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Hey yall YoungBO here as alot of you know I have been on contact with Ratbag games that made the Return of the General Lee upon serveral days waiting I got a response that Midway games the folks that makes those Mortal kombat Games and such bought out Ratbag so I emailed midway games and still I am waiting but rest assured that I will not stop writing them until we have another game on the market I have also given them more idea's for a new game like being able to get out of the car quite like they did in ROGL where you got to control Uncle jessie and have missions where you sneek up to a place to find out stuff and being able to hood slide is a must but once again I will let yall know if and when I get a response and I will not stop our cause if yall are the Hazzard fans that I know yall are plz give me some feedback to what else you would like to see in the new game welll gotta go I hear Rosco's sirens and I gotta out Duke him give me as much feed back as possible youngBO

yall can email me as well


alright yall I sent a new email to midway games and included things that we all would like to see on a new game I Firmly stated that I represent yall on here who plays videogames ( but given that its Dukes Related who wouldn't) I am hoping that I will get a speedy reply if I do not get a reply then I can always use Plan B email them all signatures yall send me via email to show them that yall want a new game as I have staed in other posts I wil make sure that we have a new game out there as soon as I can convince them that Dukes of hazzard games are a great investment and that we would buy them ( as I know that the fans you are who would want to get your hands on all things Dukes to keep the Spirit of the Dukes of Hazzad alive and well) let me know that you would support me 110% if it came down to plan B yall keep the tires burning BO

  • 4 weeks later...

thanks for your question in response no I have not yet got a response

my email describd how since the return of the general lee and the buyout of ratbag the folks that made it Midway should make a dukes game and put more things that the show revolved around like the covert operations that the boys did to find out what old Boss and Rosco were up to. Also to be able to get in and out of the General kinda like a Grand theft auto type but dukes style through the windows and to be able to hood slide would be a plus. I don't know about yall but I actually enjoyed being able to control uncle jesse in the ROGL and that they should also make that a feature as well as a fightin system cuz yall know the boys can't stay out of trouble fir too long. I also mentioned that I was representing all yall on here that like me long for another game to keep the Spirit of the show in the public eye and not just on season dvd or movie but also to draw a younger audience that have seen the show and would like to get a chance to play the Famed General Lee thanks and please keep lettin me know of your support so I can keep fightin tooth and nail to get the game that we all want youngBO

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ok yall to all that read this I need your help since I am getting no response from midway plan B is the alternative that we need to take I am askin yall to email the human resources and public resources at midway games and back me up since they prob think oh he is just one person maybe if we bombard them with email after email they might get the pic but plz email your hazzzardnet friends and make your topic about a member's idea about a Dukes Game and make the subject of the email a dukes of hazzard game thanks yall I hope that this works ya know something about strength in #s YoungBO


thanks get all your friends to use this as the subject Dukes of Hazzard game and mention that a member of hazzardnet.com has sent in emails trying to convince them

  • 11 months later...

Wow, you must have read my mind!

I played the original game on PS1, and to be honest it sucked! it was kinda funny having Rosco chasing you, and crashing into the wall saying WHAT A HURRENDOUS CRASH! but other than that it was boring. So when I seen the game for ps2 I kinda got excited, but waited for it to lower in price, so I ended up getting it in the cheap bin for 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. Man was I disappointed. It's just basically a stupid driving game. The show was more than just driving, I mean come on! I betcha it took em 5 mins to make this game, no effort whatsoever went into making it I bet. The voice acting seemed so stale too. I remember Luke doing a line or something and it didn't sound natural at all. On the show their lines all sounded natural, no acting there. But this sounded like he was reading from a script that made no sense, he kinda sounded confused about what he was saying.

but yeah, they should make it so you can do stuff like in Grand Theft Auto, but Dukes Style. Bar Fights, fixing up cars and racing em, use of bows and arrows, moonshine, and things of that nature. There's so many possibilities that they didn't even explore in the game. They just kept it basic to driving, which is stupid. I would love it if there was side missions, and doing odd jobs for people around town for money, and you use the money to supe up the General, or things like that. maybe even have some stealth missions where you have to sneak up on someone, and have the bad guys hiding out in real remote areas like old barns, etc like in the show. I could probably go on forever with ideas.

One thing I didn't like either was how small Hazzard was, the show makes it look so huge, with all of the surrounding counties added into the mix. They should add those things and you have to outrun people like Sheriff Little, and all those other cops, not just Rosco, Enos and Cletus.

Another good idea would be picking your character. You can go through the game as any of your favourite characters Bo,Luke,Daisy,Uncle Jesse,Cooter, or whoever. Maybe even have an alternate mode where you can be on the other side of the law, and be either Boss,Rosco,Enos or Cletus.

So I hope if there is another game that they at least put some effort into it.

  • 2 years later...

hey all yeah I know its been forever since I have gotten on the lines I have moved so I had to pack up all the cb gear and head for higher ground but that should have not kept me from checking in so my apologies ok so my fight continues with midway to get us a new Dukes game I have still heard nothing from them acknowledging a new game in the works but there is still a gleam in my heart that one day we will get that game I have also sent a message to Bo himself I am lucky enough to have sent John a message today and hopefully having him add me as a friend to myspace I already have him as a friend on his collier and co myspace but I now have the addy for him him and I told him about my plight to get us a new game and asked if him and the rest of the cast would join in the fight I know I am reaching here but its worth a shot and since they are an integral part of the show I thought that maybe there was a chance that they would help I also told him that a multi system game would be great so hopefully if all goes well and we get the game it will come out for Wii X-Box and PS3 please keep sending your messages to Midway games asking them for a new game so please do not think I have given up on this site and other Dukes fans that long for another game keep em tween the ditches YoungBO


" its like a bald tired semi on a mile of red asphalt" YEEEE HAWWWW

  • 1 month later...

I would like to see a new game also but hopefully they put it on ps2 also.The perfect DOH game would be 147 total missions(1 for each of the original episodes where you do the same thing in the mission that they did in the episode)ie:Deputy Dukes,you would go get the prisoner and bring him back to hazzard while dealing with his goons.And I contacted them.

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