joduke25 Posted June 12, 2004 Posted June 12, 2004 What do yall think of JS on the new superman series smallville I havefor one enjoyed seeing him back on TV thats one reason why I like to watchit because he kind of brings that dukes of hazzard magic to the show sometimes especliy on a first season episode nicodemus were Pa Kent has the dukes theme playing while going down the road in a opening scenebut let me know how yall fell about Mr.Schnedier being back on TV thanks Quote
inga Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 Hello, joduke25!Yes, I loved the scene where Jonathan was driving down the road in his truck, listening to Waylon sing the Dukes' theme on the radio. Just as good was the episode "Delete", where we see Jonathan and Martha's Email address is CNH320@........, the General Lee's license number! And did y'all notice the episode scene a couple months ago where Jonathan tells Clark that he and his own father were always "Duke-ing it out"? Quote
inga Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 "Has Bo Duke grown up to be Uncle Jesse?"In this interview John discusses Smallville, Dukes of Hazzard, and Uncle Jesse. Quote
GatorInHazzard Posted June 16, 2004 Posted June 16, 2004 Hey guys, when does Smallville come on? I knew before that John was in the show, but I didn't realize he had such a large part. I would like to see it, but I can never seem to find it on my satellite guide. Thanks. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted July 2, 2004 Posted July 2, 2004 Gator, sorry to throw my reply in so late. I don't have cable or satellite at the moment, so I've no idea of timeslots. (And since all my favorite shows are on DVD nowadays, it's no problem!) The good news is, the first and second season of Smallville is already on DVD. Man, this show is popular. Fer yer convenience, here's a link to the Amazon page:! Quote
R.J.1984 Posted September 10, 2004 Posted September 10, 2004 Hey guys, when does Smallville come on? I knew before that John was in the show, but I didn't realize he had such a large part. I would like to see it, but I can never seem to find it on my satellite guide. Thanks.Try the WB web site as well as In Canada A-Channel. These are the only two stations that I know about that broadcast it. I believe the WB is on Wednesday - the time - I don't know. As for A-Channel - all the info I have is for Manitoba Time. It comes on at 8:00 pm on Sundays - providing that there is nothing else scheduled. Hope that this helps you.Take-er easy and stay cool. Quote
dabones Posted December 4, 2004 Posted December 4, 2004 wow, cool, I never noticed those things in Smallville, and I watch it every week.. In Canada, it's on CITY on tuesday nights at 8 East and Pacific. but it's one week behind teh WB which airs on Wednesday's at 8pm East and Pacific.. (handy that I get both CITYand WB form both sides of the continent, so I never have an excuse to miss it.. lol.. Quote
R.J.1984 Posted December 8, 2004 Posted December 8, 2004 Well Smallville used to be on on Sundays on A - Channel,but now it is on on Thursdays - I know this because I get paid on Thursdays. But it is still on at 8 pm. Not only that but now I have all three seasons of Smallville on Dvd. HEHEHE man now my dvd collection is really taking off. Can't wait for Dukesd season two. as well as Knight Rider and the A-Team. Y'all tak-er easy now ye'hear. Quote
bethie88 Posted January 29, 2005 Posted January 29, 2005 I love John in Smallville. I'm going to have to get the DVD's though, because I'm just now watching where it is on ABC Family. But I love John's character, and there is sooo much of Jesse in him! Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 Yes, Smallville proves Jesse raised Bo right!!Dixie Quote
RedneckChik91 Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 jessi did raise'em right didn't he john dos play pretty darn good on smallville smallville is on the ABCfamily channel if anybody wants to know YEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
DukesFan24 Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 John is the only reason I watch Smallville. Quote
bethie88 Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 I watch Smallville for many reasons, but John's right up there at the top! Quote
Bo_Duke_luva Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 I abslutely LOVE John`s character on Smallville.Even though I just started watching it not to long ago on the WB,it doesn`t mean I have an excuse for not watching it the last few years it has been on.On my mom`s tv,we get the WB strong and clear,BUT ABC Family is a different story.My aunt has sattilite,so she doesn`t get the WB but she gets ABC Family.Go figure.... Quote
Julieduke Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I had caught the last fifteen minutes of the Onyx episode boy when Michael Rosenbuam did the "Alexander" character he reminded me of Garthe Knight on Knight Rider. Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 I love Smallville, not just because of John Schneider, though I love seeing him on TV again. I think it's one of the best new shows around. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the episode mentioned in the previous post "Onyx", I only have season 1 on DVD, but I'm hoping to get the rest soon.Just throwing in my own 2 cents on this terrific show!LS3 Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 John Schneider does a great Jonathan Kent and Smallville is a great show....Smallville is on weekly on ABC Family from Monday to Friday....I never miss an episode. Quote
bethie88 Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 My sister tapes it every day... of course, shes in it for the tom welling... I'll take a little John and a little Tom. Quote
Sway4829 Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 We have a subscription to TV Guide and got next weeks today and they have a section called Oh Daddy! which is a list of TV's hottest dad's and John Schneider is honored for his role as Jonathan Kent. I thought that was neat and much deserved!Anyway as for the show itself I can't really get into it. Plus the reruns they show on ABC Family come on at the same time as Dukes and for me Dukes is more important and more my kind of show. I have been renting the seasons from netflix though but I admit I often end up fast forwarding to the John scenes. I just saw the episode where John gets sick after a flower sneezed in his face or something and he went kind of wild for the first bit of the episode before slipping into a coma... that was fun to see. I also liked at the beginning of that episode when he was driving his truck he was listening to Good Ol' Boys. I just love it when they do things like that. Has anyone seen his movie Mary Christmas... there's a scene where John's character is on the phone and they pan across the table and there's a toy General Lee. Or in 10.5 when he and his daughter go off roading and he says something like, 'man I miss doing this... yeee haaa!' I think it's safe to say there's still quite a bit of Bo in Mr. Schneider. Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 I loved that scene in Smallville where Jonathan Kent was listening to "Good Ol' Boys" it cracked me up.I have seen flashes of "Bo" in other episodes as well. I wasn't aware of the other work that John Schneider has done with references to Bo Duke, but I think it's great that he apparently embraces his time on Dukes of Hazzard.LS3 Quote
Julieduke Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 Hey John Schneider is in a tv guide article on sexy fathers next week. Quote
lostsheep22 Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 Tom will have a guest appearance. I cant wait to see this episode!John Schneider Chats Up Wopat's Guest AppearanceJohn Schneider had nothing but good things to say about his former Dukes of Hazzard co-star Tom Wopat's Smallville guest shot, which will be the sixth episode of Season Five.We caught up with Schneider at the TCA Press Tour. Although Schneider does wish that Wopat's role - that of a senator and old friend to Jonathan Kent - would be recurring. "I'd love for Tom to be on the show a lot," he said, also mentioning that it was nice to work with his former Dr. Quinn co-star Jane Seymour on the show last season. "Undoubtedly, having Tom on the show is going to be a very good thing. I can't wait to see the ratings on that episode."Aside from two made-for-TV Dukes reunion movies, Schneider and Wopat last acted together on screen over 15 years ago in the TV-movie "Christmas Comes to Willow Creek." Look for Tom Wopat's episode to air during November sweeps Quote
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