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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. Seeing the Charger get smashed kinda made me giggle. Just saying... Go Impala! Seeing the General smashed however? Just another day at the office.
  2. I got all the seasons of the Dukes, all of That 70s Show, all of Angel, a couple of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Waltons, LOST... And my recent favorite, Supernatural.
  3. I really would like to, but I'm afraid time just isn't on my side right now in that department. :(

  4. Bo, always with the rebel streak, said, "Now, Uncle Jesse, Rosco ain't got no call to go searchin' the General." Jesse shook his head. "Now, Bo, Rosco's got a warrent. We can't tell him he can't search the General." Bo begrudgingly led Rosco to the barn and let him in to look the General over. He knew Rosco wouldn't find anything. Luke wasn't stupid enough to leave evidence in the General when he was on the farm. The sheriff walked in and started searching the General, and all the while, Bo wondered just WHAT had gotten into his cousin.
  5. Haha, no worries. I'll be good. :)

  6. Hey, there, friend. It's been a while. Guess what, I don't have to drink Dr. Pepper at the race anymore! Haha!

  7. I'll go check it out!

  8. I don't know... Going Home 3 is mine and Dixie's baby... But I'd be glad to maybe write something else with you.

  9. Beth knew without a shadow of a doubt what kind of risk Luke had taken by running that much shine on his own. It was downright dangerous, and she worried about all of the boys if that was the kind of danger they were putting themselves in. Bo and Jeb were both silent, knowing what their cousin had done. This was going to not go well, if the past was any indication. Jesse looked over his nephew, a million thoughts in his head before finally saying, "Eat your supper, Luke." An astonished glance passed among all of the younger people gathered at the table.
  10. Thanks! I'm glad you like it!

  11. Jesse knew Luke and he knew that the young man needed some time to himself one way or another. Given the terms of his probation, tending a still was probably not the best idea, but Luke was smart, and it would be tough for any revenuer, no matter how talented, to find Jesse's still sites. "I reckon you can do that, Luke," he said. He paused for a moment, then added, "But for Pete sakes, be careful!" Luke nodded. "Thanks, Uncle Jesse." ~ ~ ~ Beth had given up on getting the scrub brush away from Bo, but had turned her attention to other jobs, and was currently dusting the living room with a vengeance. Bo was convinced if she sent much more dust flying, the baby itself was going to start sneezing. Once convinced no area had been left undusted, Beth went to the kitchen for the broom. Bo shook his head. This woman was bullheaded... And that was a huge reason for how much he loved her. ~ ~ ~ Hours later, after an OK from Uncle Jesse, Daisy was on her way over to Dixie's....
  12. Bo laughed as he went out on the porch to find his wife with a scrub brush, down on her knees scrubbing the porch swing. "Beth, what in the world do you think you're doing? You're liable to put yourself in early labor with that," he said. Beth shook her head. "Now, Bo Duke, I aim to carry my weight around here, and you know that." "Of course I do, and I respect it, but Uncle Jesse won't want you doin' that any more than I do. There's plenty you can do that won't make the little one come early." Beth sighed. "Bo, you've got things to do, now go." He shook his head and walked over to her, squatting beside her to hold her back. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to take the brush. She fought him a little, and he lost his balance, falling back with Beth on top of him. They both erupted into laughter at what they were sure was a pretty amusing sight. Beth sat up just a little and leaned over to kiss her husband. "Bo, you're a mess!" she said. "Couldn't you just let me do it?" He shook his head. "No, ma'am. Just wouldn't be right." She shook her head, and tried to recapture her brush from his hand. Unfortunately, Bo was tall, and had long arms... And being pregnant didn't make stretching for it very easy. She huffed. "Now, Bo!" she said. Just then, the phone rang, and Bo helped Beth up before answering the phone. "Duke farm," he said, holding the receiver in one hand, and the brush far above his head with the other. Beth stretched on her tiptoes, trying to take the brush, while Bo easily kept it out of her reach, all while carrying on a conversation. Dixie spoke from the other end of the phoneline. "Daisy there, Bo?" Bo grinned, moving his arm again. "Yep, sure is, Dix. Hang on, I'll get her for ya."
  13. Beth nodded her head. "Yes, sir, Uncle Jesse... I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what I'd do if I lost him, and a baby on the way..." Uncle Jesse put his arm around the girl. "You'll be just fine. Me and the boys been doing this all our lives. We know better than to put ourselves in anymore danger than we need to." ~ ~ Bo heard the water come back on upstairs and cocked his head sideways. He knew they'd gotten plenty dirty doing the chores, but he further knew that Luke hadn't been dirty enough to need two showers, unless he needed help with something else. He grinned as he realized what exactly was going on and waited for Luke to get out of the shower for a good old fashioned ribbing. ~ ~ Dixie could barely keep her excitement to herself as she waited for Mary Lou. She couldn't believe that Luke had brought her home to start with, much less so late, and without getting into trouble with her dad. This could only work out for the best for her. That is, if Luke lost that notion that she was just a kid.
  14. Beth nodded as Jesse began talking. "Honey," he said, a gentle smile on his face. "Dukes has been runnin' shine long as there's been a way to do it. We hauled it in buggies before there was cars..." He took a sip of his coffee. "And there's been trouble along the way. This ain't an easy job, Beth." He looked at her, knowing what struggles this caused for her. "And I reckon it'd be easier if we all quit this and went to work regular jobs, but... We're Dukes, and Dukes make and run moonshine. It's just the way it is. Bo wouldn't be able to do anything else as well as he can do this. But last night, Bo didn't have any moonshine, we made sure of that, for your sake... We don't want that little one born with his daddy in jail anymore than you do. Big Ed Little is looking for moonrunners everytime he gets behind the wheel of that patrol car, and he thought he'd caught two when he found Bo and Jeb. But he hadn't, and that's what set him off, and made him leave the boys in them fancy cuffs." Beth nodded. "But Uncle Jesse, what if next time, Bo does have the shine? What if Big Ed locks him up, or worse? I don't know what I'd do if he were gone, and I had to have this baby without him." Jesse nodded. "Now, I understand your worry, Beth, but............"
  15. Luther looked at the young Duke standing in front of him, "You listen here, Luke Duke," he said. "I've known your Uncle for years, and I trust Dukes with everything in my life... But I cannot, and do not trust you with Dixie... It ain't nothin' personal Luke, but you know as well as I do that I don't have much reason to trust you with her." Luke nodded. He knew Luther was right. "Listen, Luther," Luke said. "I care about Dixie a lot, but she's just like a sister to me. I couldn't imagine dating her, let alone... doing anything you'd be upset about." Although, as Luke spoke, he realized he was trying to convince himself as much as Luther. "She's just a little girl, Luther," he said. He wasn't too sure he really believed that, either. He shook his head, trying to stay awake long enough to finish the conversation. Satisfied, for the time being, though, Luther looked at his son. "Cooter, get Luke home before Jesse starts worryin'." Luke was surprised at how easily Luther had let it go, but felt sure that he better not let it happen again. What neither of the men knew was that Dixie had been listening from her window, and at Luke's pronouncement that she was "just a little girl," had to fight back tears. ~ ~ ~ Meanwhile, back at the farm, Daisy was cooking breakfast while Jesse talked to Beth....
  16. Beth and Daisy both stood up quickly upon hearing the engines of the various vehicles in their driveway. Beth held her hand protectively over her stomach as she looked out, hoping desperately that she'd spot Bo's broad shouldered frame. She heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing him and ran out into the yard, hand still in place protecting her unborn child. Jesse fussed as she ran, "Girl, you ought not be runnin' with that little 'un on the way! You're liable to fall!" But Beth's mind was on having Bo in her arms. She threw her arms around the broad shoulders, tears streaming down her face. "Bo, I was so worried about you, where have you been?" she bawled, holding on tightly. "Now, honey," Bo said. "You didn't think I wouldn't come back now, did ya?" Beth held on to him for just a moment, but the nonchalance with which he spoke got her dander up for some reason or another. "Beauregard Jackson Duke, I've been worried sick about you. Just worried plum sick, and you act like I'm silly. Where were you? Why didn't you let me know you were running late? What is the matter with you? Why don't you..." She was fighting mad now, beating her small fists against Bo's chest. Bo held her wrists in his hands, stopping her from hitting him, but his face was pained. "Honey, I woulda if I coulda, but... Well, dang it... I couldn't..." Beth looked up at him, tear streaks all over her now-red face. "Why not?" she asked, fire flashing in her blue eyes. Bo didn't quite know what to do at this point. But what he did know was that he couldn't let go of Beth's hands, and that telling her the exact reason for their being late would not be his best course of action. Unfortunately, Jeb didn't think of that so quickly and spouted off, "Cuz Big Ed Little slapped some fancy cuffs on us that we couldn't get off, and left us there."
  17. a very unhappy collection of men, and Dixie, who didn't look a bit worried that she was out so late. Jesse had his own opinions about exactly why that was, but time was of the essence if he wanted to get the boys home before Beth and Daisy started worrying. "Andy, just what in tarnation you got my boys still cuffed for. There ain't no shine in the car," Jesse said, feigning innocence. "Jesse, I ain't never seen cuffs like that," Roach replied, shaking his head. "Reckon Ed didn't want to lose 2 moonshine runners once he had 'em." Jesse shook his head, a Duke sense of justice burning. "Well, you best get 'em uncuffed, Andy."
  18. Luke started pacing, his jaw working. Bo was still pulling against the cuffs. His wrists were so sore from it, and he knew Beth would see red marks and ask what happened. Jeb was to tired to strain anymore, so he leaned against the car, fighting to stay awake. Jesse was still a long way from where they were, and the boys knew it was going to be a long night. "Beth's gonna kill me," Bo said, shaking his head. "She's just gonna kill me." Luke replied........
  19. Bo looked like he'd never been more relieved in his life. "Luke, am I ever glad to see you... Can't you figure out some kinda way to get us out of this mess?" "What's going on?" Luke asked, looking around in confusion. "Dang Sheriff Little," Bo replied. "He's the only policeman in the whole dang county that don't use standard cuffs." Luke was shocked. He'd never heard of that. He wasn't quite sure how to deal with it, either. "Bo, I ain't sure just yet, but let me figure it out." Bo strained against the cuffs again, and Jeb grimaced. Beth was NOT going to be thrilled with those red marks.
  20. Back at the farm, Beth was tossing and turning. She hadn't slept a wink. Never did when the boys were on a run. She rose from her bed and put on her robe, walking to the kitchen hoping to find some crackers or something to take her mind off of what was going on. She found Daisy sitting there, looking impatiently at the clock. If even Daisy was worried, Beth knew she should be. And that upset the poor girl to the point that she was fighting back tears. ~~~~ Jeb shifted uncomfortably. He knew that they weren't in trouble, but the cuffs still didn't make him feel good. Bo shook his head. "Big Ed Little WOULD be the lone Sheriff in the Tri-County area to NOT have standard cuffs. I've never even heard of this before." Jeb nodded. "I know... And I ain't too thrilled about it." Just then, Bo and Jeb heard the sound of an engine that sounded familiar. "Hey," Bo said to Jeb. "Don't that sound like Luther's wrecker?" Jeb nodded. "But we wouldn't be that lucky." Bo knew Jeb was probably right, but he sure hoped he was wrong. He shifted again, straining against the cuffs as if by some insane feat of strength he'd be able to break them. This time, Jeb didn't even bother stopping him.
  21. He shook his head. It was gonna be a long night. And he had a feeling that the new Mrs. Bo Duke would NOT be in the mood for the phone call she might have to get before this was over with. Bo, straining against the cuffs again, looked at Agent Roach, his eyes pleading with the man. The older Duke boy's voice raised in pitch. "Aww, Agent Roach, you can't leave us cuffed, you gotta get us outta this. Beth's gonna kill me already as it is." Agent Roach knew this as well as Bo did, and felt bad for the young man, but he wasn't sure what to do. "I sure do wish I could help, Bo..." "Miz Little?" he said back into the radio. "Could you have the Sheriff call me as soon as he runs out of shot?" Mrs. Little replied, "I'll do what I can, Andy, but you know how Ed is." Agent Roach nodded. He did indeed know, and so did the rest of the men gathered here. "Thanks." He looked at the boys, shaking his head. "Fellas, I don't rightly know what to do." Bo, thinking about the time, wondered if there was a chance of getting Jesse here soon. He thought better of it and didn't ask, but Roach's mind went to the same place. "Reckon I should call your Uncle Jesse and let him know." "Nah," Bo answered, just short of too quickly. "No need to wake everybody with the phone ringin..."
  22. Bo looked at the agents, then Jeb, then back at the agents. "Umm... fellas..." He paused, not quite sure how to ask this question, given the situation. "I... I don't aim to rile y'all or nothin'... But bein' as how you didn't find no moonshine... Well, I reckon what I mean is... Could y'all take the handcuffs off us?" The agents looked at the two boys incredulously. "Um... Yep... Sorry, y'all," said one, shaking his head. The older of the two agents walked over to the boys, about to unlock their cuffs, when he audibly swore under his breath. "What?" asked an extremely nervous Bo. "Little took the keys for these cuffs!" he said. Bo looked at Jeb. This was going to be a LONG one.
  23. Bo nodded. He supposed that was true. All the shine was with Jesse. But that didn't make him feel any better about the cuffs he was in. Little was getting frustrated as he couldn't find anything in the car. Bo and Jeb were more than a little antsy, and Bo couldn't quit fidgeting and struggling against his cuffs. "Them cuffs're gonna leave red marks on your arms you won't wanna have to explain to your wife," Jeb said, watching his cousin. Bo.........
  24. Luckily, Jesse didn't encounter anymore interference on the way through, but he sure did hear alot of CB chatter. He knew that there was nothing for the boys to worry about, since his was the only car with shine. But still, the thought of ATF getting that close gave him the willies. ~ ~ ~ Jesse wasn't the only one with a bad case of the willies. All three of the Duke boys in their respective places and cars had that same old feeling making the hair on the back of their necks stand up. It was not a good feeling at all. ~Cue Dixie~
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