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Everything posted by BCDR05

  1. There are already bloopers on the Season 6 dvd set and it's not even out yet! Has anyone noticed the cover? There's a BLACK flag AND no GENERAL LEE on the roof! DOH!!!!!!!!!!! We should start a blooper section on this website just for fun!
  2. YES! John IS coming to New Zealand very soon. I'm not sure on details, but I found out he was coming to Australia because someone else told me he was visiting here and New Zealand! I will get back to you as soon as I know! I get it now! I mixed up who was who! Keep an eye out on this page and I'll see if I can find out for you!
  3. Great pic! Very clever! Well done!
  4. Well how come you said pay for an airfare from NZ to Australia? LOL! I thought that meant you were in New Zealand! LOL!
  5. I do believe John is visiting New Zealand very soon and perhaps for the same show. Can't gaurantee it's for the same show, but I KNOW he's coming your way VERY SOON!
  6. JS will be in Brisbane 21st, 22nd and 23rd of April 2006 for the Australian Comic Book Convention. I am going, with or without my General Lee which we've just built and they've given us permission to take up to him, cause it's only an hour away! COME ON FOLKS! I need some enthusiasm to tow it up there! HELP ME OUT HERE!!!!!
  7. I have acquired quite a collection of Tom's music over the past six months, including alot of his old country stuff (which is briliant!). Has anyone heard the 'live' version of "Road Home" that Tom has done somewhere along the road? I have it and it's my favourite of all! I'm just wondering if anyone else knows it?
  8. Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm not saying that no one has the right to comment on it. It just seems like, judging from what they say about it, like some people are upset because it was one the "Duke boys" that was drinking and driving. We all need to remember that Tom is Tom, a real person; and Luke is a fictional character. Real people make mistakes and can't always be expected to live up to fictional characters that they might play on tv. You have to look at it like this, I guess: If it was Tom Welling (Smallville) who'd done it, then his fans would say "but Clark Kent wouldn't do that". It's just one of those things
  9. The media do go too far with celebrities and their personal business, but these forums are designed for people to have their say on matters. Some sights are not letting people have their say and in my opinion, that's denying freedom of speech. As long as it's not defaming or rumoured material, we should be allowed to discuss it. It is something that happened....
  10. I'm just glad he didn't drive into a lake being so drunk.......we all know what the outcome would've been then.............
  11. If you go to ezydvd.com.au, for a limited time only, you can get a free 'The Dukes Of Hazzard' licence plate for a souvenier. I am not related to the website personally, I'm just mentioning a good thing!!!!!!!
  12. Coy and Vance aren't that bad in the show and if you all think for a minute: They did hold the show together so Tom and John could come back: We shouldn't dish them, really
  13. MERRY CHRISTMAS YA'LL! Where ever you are in the world and what ever you are doing, be happy, be warm and be safe! From a VERY HOT Australia: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
  14. Thanks for the info! Much obliged!
  15. Does anyone know if there are going to be any "extras" on the dvd of season five? Doesn't look like it so far
  16. Perhaps you haven't heard about the new "Remote Control" General Lee car? It's even out here in Australia and my friend and I bought one each. They're VERY cool and worth getting, even just to display! Xmas is coming ya'll!
  17. "Million Dollar Sheriff" and "Carnival of Thrills" were both great shows! It seems to be the movie lengths that are better than the rest, although I could pick quite a few good single episodes as well
  18. I can watch this episode over and over and over and over.....lol!
  19. The funniest quote from Rosco would have to be: "oooh, that was an horendous crash!"
  20. Jude Emery is one of my favourite episodes! I can watch it over and over.
  21. The storyline was quite soppy, but Tom was fine looking in it! I think they should've waited a while to tape this one. I think it fails because it's too early on in the series and Tom hadn't turned Luke into how we know him as now. Don't get me wrong! Tom is my favourite! But this episode lacked quality......
  22. I have not seen this episode and eagerly await the season it comes out on! DOH! I also thought Luke was a grumpy bum in "One Armed Bandits", the very first episode. Tom's my favourite, don't get me wrong, but he's usually SO serious ALL the time, so it's good when he changes like that!
  23. Despite the new movie being ridiculous, the trailer is REALLY COOL! It can be seen at Warner Bros website
  24. Despite the new movie being ridiculous, the trailer is REALLY COOL! It can be seen at Warner Bros website
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