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But this is such exciting news for me I had to share.

As some of you know, I applied last year for the nursing program at the college near by home. Well, today I got the acceptence letter.

I can't wait you the relief I've felt knowing that I start the actual nursing clinicals in the fall. I've been going through some major angst in my life and getting into this program is a BIG step in the direction I want to be heading. It also means in less than a year, since I've been taking most of the non-nursing credits in the meantime, I'll be an RN.

The downside of this is it may seriously cut into my Hazzard time. But rest assured, Doc is staying in Hazzard. She has found her home, friends she cares about and her place in this world. She isnt going anywhere.

I found Hazzard at a time in my life I was very depressed and the people in here helped life me from that and get me started on my way back.

Brian, MaryAnne, Jax, Val, Daney, Essy, Hil, Riddick, Vicki, you may never know the impact you made on this author's life and how you influenced the creation of a character that even surprises me, her author. I want to take this oppurtunity to thank you for your kindness, friendship and the wonderful stories you have created.

Truly Yours,


Author of Chance "Doc" Walker

Hazzardite for Life


Woo!! Congrats, Pendragon! No doubt you've been bustin' butt to get to where you wanna go and it's great to see it's starting to pay off. :D

I'm also glad to know that Hazzard has, and will continue to provide, a playground for the good doctor. That means a lot to me, not so much as an author but as somebody who wants to make sure this lil' county is kept active and available to folks out there. Whether they've been here for 8 years, or 8 months, or just moved in, it'll always be a place that folks can call home. :wink:



Pendragon, that's terrific news!!

Your hard work is payin' off. I know you've got more hard work ahead of you, but all of us here will be rootin' for ya. Meantime, you know that whenever you need to come up for air and goof around...Hazzard will always be here.





Congradulations to you! I'm very very happy for you. It's always great to hear about someone suceeding in life. I know what you've been through with the downs. Heck, I'm sure most writters here do. But to hear about a fellow writer's personal success, and to know that yourself and the 'community' had a part in helping them emotionaly, is truly beautiful.

I wish you all the luck in the world, Pendragon. You've been and will be a great friend. Thank you.


Val's author.


Congrats Pendragon! :D

Just think in a few months, you'll be a nurse like me. And you'll enjoy it too! Wouldn't it be something to have 2 nurses running around Hazzard?? Just a thought...

I am so proud of you for accomplishing your dreams. I hope that you do well as a nurse too. If ya ever want to talk about it, you know where to find me.

Talk to ya soon! Take Care!

Vicki and her author Vicki. LOL! :D

  • 6 months later...

Well, I'm here. I made it. First day of nursing school.

And I don't know why they call it orientation, cause my head is still spinning.

I just wanted everyone to know that, because of school, my posts and time on AOL may be fewer and farther between. I always say "Real life prevails" and for the next couple of years, I think its going to prevail in a big way.

Don't get me wrong. Doc is still around. Just she and I can't be as active as we were before. I still plan on continueing the RR and stories I'm involved in. You just may have to give me a nudge via email if I'm cued and don't response for a few days.

I love Hazzard It's become a second home for a part of me and the friend and memories I made here will always be cherished.

But, for now, this M.D. may be a little M.I.A.




Best of luck to you Doc! Remember when things get too crazy and you need to come somewhere that's peaceful and tranquil, we're always here.

Oh. Wait a minute, I think I got that backwards.... KHEE! :wink:


Good luck Doc! I totally understand your situtation. :wink:

Hang tough, and you'll make it back no problem.

Take care and good luck on those exams.


PS You'll always be apart of the Hazzard Sorority! :D

  • 3 months later...

I gotta do a little bragging here. I've happy to announce I not only survived my first semester of nursing school but came away from it with an A and an excellent clinical evaluation.

One semester down, three to go. Now excuse me while I go sleep for the next three days. :wink:


  • 4 months later...

Well, its offical. I an now halfway through my nursing program. Passed with somewhat flying colors. Doesn't seem that long ago I first posted this thread, does it?

I have heard that last semester is the hardest of the program, and I believe it now. But I'm through and I think (and hope) by this time next year, I'll be thinking about state boards and becoming an "RN" to my name.

Now for a three month break, I think I'll be sleeping the first week.


  • 7 months later...


8) :D 8)

3 semesters down, one to go. I'm particulary proud of my grade this semester because I had one of the toughest instructors in the nursing program and came through.

Get this, our pinning (nurses's graduation) ceremony may be on my birthday. How cool would that be?!




Hello all...

Congrats, Pendragon! I am proud of you. I now wish that I would have stayed in nursing to become an RN. I decided to pursue another career instead.

I talk on the phone for a living now, but I'm NOT a telemarketer! LOL!

Congrats again!

Take Care!


  • 4 months later...

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