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Everything posted by LittleRedVicki

  1. *Scoot, I'm borrowing your character for a minute. I hope that you don't mind. * ****** About 45 minutes later, Vicki cuts Hilery off the road as Hilery crosses into Chickasaw County. "Vicki! What are you doing here?" Hilery asked as she watched Vicki walk over to her car with a paper in her hand. "Just patrolling the roads this way. What are you doing going in Chickasaw County? Are you on your way to the mall?" asked Vicki, brushing her auburn red hair away from her eyes. "Nah, just taking a drive into town for parts for the garage. You pulled me over for a reason. What is it?" asked Hilery. "Hilery, I don't want to do this to ya since we're friends, but I have a warrant for your arrest," said Vicki apologetically then added, "If you'll get out of the car, I need to take you into town so you can talk to Sheriff Little about what you did." "Oh, okay. I have no choice anyhow," said Hilery as she was getting out of her Shelby mustang... As Vicki was taking Hilery to the patrol car, Vicki looks back towards Hazzard, then thinking through her thoughts, "Good Luck, Maryanne. Good Luck, Brian. Don't do anything crazy tomorrow."
  2. *While the duel was getting ready to take place, Vicki was on the CB with Sheriff Little. *"Sheriff, are you sure that I have to arrest Hilery Davenport?" asked Vicki in a surprised voice into her CB mike then added, "What did she do this time?" *"I caught her spray painting the side of my patrol car yellow and orange," said Sheriff Little angrily. He then added, "When I asked her about it, she tried to talk her way out of it." Vicki giggled. "What do you want me to do about it?" "Just get here as soon as you can," barked Sheriff Little into the CB mike then added, "I have a warrant here for her arrest." "10-4, Sheriff. I'm on my way," said Vicki back into the CB mike as she was heading back towards Chickasaw.
  3. *This is what the poster said as Vicki was reading it. The picture shows Jasper Johnson with a mean looking grin on his face.* NAME: Jasper Johnson DATE OF BIRTH: March 9, 1959 AGE: 21 HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Brown HEIGHT: Approximately 6'0 - According to Georgia State Prison Records WEIGHT: Unknown. Some would say about average WHERE & WHEN HE WAS LAST SEEN: Friday, July 11, 1980 early morning *He was leaving Georgia State Prison in a black sedan heading north towards the Tennessee State Line. The sedan that he was driving is probably stolen. Some of the inmates said that he could be heading towards Hazzard County. CRIMES THAT HE COMMITTED RECENTLY: Assault with a dangerous weapon, 1st degree armed robbery with intent to kill, attempted murder, and kidnapping.
  4. "I don't believe this at all. This really makes my day a whole lot better," said Vicki sarcastically as she looked at the wanted poster. She then added angrily as she threw the poster accidentally across Rosco's desk, "Well at least now I know who has been stalking and terrorizing the Duke family! He better watch out if he's coming back here!" "Vicki! Are you okay? I haven't seen you this mad in a long time!" said Rosco, looking concernedly at his young furious lady deputy and god-daughter. "No Sheriff, I ain't all right! That killer is loose here in Hazzard County!" said Vicki as she stared at Rosco, then walked away from him as she stared outside the open window. "I'm sorry that you're upset, Vicki. I just had to show you this, considering at one time this killer said that he wanted to get revenge on you," said Enos, placing a hand on the trembling redhead's arm. "It's all right, Enos," said Vicki, smiling at Enos then added to Rosco, "I'm sorry, Sheriff." "It's all right, Vicki. You're just upset. But don't worry. Me, Enos, and Cletus will protect you from that killer. You don't have to worry about him. We'll cuff and stuff him." "Maybe so, Rosco. Enos, let me look at that poster again," said Vicki, smiling slightly at Rosco and Enos. "Sure," said Enos as he handed the redhead the wanted poster.
  5. me too. I'll try to make it to most of them. So when's the next chat session?
  6. Vicki giggling... "Brian, I know that you've helped me out of a few jams in the past, but if you don't mind I'm going to change my bet and put the bet on Maryanne instead of you because she's also a Deputy like me, and a woman should have a chance to fight for their rights. I hope that you don't mind."
  7. *AUTHOR NOTE & DISCLAIMER*: For the next few posts, y'all might recognize a few lines from the song, "Hurt Me" by LeAnn Rimes. It is from her "Blue" CD that came out in late 1996. I'm just going to borrow a few lines of the song. It fits this portion of the storyline perfectly. *********** "Hurt Me...Why In the World did you Hurt Me?" Vicki sang, not really noticing that everyone started to crowd around her. Everyone (except the Dukes who were late as usual) started to crowd around Vicki as she beings to play on the old upright piano. Some of them were in shock. "Judist Priest on a Pony! When did Vicki learn how to play like that?" asked Rosco as he & Enos walked over to where Vicki was playing the piano. "I don't know, Sheriff. I was talking to her while you were in Mr. Hogg's office. She didn't mention anything about it to me," said Enos. They couldn't believe that the redhead knew how to play. "Holy Hannah! What is going on now?" asked Boss Hogg as he & Lulu stepped out of his office. "It's Vicki, JD. She's actually playing the piano. I didn't even know that she knew how to play. Mary didn't mention anything about it to me," said Lulu as she walked over towards Vicki then added sadly, "It sounds like a sad song. She must still be depressed about what happened to her." BALLADEER: *What is this?? Vicki playing the piano?? Who would have thought that the redhead knew how to play, and such a sad song. I'm surprised! Aren't y'all?? More to come later!*
  8. I'm with you, Min! I may be a Chickasaw County Deputy, but I still have ties to Hazzard! I still have family and friends that live here! I'm not sure on who to put my bet on since they're both equal! But I hope that they don't decide to kill each other! "I wonder what Rosco would say to what is going on? I know that he would be upset," thought the spitfire redhead as she was taking a wad of bills out of her purse.
  9. NOTE FROM LITTLE RED: 12/30/02 In the next few posts, y'all might recognize a few lines from the song that Vicki is playing on the piano! *Who would have guessed that the redhead knew how to play the piano!* The song is called Hurt Me by LeAnn Rimes. It was on her Blue CD back in 1996, and I'm going to borrow a few lines from that song. DISCLAIMER: I don't own this song, but LeAnn Rimes does. Y'all should listen to it sometime! The song REALLY tells how my character Vicki is feeling right now! And how her emotional personality is right now! Y'all have a Great Night! Take Care! Vicki
  10. As soon as Vicki & Hughie walked in the Boar's Nest, Enos came walking over to them. "Vicki! Did you know that Bo is looking for you?" asked Enos, placing a hand on the redhead's arm. "So what?" asked the redhead sarcastically then added, "I'm surprised that he even wants to see me after deserting me in the hospital last week." "Vicki," said Enos in a concerned voice then added, "Bo is worried about you. Daisy told me that he doesn't want you to leave Hazzard County." "Enos, I am so surprised that Bo is even worried about me. The way he was acting towards me made me think about our marriage," said Vicki, walking over to the piano that Boss Hogg had set up close to the bar. "Vicki, are you sure that you want to do this? Move to Oklahoma?" Enos asked, putting an arm around the redhead's shoulder. He then added looking down towards the ground, "Possum on a Gumbush, Little Red! I don't want you to leave!" "You're the only one besides Hughie that doesn't want me to leave," said Vicki as the tears fall down her face then added, "It's only going to be temporary. I just need a change of scenery for a while. My sister wanted me to help her run her ranch for a while." "Among other things..." she thought to herself. "You need to hear it from Bo, Vicki. You need to at least give him a chance to tell you how he feels for you," said Enos. "I'll think about it, Enos," sighed the redhead as she played a chord on the piano then added, "You know, maybe I'll listen to what Bo has to say." She then began to sing a song that she heard last week in the hospital while she was playing the piano, "Hurt Me..."
  11. BALLADEER: Well, folks, the Dukes were a little too late catching up with the redhead. For Vicki knew that she might be followed, so she took an alternate route that she knew well that no one would take. "Vicki, how did you know about this wild shortcut?" asked Hughie into the CB mike, looking in his rearview mirror behind them. "There is no one behind us." Vicki giggled back into the CB mike as she noticed that they were coming up behind the Boar's Nest. "I used to take this shortcut every once in a while when I would be running late for work." "Which was most of the time, knowing you," said Hughie, laughing into the CB mike. Vicki sighed loudly as she was getting out of her black mustang a few minutes later. "Yeah. It's good that no one followed us here that I want to see right now." "Except for Uncle Boss and Aunt Lulu. You parked right next to them," said Hughie, laughing as he knelt down next to the white Caddy's front left tire and began to let the air out of the tire. "Hughie! You shouldn't be doing that! We're liable to get caught by someone!" giggled Vicki loudly as she was shooing Hughie away from Boss's White Caddy. "Vicki, you know how crazy I can be at times. I want to make my presence known to Uncle Boss!" said Hughie laughing. "I know, Hughie. But I don't want us to get caught in the act by Rosco when he shows up. We better go inside for my "Farewell Party"," said Vicki, taking Hughie by the arm as the 2 friends go inside the Boar's Nest.
  12. I surprised y'all didn't I? I have more Strate genes than I thought! I could be related somewhere down the road to Val or Enos and didn't even know it! But I did have 1 Duke answer, the last one, because I would never lie to anyone! Take Care! Vicki
  13. Nice job, Brian! That was a neat idea! I just took the test, and I might be a cousin to either Rosco or Enos, I had mostly C's and D's, with a couple of B's! 4-D's 3-C's 1-B to be exact! Take Care Y'all, and Happy Holidays! Vicki
  14. While Enos was talking to Bo, Luke, and Daisy, Vicki was in Rosco's office talking to the Sheriff. "Are you sure that you're not shuck-n-jiving me, Vicki? I don't think that anything like this have happened in this county before," asked Rosco worriedly. "I'm sure, Rosco. I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't true," said Vicki, looking out the window as she noticed the General Lee parked outside behind her patrol car. "Judist Priest on a Pony..." said Rosco in shock. Just then there was a knock at the door. KNOCK! KNOCK! "Sheriff, can I come in?" asked Enos, peeking his head inside Rosco's office. "I guess so, dipstick!" barked Rosco. Enos shakily walked inside Rosco's office. "Enos, are you okay?" asked Vicki as she watched the shy deputy sat down in a chair next to her. "No. Vicki, you need to look at this, but it might make you mad," said Enos apologetically as he handed Vicki the wanted poster of Jasper Johnson...
  15. "It might be better if we try to catch up with her & Hughie. That way we can get Bo alone with Vicki," said Daisy. "Do you think that it will be a good idea, Daisy?" asked Bo yawning as he walked out of the bedroom with tired, tear streaked eyes then added as he clutched a picture to his heart, "I really don't think that Vicki will ever want to talk to me again after deserting her in the hospital." "Bo, it could work if you want it too. Do you still love Vicki?" asked Daisy. "You know I do, Daisy. She is all I think about ever since I left her in the hospital a week ago," said Bo sadly as he sat down on the sofa and buried his blonde head in his hands. "Bo, do you want to go after your wife? It's your decision, plus it your future depends on it," said Luke, placing a hand on Bo's shoulder. "Yeah, I do. I still love her more than anything. I'm going to help her get through this, weather she wants me to or not," said Bo. "Good. Let's go. She drove by here with that twerp Hughie Hogg about 10 minutes ago. Maybe we can catch up with them before they get to the Boar's Nest," said Luke, taking his car keys out of his pocket. "Luke, let me drive. I know some shortcuts that Vicki might have taken. I can probably catch up with her," said Bo, taking the keys from Luke. "Okay, cousin. I hope that you know what you're doing," said Luke worriedly as he, Daisy, Coy, and Vance followed Bo outside the farmhouse. BALLADEER: Do y'all think that Bo will follow his dreams to find happiness with Vicki before it's too late?? It might be too late if Vicki decided to change her life and move to Oklahoma!! Y'all stay Tuned!! 8)
  16. "Luke, maybe Vicki being here might not be temporary," said Coy. "Yeah, her mom called last night to invite us to the Boar's Nest for a formal lunch this afternoon. She said that Vicki wanted to talk to us," said Daisy, smiling at Luke then added, "Maybe it's good news." "Yeah, maybe. Did Mary say that Vicki wanted to talk to us or to Bo?" asked Luke as he walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I really don't know, Luke. She didn't say," said Daisy as she sat down next to her cousin. "Maybe I should call that redhead on the CB and ask her," said Coy, laughing. "Coy, don't be too pushy right now. Vicki is still very emotional. If you call her, she may not talk to us at all," said Jesse as he added his imput into the conversation then added, "If y'all want her back home with us, we have to do it slowly."
  17. About 5 minutes later, Bo, Luke, Jesse, and Daisy walked inside the Courthouse together. "I wonder where Vicki's at?" asked Bo as he looked around the booking room. "Bo, Vicki is in Rosco's office talking to him about what happened yesterday. She will be out in a minute. Why don't y'all have a seat?" asked Enos, taking a stack of papers to the desk. "Okay. Come on, Luke. We'll get some coffee while I'm waiting on Vicki to come out of Rosco's office," said Bo. "Okay, Cousin. If it will make you calm down, I'll go with you," said Luke as he followed Bo over towards the coffee maker. Meanwhile, Enos was sitting at his desk sorting through the latest stack of wanted posters. One of the posters was a picture of Jasper Johnson and how he escaped from jail. "Possum on a Gumbush! If Vicki sees this, she will be furious!" exclaimed Enos. "What will Vicki be furious about, Enos?" asked Daisy. "This," said Enos as he handed Daisy the wanted poster of Jasper Johnson then added, "Does this guy look familiar to you?" "Oh...my...Gosh!" exclaimed Daisy then added, "Maybe that is who tried to kill Bo yesterday and attacked us last night!" "You were attacked last night, Daisy?" asked Enos in shock then added as he was heading towards Rosco's office, "Possum on a Gumbush! I wonder WHO will be next to get attacked around here?"
  18. "Vicki, there's nothing to be worried about," said Rosco, as he walked over to the window then added, "Maybe that crook is long gone by now." "Rosco, I really don't think that the crook is away from Hazzard County. I bet that this crook is still hiding out somewhere," said Vicki sighing loudly as she continued to look out the open window. "Then why are you still worried?" asked Rosco. "You know me, Rosco. I'm a worry-wort. I just know that this killer is still out there lurking for his next victim," said Vicki worriedly as she continued to look out the window. "Or that this killer might go back and try to finish his previous victim off. That is what I'm not about to let happen."
  19. Inside the farmhouse, Luke was looking out the open kitchen window as a black mustang and a white convertible drive by the farmhouse slowly. "Well, it's about time that she made it back to Hazzard," said Luke sarcastically as he looked out the open window. "You don't sound too thrilled about Vicki returning to Hazzard, Luke," said Vance, taking a drink of his coffee. "I'm not too thrilled about her returning to Hazzard with that little twerp Hughie Hogg," said Luke as he sat back down at the kitchen table. "Luke, you should be glad that Vicki is returning to Hazzard," added Coy, pouring himself a cup of coffee then added, "Now she & Bo can talk everything out." "It's probably only temporary that Vicki is here anyway," said Luke, taking another drink of his coffee as he looked out the open kitchen window.
  20. BALLADEER: Are things looking better in Hazzard? Who knows! A couple of hours later after saying good-bye to Sheriff Little and her best friend Katie, Vicki crosses her black mustang across the Hazzard County line. Hughie Hogg was following the redhead in his white convertible. "Princess, are you sure that you want to do this?" asked Hughie into the CB mike watching as Vicki turned onto Old Mill Road. "Well, not really. But I need to tell everyone else that I'm leaving town for good," said Vicki back into the CB mike. "All right, Princess. I hope that everything works out," said Hughie back into the CB mike. "Hughie, it will work out. I already called my mom to tell everyone to meet us at the Boar's Nest. That is where I'm going to tell everyone goodbye forever," said Vicki as she drove by the Duke farm slowly, not knowing that Luke was watching them drive by through an open window...
  21. AT THE HAZZARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE: Meanwhile, inside the courthouse, Vicki was inside the Sheriff's office talking to Rosco about everything that happened yesterday after she got home from her vacation. Vicki told Rosco about Bo getting attacked and nearly killed by some crazed stalker out at the farm yesterday. Rosco listened to Vicki's story in shock. "Are you sure that you're not shuck-n-jiving me, Vicki? This sounds serious," asked Rosco, taking a drink of his coffee. "Rosco, in the last 2 years that I have been a deputy to you, I have never lied to you. It is the truth," said Vicki, brushing her red hair back away from her face. "I don't believe it. This couldn't have happened. Not in MY county," said Rosco in shock. "Rosco, I am serious. It's the truth. In fact, Bo should be in here in a little while and fill out an assault report about what happened to him yesterday," said Vicki, taking a drink of her Dr. Pepper. "Vicki, I do believe you. You're as honest as Enos, but much smarter than Cletus," said Rosco, grinning at Vicki. "Thanks, Rosco for believing in me," said Vicki, smiling at Rosco. Rosco grinned back at Vicki. "You're quite welcome." "Vicki, do you think that this attacker might be still around Hazzard?" asked Rosco as he looked out the window a few minutes later. "I hope not, Rosco. But if this person is still around Hazzard, I'm going to make extra sure that NO ONE will get attacked anymore!" said Vicki as she looked out the open window worriedly, hoping that she, Rosco, Enos, and Cletus can keep this county safe from danger... 8)
  22. THE NEXT MORNING: Early the next morning, Vicki awoke as the sun was coming up over the horizon. She was released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon, but was told to take it easy for the next few weeks. "This is a beautiful morning," thought the redhead sighing loudly as she looked out the window then added, "There isn't a cloud in the sky. It just looks so peaceful. This is one reason why I can't leave these peaceful Georgia mornings." As Vicki was looking out the window overlooking downtown Chickasaw, there was a knock at the door. KNOCK! KNOCK! Sighing loudly as she grabbed her long pink robe then walking to her door, Vicki opened the door cautiously. She gasped in shock who she saw at her door. "Hughie! It's nice to see you!" said Vicki excitedly as she gave her old friend a hug. "It's nice to see you too, Princess," said Hughie grinning at the redhead then added, "How are you doing this morning since you're not in the hospital anymore?" "I'm doing much better. Doc Applebey told me that I can still have a baby in the future," said Vicki. "That's good, Princess. I hope that everything works out for you," said Hughie as he sat down on the sofa. "Hughie, what's wrong? You seem a little sad," said Vicki as she sat down on the sofa next to Hughie. "I am a little sad in a way. I spoke to your sister last night after she brought you here. She said that you were going to move to Oklahoma for a while." "Hughie, I am going to start my life back over. Bo & I are separated now. I can't stay here. If I did, it would bring back bad memories," said Vicki as a tear fell down her face. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Those Dukes were nothing but trouble to you," said Hughie as he gave Vicki a tissue. "Especially in the last few months. I have to do this. I'm going to be a fresh new person," said Vicki as she looked out her window. "You do seem better, Princess," said Hughie as he walked over to where Vicki was standing by the window. "And I already feel better too about myself thanks to your encouragement in the last few days. But you know what, Hughie?" asked Vicki as she gave Hughie a hug. "What Princess?" asked Hughie, looking into Vicki's blue-gray eyes. "Thank you for being there for me in the last few months. It means a lot to me that you are my best friend and my confidate. I will always treasure our time together." "Princess, I feel the same way. I will always be there for you even when we're 800 miles away from each other," said Hughie, giving Vicki a hug. "Which is not that far away when you call me or come visit me in Oklahoma," said Vicki as she broke away from Hughie. "That's right, Princess. I'll come visit you every chance I get. Afterall, we're best friends," said Hughie, wiping Vicki's tears away from her eyes. Vicki smiled at Hughie as she pulled away from him. "After I get dressed, I guess that we need to go pack my suitcase and all my things if I'm moving to Oklahoma with my sister."
  23. AT THE FARM AT THE SAME TIME: Meanwhile, at the farm, everyone had gathered to eat breakfast except for Daisy, who was staring out the kitchen window with fear in her brown eyes. "Daisy, aren't you going to eat? Your breakfast is getting cold," asked Luke, noticing that Daisy wasn't eating a bite of her bacon & eggs. "Luke, I'm not hungry right now. I don't have much of an appetite to eat," sighed Daisy as she stared at her plate of bacon & eggs. "Honey, you need to keep your strength up. Look at Bo," said Jesse, motioning for Daisy to look at Bo then added, "He's eating well. Considering what happened to him yesterday." "Uncle Jesse, he was nearly killed yesterday! I can't get it out of my mind about what happened yesterday," said Daisy, who started trembling. "Daisy, I had nightmares too about what happened yesterday. I keep seeing that killer's face in my dreams, and how the killer attacked me," said Bo as he put a arm around her shoulder then added, "Then I saw Vicki in that nightmare. I knew then that I was in safe hands. Despite that killer being on the loose in Hazzard." Daisy looked at her uncle, then at Bo & Luke. Jesse smiled at Daisy. "Honey, it will be allright. We going into town afterwhile and fill out a report about what happened yesterday." "Yeah, Daisy. We're going into town after breakfast to talk to Rosco about what happened," said Luke, taking a bite of his eggs then added, "You have to trust us that everything will work out." "I hope so..." sighed Daisy as she picked up her fork and began to eat her breakfast. The tension that was building inside Daisy had began to diminish and she began to feel better knowing that everyone was looking out for her.
  24. About 15 minutes later, Vicki pulls the patrol car up in front of the Courthouse. Enos was walking down the steps as Vicki was getting out of the patrol car. "Hey Enos," said Vicki, smiling at her friend. "Hey Little Red," said Enos as he opened the door for Vicki. "Thanks, Enos. Has it been quiet around here since I was on vacation last week?" she asked, smiling at Enos. "Yeah, Little Red. Almost too quiet," said Enos. "That's good," said Vicki as she sat down at a desk. "By the way, how was your vacation last week?" asked Enos. "It was fine until Pam & I came home yesterday, then everything went downhill when we went over to the Duke farm," said Vicki angrily as a stray tear fell down her face. "It's all right, sugar. Daisy told me what happened yesterday afternoon," said Enos, reassuring Vicki to calm down. "Yeah, right! I am still upset that Bo was nearly killed yesterday by some crazed killer!" said Vicki sarcastically. "Vicki, it's all right. Maybe that killer is long gone by now. Besides, Daisy told me that they would be in sometime this morning to fill out a statement about what happened yesterday," said Enos, still trying to calm Vicki down. "So they are coming in this morning?" asked Vicki, sighing loudly. "Yeah, I'm sure that they will probably be in pretty soon," said Enos as he sat down at a table next to Vicki. "Enos, thanks for making me feel better," said Vicki, giving the shy deputy a hug. "You're welcome. I'll always do anything to make you feel better," said Enos, returning the hug. "Enos, the only way that I will feel 100% better would be to put this crazy killer behind bars before he tries to do anything else to anyone!" said Vicki furiously as she looked out the window... :x
  25. Vicki awoke early the next morning, not really wanting to get up. She looked at her clock on the nightstand. It was a few minutes until 5a.m. "Well, I guess that I need to get up," thought the redhead as she sat up in her bed. Not really into working today, Vicki sighed loudly as she walked over to her closet to get her police uniform. "I wish that I would have taken an extra day off. I have a feeling that this is going to be a BAD day." "But at least I am only working until noon. Maybe nothing bad won't happen until after I get off," thought the redhead as she walked down the hall towards the bathroom. About 30 minutes later, Vicki walked outside the house towards her patrol car. As she was walking towards her car, she was staring at her dad's barn, thinking about what happened yesterday next door at the Duke farm. "I've got to get it out of my mind. I had nightmares all night about it," thought Vicki, shivering slightly as she was getting into her patrol car then added, "No telling what would have happened yesterday if I wouldn't have come home from the lake."
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