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Our Supreme Superior Leader!!

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I just wanted to thank our Commander, Meadow   Mufn for keeping this site going! It's the best!  I also wanted to remind her how much we care for her and love her! You are  the best Meadow!! We care for you and love you SO MUCH!! ( Everybody in Hazzard feel free to agree with me!) YOU BE DAH BOMB!! :)

Edited by Hobie Hartkins
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I don't know what brought that on but anytime anyone expresses love and appreciation for MM you can bet I'm getting in on that action. I'm pretty low tech but I remember when my daughter was telling me that you can find anything on the internet. My first reaction was "Dukes of Hazzard stuff?" She immediately turned the computer on and started showing me stuff. The rest is history. I was immediately hooked on the HazzardNet....took awhile to learn how to navigate it since I'd never touched a computer before. If it weren't for MM I wouldn't have this big happy second family. Love ya MM! ❤ 

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