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  1. Feeling confused y'all! How can they cancel reruns of the original 1979-1985 7 season 147 episodes TV Series, because of the Confederate battle flag on the roof of the car GENERAL LEE, but yet, they find it ok to show the 2005 movie version remake? Smh y'all. Seriously? Like what the h?
  2. 1. Where did Bo & Luke meet Cooter, Dobro & Brodie in One Armed Bandits 2. Who stole Rosco's patrol car in One Armed Bandits? 3. What season are we introduced to Coy & Vance? 4. Rosco took a leave of absence in some episodes of season 2. T or F? 5. Cooter took a leave of absence in some episodes of season 2. T or F? 6. Season 3 To Catch a Duke is the only episode out of the 7 season 147 episode run that Catherine Bach is not in. T or F? 7. What is Boss Hogg's "good" black clad twin brother's name? 8. What is the name of Jamie's mother in A Baby for the Dukes and who played her? 9. What are the names of the pool hustlers/gamblers in The Ghost of the General Lee? 10. Cooter drove the Striped Tomato(Zebra Three) in One Armed Bandits. T or F? 11. Uncle Jesse once dated Miss Lucinda -Cyrus Meadows. T or F? 12. What is the real life names of the dogs who played Flash P. Coltrane? 13. What is the name of Hughie's older brother? 14. What is the name of Boss Hogg's rich nephew from Atlanta? 15. Boss Hogg was once a Hazzard County Deputy. T or F? 16. Who played Jason Steele? 17. Carlos Brown(Dawson) from Ten Million Dollar Sheriff is in another episode. Name the episode. 18. How many episodes have 3 General Lee's on screen all at the same time? 19. Why did Boss Hogg want to foreclose on Jill's Orphanage? 20. Bo & Luke are thought to have been shot in an episode. T or F? Good luck y'all.
  3. Before he was Boss Hogg, Sorrell Booke had a role as a Southern Sheriff in a gum commercial. Anybody remember "Freshen Up Gum?" This commercial looked like it belonged on Hee Haw, right down to the hound dog. But the set looks like it could have been in The Dukes of Hazzard, doesn't it? And little did Sorrell know at the time, but that whole cheek-pinch thing was gonna be stickin' around... Sorrell Booke commercial
  4. Anyone else notice the flub in Racing For Home the PS and PC versions of the game? The mission where you stop Boss Hogg's hijacked Caddy to save him, in the cutscene, when the General stops, and Luke gets out and walks and gets in the Caddy, Bo is not in the General Lee. There's bobody at the wheel.
  5. The French title for The Dukes of Hazzard is The Sheriff is a Fool. In Italy, it's called Hazzard. What are some of the titles in other countries?
  6. Hi, I am a new member here, and want to say HI to all my fellow Duke's of Hazzard enthusiasts. I have watch every episode when it aired live on TV. I was hooked on this show ever since then. And I am still hooked on it now. I am glad it is back on CMT starting today (Jan 5th) at 2 Pm. I will be watching it for sure! I have a 1969 Dodge Charger SE with a 383 CI Big Block (335 HP), and a 727 Automatic Transmission. It is a Numbers Matching Car and is a complete car. Everything there is what was put there from the factory. This car is a Factory A/C which is 1 of only 38 ever made this way. I have to put the A/C parts back on, but they are in the trunk for now. I have had the motor re-built, and the trans is going to be re-built to handle the motor. And the Rear will be gone over and get the necessary work done to that. Then, I must decide what I am going to do with the body. Right now, the body is all in primer. Should I keep it original green or make it a General Lee (Hemi Orange)? That is the question. Not sure Yet, but I will keep you posted. I was at Duke's Fest 2008 and met every living Cast member except Tom Wopat. BUT I was able to Meet Tom Wopat at a Convention in New Jersey. I wish I could Have met Sorell Booke (Boss Hogg) and Denver Pyle (Uncle Jessie), But they are no longer with us. Well, I don't want to bore you with too much, so I will end it here. Yeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!!!!!! Rich
  7. When is The Dukes of Hazzard Episode Guide for seasons 3-7 gonna be on here with descriptions and pictures like seasons 1-2?
  8. It sounds like Rosco had a head cold during these 2 Season 3 episodes. Can anyone here on the HazzardNet confirm it?
  9. Which Dukes of Hazzard vehicle is everyone's favorite?
  10. I have an idea for a 3rd Reunion movie. Before Rosco died, he could've made out a will leaving Enos or Cletus Boss Hogg's empire upon his death. Enos can be the Sheriff/Boss/Commissioner now, with Cletus as Deputy. Or have Cletus Sheriff/Boss/Commissioner with Enos as Deputy. Bo, Luke and Daisy can be married with little Dukes of their own who have grown up and come to Hazzard to help the Dukes, Enos, Cletus, Cooter etc. to stop Hughie Hogg from taking over Hazzard County. Hughie got word from his goons about Uncle Boss and Rosco being dead, so he returns to try to take over as Sheriff/Boss/Commissioner.
  11. Did any of y'all cousins besides me notice the flub in Hazzard Connection? When Luke is ramming Augie & Shoulders in the slammer car, it is the slammer car. But in the close up shot of Luke he's magically in General Lee.
  12. Who do y'all think the most attractive female guest/minor character on The Dukes of Hazzard was? Remember these are characters who only appeared one or a few times, not counting Catherine Bach/Daisy Duke. If possible, include pictures. (If this hasn't already been done before.).
  13. I am Robert John Broadhurst II. Dukes fan since TNN 1996. I was 9 years old. Now I am 33. I will be a fan forever. One can not ever get bored with The Dukes of Hazzard. My other shows are Gilligan's Island and The Andy Griffith Show. Fan of those since age 3 1990. One can not ever get bored of the island or Mayberry either. Looking forward to chatting with y'all. Have been trying to join since 2012 to no avail. I have finally been successful. Have a good evening/morning wherever y'all may be in the world. Catch y'all on the flip side.
  14. Dukes of Hazzard: Gone Racin' by Eric Alter. Who owns a copy besides me?
  15. Hello everyone. Please list your favorite bad guys/bad girls from the show here.
  16. http://www.tvguide.com/listings/default.aspx?keyword=Catherine+Bach - Reunion at 6pm & Hazzard In Hollywood at 8pm!
  17. Any episodes that were darker/more serious than the rest of the show?
  18. Okay so I wanted to make a forum about this and I am just curious, if anyone reading this was given the opportunity to script an episode of the Dukes of Hazzard for Warner Bros, what would be the plot that they would come up with. I want to see some of the creative ideas that this amazing community can come up with!!!
  19. If it had been traditional, there probably would have been an overused laugh track and the show would have tried to be preachy and topical with "very special episodes"
  20. I started season 5 not too long ago and I've noticed that Cooter is missing from several episodes in the early middle of the season. He is explained to be on vacation but why was Ben Jones not present for filming?
  21. I notice this because of "Comrade Duke", "Witness: Jesse Duke", and "Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke". They seem more serious than other episodes of the show.
  22. I know about Ben Jones leaving the show temporarily over a dispute. But how was Cooter's absence explained in the show when his cousins filled in for him? I know James Best's absence was written in as Rosco went to Atlanta to retrain at the police academy.
  23. No one ever used turn signals, they just turned recklessly.
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