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Anyone seen the pics or tne video of JS washing The General Lee ??

I gotta admit, they're pretty hot...

I can post a link, but I wanted to wait first... This is a family site ya know

I think we've all seen that car from every angle. The video can't have anything we haven't seen.

However, some parents may prefer their kids learn that stuff in shop class, when they're old enough.

And I agree, that sure is one hot car. Easily the best I've seen. I hope Jessica doesn't block too much of the view.

Anyone seen the pics or tne video of JS washing The General Lee ??

I gotta admit, they're pretty hot...

I can post a link, but I wanted to wait first... This is a family site ya know

I think we've all seen that car from every angle. The video can't have anything we haven't seen.

However, some parents may prefer their kids learn that stuff in shop class, when they're old enough.

And I agree, that sure is one hot car. Easily the best I've seen. I hope Jessica doesn't block too much of the view.

WTF????? a hot chick in a bikini washing the general and you are worried that she's blocking the view of the car...are you gay?


WTF????? a hot chick in a bikini washing the general and you are worried that she's blocking the view of the car...are you gay?

She looks like a dude. Are YOU gay?

And I don't mean "gay" as in happy. It's pretty obvious you're not a very happy person. But hang in there buckaroo, things aren't all that bad.


WTF????? a hot chick in a bikini washing the general and you are worried that she's blocking the view of the car...are you gay?

She looks like a dude. Are YOU gay?

And I don't mean "gay" as in happy. It's pretty obvious you're not a very happy person. But hang in there buckaroo, things aren't all that bad.

go back to pleasuring your sheep..excuse me i meant (censored by forum nazi )


Bamamediaschmedia, that remark is offensive. We have a several HazzardNet folk who have "sheep" as a part of their handle. Why not pick on yer own species, once it's properly identified, quarantined, tagged, and we're all inoculated against it?

Any of ewe that think sheep jokes are funny are just plain ba-a-a-a-a-ad.



Friend of Sheep Everywhere

Defender of small domestic animals

Anyone seen the pics or tne video of JS washing The General Lee ??

I gotta admit, they're pretty hot...

I can post a link, but I wanted to wait first... This is a family site ya know

I think we've all seen that car from every angle. The video can't have anything we haven't seen.

However, some parents may prefer their kids learn that stuff in shop class, when they're old enough.

And I agree, that sure is one hot car. Easily the best I've seen. I hope Jessica doesn't block too much of the view.


Stupid Jessica getting in the way.


City dudes are always thinking farmers have sex with sheep. Onaccounta, that's what they'd do if they got to spend time with sheep, so they figure that's what farmers do. Fact is, though, we're very different people.


Sheep jokes, huh? Boy I got a few of them.

Jokes...not sheep. Where ya from again Bananamedia? There's always goats. Just don't pick the ugly ones...someone's always watching!


Oh Lord..........This thread has gotten good.....

Brian - I love the way you diffuse the situations. Wish I had your way with words. Too good.....

Dale - Yes, I do think Jessica blocks the view of OUR beloved General .

Scott - Bring on the sheep jokes.




Did you hear they found a new use for sheep in (whatever state)?


Where do you get virgin wool??

From ugly sheep

Oh boy, I could go on...

And by the way, Jessica was not blocking the view of the General Lee. Just her NOSE was.


This place needs a moderator! Where the hell is MaryAnne.....

Anyway, this guy from the suburbs was driving through the back country one day, and he sees some weirdo in a field doing sinful things with a sheep. Mortified, he parks in front of the farmhouse and runs up to the door, pounding on it. "Hey! Hey! There's somebody out there molesting your sheep!" he yells.

A kid opens up the door and says, "That's just my da-a-a-a-a-ad."



Hey Dale,

Please let me know what part of the country you're from cause if all the men there look like Jessica Simpson I need to stay away, cause I just might turn gay myself.

Actually, most of us are prettier than she is. :lol:


Scott - That cartoon was too damn funny.......

Brian - I knew your sheep jokes would be good......

Dale & Traveler - Is ther esomething going that both of would care to share with this board? ....Just kidding..... :lol:

I'm Outta Here



Even more sheep jokes! (the cleaner ones Ive come across)

Q: Why did the lamb call the police?

A: He had been fleeced

Q: What do you get if you cross a boa and a sheep?

A: A wrap-around sweater


Clem drove his pickup alongside the road and showed his buddy Jed where he'd first had sex.

"It was right down there by that there tree. I remember it plain as day. It was a warm summer day... We were madly in love... We made our way down to that the tree and made love for hours," explained Clem.

"That sounds amazing," exclaimed Jed.

"Yep, it was goin' real well until I looked up and saw her momma standing right there watching us..."

"Damn, what did her momma say when she saw you puttin' it to her daughter?"


Okay, okay, I quit. But I had to throw that one in!

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