a VERY special episode, but it would have been so obvious they were 'clones' - they were dumped in a very unfair way, both as characters in the show and in real life.

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