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Alright ya'll, I have been debating on whether or not to say anything at all on this site about the movie. I have been reading and watching patiently with the rest of you to see the new movie, and quite frankly I was disappointed with quite a few Dukes fans...and, I'm sorry to say it, Ben Jones. Not to say there werent a few things i would have changed....act one, scene one, Sheeve blows himself up...end of character. I didnt think that Gainey was a good choice for Rosco, and a few cameo's would have been alright with me. However, overall, the movie was entertaining as hell and worth going to more than once!

What esle do you we need....the General kicking some major a**, cop cars being destroyed by the ton, real jumps (not computer generated), fun charaters, comedy, great story line (who didnt get goose bumps when the rebuilt General made his debut), and of course, Daisy. Oh, and lets not have any one of us forget the most important thing......THE DUKES OF HAZZARD LIVES ON!!!!! The show wouldn't be back on CMT getting top ratings, the series wouldn't be out on DVD as quickly as it has been if at all, and the newest generation of kids wouldnt be introduced as readily to what we grew up loving....just to name a few positives.

Now I know we all hated Coy and Vance, then, but look at it from today's perspective, without em our beloved show would have ended there. We would have missed out on a few extra years of the Dukes...so I say God Bless em! They relate to the new Bo and Luke, without em, eventually, the Dukes would have slowly faded.....the movie breathes new life into what we all love and are totally obsessed over! How is that a bad thing!?!

Sex, drugs, language, and fighting were said to be the bad element of the movie...were those things not present in the TV show? First season had Boss and Rosco saying 'damn' and 'jackass', Catherine Bach's high cut shorts were not going to be allowed by censors for being too risque, Bo and Luke were always after girls, bar room brawls constantly, and do i remember an episode with the boys hauling dope instead of a water heater and when it started burning at the end Rosco had quite a funny reaction......so how far off was the movie!?!

TRUE FELLOW DUKES OF HAZZARD FANS UNITE! We are all honorary members of the Duke family thru good, bad, and ugly, and thanks to the movie our little family is still going strong. Say it with me.........YEEEEEEHAWWWWWW!!!


I feel the same way. I have said it in other posts but it was a GREAT movie. For all those people out there trashing the movie and not seeing it....I feel sorry for you!! Go back and watch the first couple of episodes and tell me any BIG diffrence. There's not!! Cussing, Sex talk, hell in one episode there was a traveling sex motor home!!!! Come on people, WAKE UP!!!!! This movie was very entertaining with great stunts and fast action.


So you want to go head to head with me do ya????

First off,sheeve didn't blow himself up,he was trying to blow boss hoggs safe and failed,it was luke who blew it up with his flaming arrow!!

Sex mobile???That was merely a distraction for the dukes to get the sindicate boys and the rest out of the recording studio,and record plant so Bo could blow them up !

Damn and jackass was dropped after awhile,not that it mattered,but that kind of talk is much less vulgar then"jesus christ and god damn,it 's you who needs to wake up!

Like Luke saying;' double damn had it" in the show"repo men",was mild mannered compared to the movie,and besides,not long after,them words

were no longer acceptable and changed to "dang!"

Don't try to pass off this movie as a good way to keep the Dukes alive,what good is it if younger ones can't go see it due to vulgar language???You wake up!!!

Although there was a few scenes of the dukes lusting,it was never showed heavily like the new hungry male slut luke!

As for Daisy,most of the time she was decently dressed,her being in them shorts didn't hurt anything.

The only time she has ever been in a bikini was when she was helping Bo and luke high jack a truck full of gambling machines!!!!

So best keep watching them re-runs before you applaud the new movie.

I have to say that thanks to the movie,it did bring back the series on tv and it did bring the dvd's that much faster.

But any new duke fan are gona be highly dissappointed when they compare the new dukes to our beloved Dukes!!!!


so much anger..... over a movie. :roll:

I have yet to see the movie because of work and every day life... however... i'm not a big fan of the weed talk and the swearing... the dukes was based on a family oriented theme... the first few episodes were not.... they pushed the envelope back then..but once kids came into wanting to watch it... they toned it down and brought the show to an 8pm eastern time slot so kids could watch it. To me it just didn't seem right that they put these things into the new movie ..... but its HOLLYWOOD.. and that's what they wanted. They took the names, the car, and the title of the show.... and glammed it all up Hollywood style.... now before you think i'm just bashing this movie.... I'm not.... I still wanna see it... and i'm sure i will enjoy it.... but i'm gonna watch it with an open mind and keep it seperate from the TV show.

All I know is...... if they did a remake of the Munsters... put it on tv...... and made the characters do violent acts like killing.... fans of the show would not be happy either. But..... it's HOLLYWOOD folks.


All I know is...... if they did a remake of the Munsters... put it on tv...... and made the characters do violent acts like killing.... fans of the show would not be happy either. But..... it's HOLLYWOOD folks.

They did a an updated series of the Munsters With John Schuck as Herman back in the late 80's. There was TV movie "Here Comes The Munsters" back in 95 with Edward Hermann as Herman. Now the Wayans Brothers ( Marlon and Keenan Ivory) are planning on redoing the Munters for 2006.......

But Like you said, Thats HOLLYWOOD

I'm gone


Alright ya'll, I have been debating on whether or not to say anything at all on this site about the movie. I have been reading and watching patiently with the rest of you to see the new movie, and quite frankly I was disappointed with quite a few Dukes fans...and, I'm sorry to say it, Ben Jones. Not to say there werent a few things i would have changed....act one, scene one, Sheeve blows himself up...end of character. I didnt think that Gainey was a good choice for Rosco, and a few cameo's would have been alright with me. However, overall, the movie was entertaining as hell and worth going to more than once!

What esle do you we need....the General kicking some major a**, cop cars being destroyed by the ton, real jumps (not computer generated), fun charaters, comedy, great story line (who didnt get goose bumps when the rebuilt General made his debut), and of course, Daisy. Oh, and lets not have any one of us forget the most important thing......THE DUKES OF HAZZARD LIVES ON!!!!! The show wouldn't be back on CMT getting top ratings, the series wouldn't be out on DVD as quickly as it has been if at all, and the newest generation of kids wouldnt be introduced as readily to what we grew up loving....just to name a few positives.

Now I know we all hated Coy and Vance, then, but look at it from today's perspective, without em our beloved show would have ended there. We would have missed out on a few extra years of the Dukes...so I say God Bless em! They relate to the new Bo and Luke, without em, eventually, the Dukes would have slowly faded.....the movie breathes new life into what we all love and are totally obsessed over! How is that a bad thing!?!

Sex, drugs, language, and fighting were said to be the bad element of the movie...were those things not present in the TV show? First season had Boss and Rosco saying 'damn' and 'jackass', Catherine Bach's high cut shorts were not going to be allowed by censors for being too risque, Bo and Luke were always after girls, bar room brawls constantly, and do i remember an episode with the boys hauling dope instead of a water heater and when it started burning at the end Rosco had quite a funny reaction......so how far off was the movie!?!

TRUE FELLOW DUKES OF HAZZARD FANS UNITE! We are all honorary members of the Duke family thru good, bad, and ugly, and thanks to the movie our little family is still going strong. Say it with me.........YEEEEEEHAWWWWWW!!!

yeah i agree with ya i went to the movie too and thought it was going to be bad and i've went and seen it 3 times and thinking of a fourth time, i thought it was good too. YEEHAW!


oh now 'dukefan'settle down a bit. im just voicing my opinion, not doing a direct attack, like some people. now you might wanna read the bit about Sheeve i wrote again you misunderstand, i didnt say sheeve blew himslef up, i said that if i could have made a change to the movie that would have been it....that was the way i would have done the movie, it was my way of saying that i hated that character....get it?

now you sure did a good job to try and justify the old show versus the new movie, i was just drawing a comparison. just remember one thing society has changed...alot, since 1979 language, fighting, drug reference, sex reference, skin....none of the basic ideas have changed, just become a bit flashier and ostentatious than back in teh late 70's/early 80's.

here's what i find most amusing...all of this talk and anger over a movie, a piece of entertainment that every, and anyone is allowed to have an opinion, and if ya hated it so much dont go see it again, dont even b**** about it....those of us who liked it arent about to change their minds and its obvious you arent going to change yours. negative or positive you cant change it.

oh, and one more thing 'duke fan'...the original series didnt start out as a show for kids, it was jimmie best who kinda led the way for that change...read the 'dukes of hazzard guide' by david hofstede to educate yourself. dont worry about my watching the reruns, as long as they keep coming out on dvd ill own and watch em. and for your last comment......from the new fans i have been talking to....you're wrong, but then again, that is your right.

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