I just finished watching the Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning. And I have to say, I wasn't all that excited about it to start with - it's not one of those things that I was thinking I had to watch, but...I did, and I'm glad! It wasn't the Duke's as I knew them and loved them - as I still love them - but that's okay. I wouldn't want it to be exactly like the original only with a different cast. Yes, there were raunchy jokes, bad humor and I have to say it was borderline for what I would consider family. But as others have said, the cast did seem to come together better as "family" this time. They seemed to have a genuine chemistry - not as good as the original, but not as bad as the big screen movie. I really enjoyed this movie. It made some nods to the original series (the blowing up of the portalets, the way that they got Boss to confess at the end), without taking an episode word for word and remaking it. It was also updated for 2007 in some ways - but they weren't glaring. And I was thrilled to see the reappearance of the CB use - the movie had them using cell phones exclusively - and I hated that. Overall this was not a bad movie - not the original, but not bad. And I'm all for keeping the Dukes of Hazzard a "living" tv presence. I will likely be buying this one.